Play it Again, Sherlock

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John looked up at Sherlock and laughed. "So, we're going to explore Casablanca in search of a woman named Elsa. I just find it ironic, don't you?"

Sherlock looked confused. "John, whatever do you mean?"

"You know ironic as in..." John's voice trailed as Sherlock interrupted him.

"John, I know what ironic means. In point of fact it is ironic that..." It was Sherlock's turn to get interrupted by John.

"Sherlock, I'm talking about the movie, 'Casablanca' with Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart." Sherlock looked at John, his expression blank. John continued on. "You know, 'play it again Sam'."

Sherlock frowned. "John, I am beginning to think that perhaps that hit on the head did more damage than we initially thought."

John shook his head and looked up at Sherlock. "Are you telling me that you have never heard of the movie, 'Casablanca'?"

Sherlock lowered his face and rested his forehead on John's. "No."

John flushed as Sherlock's scent filled his nostrils. "Well, I can see that I am going to have to educate you on the classics."

Sherlock ignored the chaos of the passengers disembarking around them as he whispered. "Yes, Doctor."

John's eyes grew wide as Sherlock stood up and winked at him. Then he proceeded to push John down the gangplank. Though he was perfectly secure in the chair, Sherlock still laid a protective hand on John's shoulder. John reached up and squeezed Sherlock's hand. For a moment their fingers intertwined, encompassing them in their own moment. Then someone said, 'excuse me', and their moment faded away, swallowed up by the jostling bodies around them.

Sherlock bit on his lower lip as he maneuvered John's wheelchair through the crowd. He watched as most of the passengers headed towards the touristy section. "Which way should we go Sherlock?" John asked.

Sherlock looked towards a darkened street. "That way," he said as he turned John's chair around.

John grimaced. "Of course it is. We can't take the well-lit path. We have to take the dark sinister street. Well, here's looking at you, kid."

Sherlock frowned again. "John, stop babbling, you're wreaking havoc with my concentration."

"Oh really?" John said as he reached back and grabbed Sherlock's belt.

Sherlock stumbled forward. He then whispered into John's ear. "Stop it, or do you want me to jerk you off right here in the street?"

John was giggling by this time. "Yes, please." As Sherlock ran his hands down John's shirt, John stopped laughing. "Jesus, Sherlock we're going to get arrested, stop."

Sherlock straightened up and then sighed. "I'm disappointed in you John. I thought you were more adventurous."

John looked up at Sherlock with a wicked glint in his eye. "Just wait until tonight. When you walk into my gin joint you are going to be screaming for me to play it again."

Sherlock stared down at John wide eyed. "Okay, let's find a place now."

John laughed. "Sherlock, for someone who can act like a stick in the mud you are most spontaneous about things like this. Get a grip."

Sherlock fake pouted and then whispered in John's ear. "Fine, we'll go and get some mint tea and as for me getting a grip, I'm going to grip you so hard tonight that you will lose conciseness."

John looked up at Sherlock to see if he were joking. He wasn't. John smiled as the sun beat down upon them. He then leaned back, resting his head on Sherlock's arm. Sherlock hesitated and then stroked John's hair. John shivered from the touch and from the lengthening cool shadows that were starting to advance on the sun's rays.

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