Deserving Sherlock

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John looked around him and Sherlock's hotel room. It was a mess. John's boxers hung from a curtain rod. His shirt and pants lay in opposite directions along with his socks and shoes.

"Good morning, husband," Sherlock said as he rolled over and took John in his arms.

John smiled as he thought of Sherlock's desperation to find a room the previous night. After making several inquiries in the local dialect, Sherlock finally found them a place to stay. John had looked at the outside of the hotel with misgivings. "Sherlock, this place doesn't look very sanitary or safe."

Sherlock frowned at John. "It's fine, now stop complaining."

By the time Sherlock wheeled John up to the check in counter his hands were shaking with need. The clerk ambled on until Sherlock grabbed him by the shirt front and thrust a credit card at him as he snapped, "Room key, NOW."

The clerk's eyes widened for a moment and then he handed over the key. When they got to the room, John had to open the door. Sherlock's hands weren't steady enough, after a few tries and much swearing Sherlock thrust the key into John's hands. "Here open it."

John laughed as Sherlock wheeled him into the room and began to undress. "Sherlock, you do realize that you left your credit card with the clerk. He's probably charging and downloading porn by now. Aren't you worried about identity theft?"

Sherlock was naked by this time. He fixed his eyes on John knelt down and sucked on John's lower lip. "No, I'm not worried. I gave him Mycroft's card."

John pulled his lip out of Sherlock's mouth as he said, "You are such a naughty boy, Sherlock."

A few moments later, John's garments lay strewn around the room in a type of clothing cyclone. John sighed as he remembered their love making sessions. Sherlock nibbled on John's ear lobe. "I deduce that you are thinking of last night, am I correct?"

John snuggled closer to Sherlock. "Yes, my beautiful, smart detective."


It was mid-morning before John and Sherlock began to focus on the case. Sherlock had managed to get his underwear and socks on, but nothing else. "I think Elsa and Laura are one and the same. I have arranged a meeting with an informant this afternoon. So, I'd better consider getting dressed."

John was already dressed as he sat in his chair. He grimaced as he shifted his weight. "John, are you alright?" Sherlock asked his eyes round and focused on John.

John chewed the inside of his mouth as he avoided Sherlock's gaze. "I'm fine."

Without a word Sherlock walked over to John and rummaged through his jacket pocket. He sucked in a long breath as he held up a near empty bottle. "John, your pain meds are almost gone. Didn't you just refill this?"

John wheeled over and snatched the bottle out of Sherlock's hand. "I'm fine. I'm the Doctor, remember?"

Sherlock nodded as he pursed his lips. "Just the same, maybe you should wait here."

John looked around him and shivered. "Leave me alone here in the Bates Motel, I don't think so."

Sherlock frowned. "John, I don't think the name of this place is the Bates Motel."

John sighed. "The Bates Motel is from the movie, 'Psycho.'"

Sherlock cocked his head to the side like a puppy as he looked over at John. "John, I have no idea what you're talking about and just for your information I am a high functioning sociopath not a psychopath."

John was laughing uncontrollably by this time. "'Psycho' is a movie by Alfred Hitchcock."

"Hitchcock? You keep bring up Hitchcock. Could it be that you are thinking of something else?" Sherlock asked as he moved towards John.

John stopped laughing. His pulse started to race as Sherlock stood in front of him. "What time is the meeting, Sherlock?" John asked emphasizing the letter "k".

Sherlock grinned. 'We've got plenty of time."

John's face flushed. "Sherlock, it takes forever to get me dressed again and..." John's sentence was cut short as Sherlock stuck his tongue in John's ear. "Let me worry about that," Sherlock purred as he wheeled John's chair closer to the bed. Though Sherlock could have picked up John and carried him to the bed, he let John struggle a little. After a few attempts John was level with the bed. Sherlock crawled across the covers and gently pulled John up and out of the chair. Sherlock then kissed John as he whispered. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

John placed his hand on Sherlock's chest as he talked. For Sherlock's deep voice made his chest rumble like a purr. "My little pussy-cat," John said as he stroked the side of Sherlock's face.

"Meow," Sherlock said as he began to lick John's neck. "Is there some milk in here for me?" Sherlock asked in a high pitched voice as he tweaked John's nipple.

John giggled. "Maybe, there's only one way to find out."

John's giggles segued into moans as Sherlock explored. 

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