The Shell Game

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Sherlock paced around the cabin like a caged animal. "Sherlock, stop you are starting to make me sea sick," John said as he wheeled his chair into Sherlock's path.

Sherlock was about to snap at John. Then he looked down at John's smiling face and he became transfixed. Sherlock reached out towards John. John reached up and took Sherlock's fingers in his hand and brought them to his lips. "John, you undo me. You have since I first set eyes on you."

"I love you too," John said as he squeezed Sherlock's long fingers. "Now, what can I do to help you concentrate?"

Sherlock grinned at John. "I can think of several, but none of them would help me concentrate."

John put his hands behind his head. "What is troubling you about Laura and Elsa? What are the similarities between them?"

"John you're a genius. That's it," Sherlock said as he rushed to get his coat.

"What, what is it?" John asked in confusion as Sherlock rushed around the room like a hurricane.

"John, don't you see Elsa and Laura are one and the same." Sherlock said as he clapped his hands together.

"But why would she do that? What is she after?" John whispered aloud.

Sherlock stopped just before the door. "You, John, you have been the target the whole time."

John frowned. "Why would I be a target? I am a cripple. I have no money."

"John, don't refer to yourself as a cripple," Sherlock snapped aloud. "You are the target because someone wants to get to me through you."

John rubbed his jaw. "Well, that makes sense. A man like you is bound to make enemies."

All of Sherlock's attention was focused on John, now. "John, it would destroy me if something were to befall you."

John's breath caught in his throat. He felt dizzy whenever Sherlock looked at him like that.

"John, where is our next port of call?" Sherlock asked not breaking his gaze as it bored into John's eyes.

John thought for a moment. Then he smiled. "Umm, you're not going to believe it."

"John, don't toy with me. Where are we headed?" Sherlock asked in a low voice.

John raised an eyebrow. "Casablanca, that's our next port of call."

"Casablanca, of course I should I have thought of it sooner," Sherlock whispered.

"Thought of what?" John asked. He was starting to get exhausted just watching Sherlock's energetic moves.

"Casablanca, John, the game's afoot. Now get ready for we are going to catch our quarry Come on let's make haste," Sherlock said as he bounded over to John.

John smiled up into Sherlock's bright eyes. "My darling. My dearest Sherlock, what will you do when I am no longer with you?" He thought to himself.

"John, what is it?" Sherlock asked in concern.

John's eyes filled with tears as he felt for the bottle of pain killers in his pocket. "Nothing, I'm fine."

Though Sherlock knew John was not telling the truth, he didn't pursue it. He let the nagging doubt slide, so that he could concentrate on the case at hand.

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