Black Orchid

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Sherlock was only listening to Lestrade, with half of his phenomenal attention span, “Something about cruise ship murders, blah, blah, blah, boring,” Sherlock thought as he continued to watch John-his distraction. John had just wheeled over to the window and was attempting to grab his laptop, the laptop was just out of reach and Sherlock inwardly gasped when John’s shirt crept up revealing a small area of white flesh just below his ribs. His groin reacted immediately, coiling up tightly at the glimpse of John’s skin. Sherlock shifted in his chair and was about to order everyone out of the room when Mrs. Hudson gently nudged his leg causing it to jerk and then hit the ground.

“Sherlock, this case sounds just right up your alley, doesn’t it dear?” Mrs. Hudson said firmly, jolting Sherlock’s attention back to Lestrade.

Sherlock swallowed as he forced himself to drag his gaze away from John’s wriggling bare toes. He then looked over at Lestrade and said in a bored monotone voice; only John heard the slight tremor that made his normally dulcet tone slightly off key, “Murders aboard the cruise line that I met John on? Sounds boring, but I guess it would be a chance to go away.”

Mrs. Hudson clapped her hands together and exclaimed, “Yes, like a honeymoon.”

Sherlock rolled his eyes and was about to verbally take Mrs. Hudson down a few pegs wrapped up in a sarcastic reply, when he noticed John as he moved his foot around in a suggestive circular motion. “God,” Sherlock thought as he just sat there transfixed by the motions that John was making.

Lestrade cleared his throat, “Well, thanks for taking the case, Sherlock; it’s for a close friend he wanted it handled discretely so I wanted the best, the best detective. Well, I’ll e mail you the details…” Lestrade waited for an acknowledgement from Sherlock and after a few moments of silence he cleared his throat again as he said, “Right, then I’ll see you later.”

After Lestrade left Mrs. Hudson puttered around the room endlessly chattering about how romantic cruise ships were until Sherlock couldn’t take any more, “Mrs. Hudson.”

She stopped and smiled at Sherlock, “Yes, dear?”

Sherlock turned in her direction and then snapped, “Get out.”

Once she was gone John looked over at Sherlock, “Sherlock that was awfully rude of you.”

Sherlock crooked his finger beckoning John to his side, John smiled and wheeled over, causing a physical pain in Sherlock’s chest as he noticed the effort it took to line his chair up in front of his own. John frowned when he saw Sherlock’s laptop pressed firmly against his middle.
“Sherlock, laptops give off radiation, you should really…”John’s voice trailed off when Sherlock lifted up the laptop revealing what was underneath. “Oh, I see,” John said wickedly as he reached for Sherlock’s waist.

“No, don’t,” Sherlock said as he twisted away from John’s grasp. “Just let me go to the bathroom and…”

“Sherlock, what is it?” John asked softly.

Sherlock’s face turned red and then he said in a childlike voice, “I’m already two steps ahead of you…I mean that…I just don’t want you to see…”

“Sssh,” John said as he undid the top button of Sherlock’s trousers.

“John, I’m just a little embarrassed,” Sherlock said miserably.

John nodded, “Sherlock, I know that took a lot for you to admit, but I’m a Doctor, remember? Sherlock, I’m your Doctor. Now hook your legs across each arm of the chair and scoot down a little.” John said as he reached forward to work Sherlock’s pants down. When John touched him Sherlock flinched making John pause in his ministrations, “Sherlock, are my hands too cold?” John asked softly.

“No,” Sherlock replied through clenched teeth.

John smiled enveloping Sherlock in the oceanic depths of his blue eyes as he kissed the shivering muscles of Sherlock’s stomach and as John’s cool lips moved downwards Sherlock entwined his fingers in John hair whimpering when the oral stimulation threatened to overwhelm him.

A few days later and Sherlock was pushing John up a wheelchair ramp to the ship, his eyes flashing angrily at anyone who attempted to ogle at them with pity or curiosity. Once they were in their state room Sherlock helped John into the double bed and then took him in his arms as they reviewed the facts of the case.

“Four murders and two disappearances on this cruise line, all different genders, all different ages, all different races, all different socio-economic backgrounds. The only thing they have in common is that a black orchid was sent to each of their staterooms shortly before they were murdered or had disappeared.” Sherlock mused aloud as he drummed his fingers on his laptop and then he stopped for this case did have similarities to another case that Sherlock had solved. “Could this be a copycat?” Sherlock thought as he looked down at John’s blonde hair fear clutching at his heart, for the case could be dangerous and,” John was helpless in that wretched chair,” Sherlock thought bitterly.

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