A Petra Promise

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A slight whizzing sound to his left made Sherlock turn as he drew his knife and took a protective stance in front of John. A voice spoke out with chilling familiarity. "Put the knife down. Don't you know a rescue when you see one, brother mine?"

Sherlock grimaced as Mycroft's face came into view. "This could hardly be called a rescue since none of us knew the camp would be attacked."

Mycroft smiled at Sherlock as if he were a child. "Oh, Sherlock you are so naïve."

Sherlock whipped around to look at Laura. "Did you know about the destruction of the camp?"

Laura looked at Sherlock with wide eyed innocence. "No, of course not. I had some expensive equipment back there."

John shifted in the saddle. "Not to mention all the men under your employ at the site."

Laura shrugged. "They knew the risks when they took on the job."

John shook his head in disgust as Sherlock laid at hand on his thigh. "John, it's alright I'm sure that Laura didn't know of the camp's destruction."

Mycroft snorted, "Really Sherlock, don't be such a child. Use logic. Think it through. Laura knows about a lot of things before they happen. Like accidents, especially car accidents."

Sherlock's eyes widened as he said, "What do you mean, car accidents?"

Mycroft didn't reply as scores of men in black propelled down the canyon walls like spiders. The men were armed with semi-automatics and Mycroft motioned for the party to proceed forward so that the helicopters could land.

"Wait tell them to hold off," Sherlock ordered as he held up his hands.

Mycroft nodded to the commander. "What is it, Sherlock?"

Sherlock looked up at John said something to the Bedouin holding the reins and then propelled himself behind John on the horse. He then looked down at Mycroft and said, "I'm keeping a promise. Something you know nothing about, brother mine."

Mycroft winced at the cutting words and remained silent as John and Sherlock rode off on the horse.

"Sherlock, where are we going?" John asked as Sherlock bounced against his back.

Sherlock grinned when he noticed the shiver that passed through John's body as Sherlock inched closer. By the time the horse stopped the cool of the desert night had been set aflame by Sherlock's arousal. Sherlock slipped off the horse, spread his coat on the ground and then held out his arms for John. John slid out of Sherlock's grasp hitting the sand with a soft thump.

"Are you okay?" Sherlock asked as he smoothed a fine, sliver of John's hair from his face.

John nodded and then gave Sherlock a puzzled look. "So, um Sherlock, what exactly are we doing?"

Sherlock stared at John with an impure look. "Doctor, I promised you Petra by moonlight and you're going to get it."

John licked his lips with just the tip of his tongue. It was a gesture that never failed to undo Sherlock. "So, we've left Mycroft and a troop of mercenaries somewhere back there and now we're going to make love in the desert?"

Sherlock never broke eye contact as he said, "A promise is a promise, John. My technique will be somewhat hurried but I assure you it will have the same results."

Without another word Sherlock's deft hands found their intended target in the folds of John's robe. John's body trembled as he looked up at the full moon and the stars above them. "Well, if we've got to go, we've got to go," John said as he leaned back against Sherlock.

Sherlock pushed him forward with a gentle motion. "Not yet, John." John frowned but let Sherlock complete his motions. When they were both bare below the waist Sherlock pulled John back and then smiled as he guided John's body into his lap.

John gasped and whispered, "Sherlock, Jesus what the hell? Do know everything?"

Sherlock chuckled as his hands encircled John's waist and then moved downwards. "John, no one person could know everything. I specialize. I took measurements and observed just so that I could see a certain look on your face."

"What look?" John asked as he twisted his head around to watch the reflection of the moon in Sherlock's eyes

Sherlock swiveled his hips forward, making John's head snap back to rest on his shoulder. "That look," Sherlock said as he looked into John's glazed eyes.

Sherlock's hands and body sculpted itself to become one with John's as they both howled like jackals.

Mycroft stared after Sherlock's retreating horse in annoyance. "What are you up to, little brother?" He whispered as he led their party forward.

They had only gone a short way when Laura stopped her horse. "What is that howling noise?"

Mycroft listened for a moment or two and then grimaced. "It sounds like two jackals."

Laura raised an eyebrow as she said, "They must be mating."

Mycroft's cheeks felt tight as he smiled and replied. "Hmm, yes it appears so." He looked through his infra-red goggles and then let them drop as he said, "Dear god in heaven give me patience."

Laura looked at him in question but Mycroft didn't reply as he motioned the party forward.

Sherlock placed his wet cheek on the back of John's sweat drenched neck as he gasped out. "God how I love you, John."

John grinned up at Sherlock as he took off the scarf from around his neck and began to wipe John clean, pausing at each place, and kissing John's lips. Sherlock had just got them both dressed again when Mycroft's party joined them. Making no explanation whatsoever Sherlock lifted John on to the back of the horse, tied the soiled scarf around his neck, as he smelled every inch of it. Then he winked up at John as he slipped up behind him on the horse.

John leaned back, cupped his mouth and whispered, "Do you think they all know?"

Sherlock chuckled, making his chest rumble. "They'd have to be bloody idiots not to."

Mycroft gave Sherlock scurrilous look as he said, "The helicopters will be landing soon."

Sherlock returned an innocent look at Mycroft as he replied, "Right, the game is on to find the statue."

Mycroft glanced over at Laura and then sighed, "If you had remained with the rest of the party you would have heard that it isn't the statue that is valuable it is what's inside."

Sherlock winked at John as he said, "Yes, I have proven on many occasions that what's inside is of utmost importance."

John groaned, "Oh, Sherlock."

Sherlock looked at Mycroft and then back at John as he said, "Yes, my point precisely."


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