You Saved Me

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The day of the ceremony, John was so nervous that he felt as if he were going to be ill. Sherlock arrived right on time and as he helped John into his wheelchair and then bundled him into a cab, John’s head spun with the energy that Sherlock exuded with every move. “By God, he’s going to be difficult to keep up with,” John thought nervously as Sherlock fidgeted in the seat next to him. The cab had barely come to a stop in front of the magistrate’s office when Sherlock jumped out, paid the cabbie, came around bustled John into his wheelchair and off they went, so fast that John laughed for it felt as if he were a child again on a  tilt o whirl ride at the fair.

“Sherlock, slow down,” John laughed as the wheelchair careened wildly around another corner.

“Sorry, John, we’ve got to hurry, for I’ve…we’ve got a potential client coming to Baker Street and I want you and me to review the details of the case together before we take it.” Sherlock replied breathlessly as he wheeled John into a small office.

The ceremony was performed by a dour looking little man and John wondered what favor Sherlock had done for him to get a ceremony performed so quickly. John’s head jerked to attention when the magistrate asked in a monotone voice, “The rings please?”

John looked at Sherlock in a panic, “Oh my God, Sherlock, rings I didn’t even think of that.”

Sherlock winked at John as he pulled two rings out of his pocket and John was utterly amazed when his ring fit perfectly. “Sherlock, how did you know my ring size?”

Sherlock smiled smugly and replied. “I can look at any person and tell their ring size, their shoe size, their shirt size….etc,”  Sherlock’s voice trailed off as his face colored.

“How cute he’s embarrassed,” John thought as he looked down at the ground. After a few moments of silence John decided to give Sherlock a break and he changed the subject as he held his hand up to inspect his ring. “This is really quite lovely, Sherlock, thank you.”

Sherlock nodded happily and then frowned, “Well, they are lovely rings, but they don’t match. I hope you don’t mind…that they don’t match. I mean well I got them from Molly.”

John frowned and then said, “Molly? You mean Molly Hooper your friend that works at the morgue?”

Sherlock looked at John with pride at his deduction, “Yes, that’s right.”

John then looked at Sherlock dubiously and said, “Sherlock, did these rings come from one of Molly’s….”

Sherlock looked at John like a quizzical puppy and said innocently, “What? It’s not as if the owners were going to use them and they were just lying unused in a cabinet of unclaimed items.”

John smiled and said, “Well, I guess you’re right there is no sense in a lovely ring going to waste and as long as they were cleaned properly then no harm done. Sherlock, the rings have been cleaned haven’t they?”

Sherlock’s eyes widened and then he looked straight ahead and said. “Sure, I’m sure they were.”

John sighed, “Sherlock, you are so charming even when you lie.”

Sherlock was about to argue back and then changed his mind as he held up their marriage license, they both decided to keep their own last names for practical reasons and as John took the license in his hand he laughed. “It makes me feel that you’ve just picked up a dog from the shelter.”

Sherlock ruffled the top of John’s hair and said fondly, “Good boy.”

John laughed and grasped Sherlock’s hand and whispered, “I love you Sherlock, you saved me.”

Sherlock looked away and then stared back into John eyes, “No, John Hamish Watson, you saved me and will continue to do so every day for the rest of our lives.” Then Sherlock clapped his hands together and said, “Come on, enough of this emotionalism, the game is on and we have  a potential case to solve.”

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