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Sherlock and John avoided each other aboard ship to prevent gossip; however it soon became apparent that their efforts were futile. For that evening all heads turned as John walked to a single table in the ship’s dining room in his dinner tuxedo, like an audience during a tennis match all the diners then swiveled their heads around to watch Sherlock’s reaction to his entrance. Sherlock’s breath caught in his throat as the head waiter showed John to a booth that was back to back against Sherlock’s. Sherlock scooted back against the booth as John sat down, “You look magnificent tonight.”

John’s heart was pounding so hard, he felt sure that every person aboard the ship could hear it. “You look marvelous as well,” John answered. “What do you recommend on the menu tonight?”

Sherlock held up his menu and whispered, “Avoid the chicken, stick to the fish.”

The room full of diners could contain themselves no longer, as they all started to laugh. Sherlock smirked, “John, we aren’t fooling anyone, come over here and join me.”

John’s face flushed slightly as he joined Sherlock in his booth.  Sherlock stared at John for so long that John felt as if he were going to faint. “Suddenly, I don’t feel hungry anymore, let’s go for a stroll.” John said as his fingers lightly touched Sherlock’s arm.  The heat from John’s touch penetrated through his suit and Sherlock shivered from the effect. Unsteadily, he got to his feet and offered John his arm and then John got up smiled and took Sherlock’s arm with pride. Once they were on the deck John felt jittery as the cold air hit his sweaty body. Sherlock reached out to pull John into his arm and then pulled back shyly. “John, you seem cold. I can hear the dance music starting. Would you…you dance with me?” Sherlock whispered, as he held out his arms.

John nodded and as Sherlock’s arm encircled his waist, John had never felt so safe and so vulnerable at the same time. “God, this is heaven,” John thought as Sherlock nuzzled his neck and even after the music stopped they both swayed in each other’s arms until a child’s voice calling for help drew them apart.

“Help, Help, I’m stuck,” the boy cried out as Sherlock and John approached him. Sherlock was the first to reach him, but had no luck disentangling him as he pulled on his legs.

John laughed, “You’ve got him upside down, Dad, here let me,” John said as he gently disentangled the boy and set him upright.

“Hey, the boy said, “Aren’t you Sherlock Holmes and John Watson?”

Sherlock and John looked at each other and answered in unison, “Yes.”

The boy looked up at them both and giggled, “Everybody on board is talking about you two.”

John looked grave and bent down to the boy’s level, “And just what is everyone saying?”

“They stop talking every time I enter the room, I don’t get it,” the boy said and shrugged.

Sherlock and John chuckled, as the boy held out his arms to John, “Give me a piggy back ride,” he begged.

John pretended to put out and said, “Alright, just this once.” The boy wrapped his arms around John’s neck and off they went. Sherlock lit a cigarette as he watched them leave, “God, I envy that child right now,” Sherlock thought as he inhaled deeply.

A few moments later John returned, slightly out of breath, Sherlock didn’t say a word, as he continued to smoke, for he couldn’t remember when he had last felt this overwhelmed, in fact he could never remember being this overwhelmed. John looked flustered as well, as he ran his hands through his hair. “What the heck?” John said aloud as his hands caught at something sticky.

Sherlock threw his cigarette down and walked over to where John stood, “Here let me take a look.” Sherlock said as he sifted through John’s hair, “It appears that the little bugger put a massive wad of gum in your hair.”

“Bloody hell, how am I going to get it out,” John cursed.

Sherlock laughed, “I have a pair of barber’s scissors in my cabin. Come on.”

As they walked back to Sherlock’s cabin, John felt an increasing amount of nervousness building up in his stomach, so that by the time they reached the door, John felt as if he was going to be sick. Sherlock smiled back at John in the semi-darkness and motioned for John to come in. John hesitated at the doorway. “Don’t worry I don’t bite,” Sherlock said as he pulled out a chair for John to sit in. John smiled back and sat in the chair obediently.

“I’m just going to get the scissors. Oh and if you don’t mind scoot the chair up to the writing desk there is more light there.” Sherlock said as he whisked out of the room. John put his arms on the desk and placed his head face down to rest on them. After a few moments Sherlock came back and approached John. “John, I’m going to have to cut some of your hair to get the gum out. Is that okay?”

John looked sideways up at Sherlock and said, “That’s fine.”

Sherlock put his cool hand on John’s warm neck and then began to snip at the gum embedded in his hair. John felt chill bumps run up and down his arms as Sherlock guided the blade along his scalp. After he had cut most of the gum out Sherlock ran his fingers through the short tuffs of John’s hair and massaged his neck. After a few moments Sherlock reluctantly pulled his hands away before things got out of control. “I think I got most of it,” Sherlock said as his voice cracked.

John stood up and faced Sherlock, “Thank you,” he whispered, as Sherlock took his hand and kissed it. John looked up at him; his lips slightly parted beckoning to Sherlock. “Jesus,” Sherlock thought and pulled John into his arms and began to kiss him. After a few moments of such intense pleasure that Sherlock could never hope to repeat it; he pulled away from John. “You’d better leave now, unless you want to stay,” Sherlock said huskily as he encircled his arms around John’s waist.

“I’d better not, I need to think and I won’t be able to do that if I stay, but let’s not waste any time. We only have a few days left of the cruise and let’s spend every moment together and then we’ll come up with a long term plan.” John said. His blue eyes sparkled as he gave Sherlock a chaste good-night kiss. “Tomorrow,” John whispered.

“Tomorrow,” Sherlock whispered.

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