An Accord with the Devil

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Hugh reached them first and helped Sherlock with John's unconscious body. "Sherlock, he doesn't look so good," Hugh said as he handed John over to Sherlock.

Sherlock held John against his chest and carried him to the nearest pool of water. With care Sherlock filled his canteen with the cool liquid and drizzled it over John's feverish skin. "Oh, how touching," Laura said as she squatted down beside Sherlock. "You know Sherlock I should be angry at you."

"For what?" Sherlock asked through tightened lips.

"For making me think that poor John had been assassinated by our darling Hugh, but no matter he doesn't look well does he, Sherlock?" Laura spat the last words out like bullets.

Their plan to take Laura down had failed. As if reading his mind Laura gestured to a group of Bedouins and barked orders to them in their native tongue. When one of them approached Sherlock and attempted to take John from him, Sherlock pulled out a gun. "Stop, Sherlock, let the Bedouin take him to a tent where he can be cared for properly." Laura ordered.

Sherlock nodded as he handed over his precious cargo. As the warmth from John's feverish body left his own, Sherlock shivered. He spared one glance over his shoulder towards the Bedouin's retreating figure and then turned his focus to the matter at hand. Once Laura was convinced that she had Sherlock's full attention she began to speak. "Now I have a proposition for you dear Sherlock. I will let Hugh go unharmed back to his hum drum life, if you help me find something."

Sherlock raised an eyebrow as he glanced over to where Hugh sat. "Why should I care what happens to Hugh?"

Laura laughed. "Ahh, Sherlock it's too bad your proclivities lay elsewhere, we would have made a wonderful team." She then fixed her bright eyes on Sherlock and continued on. "If you help me find what I seek I in turn will see that John is seen by the best surgeon in the world."

Sherlock smirked. "I have my own funds."

Laura smiled with an evil twitch to her lips. "The surgeon I speak of cannot be bought by money."

Sherlock dreaded the answer but he still asked anyway. "What does this brilliant surgeon take for payment?"

Laura blushed and then placed a cool hand on Sherlock's arm. "The surgeon I speak of is myself. I'm Doctor Elsa Strasburg. Go ahead Google me. I'm the best."

"At what?" Sherlock asked in spite.

Laura licked her lips as she slid closer to Sherlock. "At everything."

Sherlock knew without searching the internet that she spoke the truth. "What do you want from me?" Sherlock asked in a weary tone.

Laura smiled as she said, "I want you to help me find the jewel of Bastet."

Sherlock smirked, "You're mad. There's no such thing. Besides who do you think I am, Indiana Jones?"

Laura laughed. "Oh, Sherlock I just love that caustic wit of yours. So, do we have a deal?"

Sherlock sighed as he looked up at the brilliant stars above them. The beauty of their light seemed to mock him. He then looked over at the faint glow coming from inside the tent where John lay and then back at Laura's glittering pupils that reflected the illumination of the flames from the camp fire. Sherlock's heart felt heavy as he whispered, "Yes, we have an accord."

Laura reached out and grasped his hand like a venomous snake. "Don't cross me again, Sherlock or John will pay."

An Affair to Remember-Sherlock FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz