Insane Memories

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Sherlock held John's naked body in his arms, inhaling his scent. "Sherlock, that tickles," John laughed as Sherlock sniffed his neck.

"Perhaps, I should bite you instead," Sherlock purred in a low voice.

John bared his neck and Sherlock almost fainted when John allowed him to nip a bit of white skin beneath his chin. "Keep it up, Doctor and we shall miss lunch as well as dinner."

John moved his legs apart, giving Sherlock easy access. "I'm not hungry for that kind of food, but I will be by dinner time."

Sherlock moved his long fingers beneath John's pelvic bones. "That is a given dear Doctor. Are you going to scream?"

John laughed and then grunted when Sherlock's tongue found a sensitive spot. "We're both going to scream."

Sherlock's eyes widened as John's short, stubby fingers found their target. "Surprised? Why Sherlock you see but do not observe. I am a Doctor and I know exactly what to do with my hands."

Sherlock pressed down into the pressure John's fingers were applying and sighed. "Yes, you do Doctor Watson."


Mrs. Hudson smiled as she placed a dinner plate in front of John and Sherlock in turn. "Now, I am only cooking you both dinner because of your long journey. So, don't expect this treatment every evening."

"No of course not," John and Sherlock echoed back.

Mrs. Hudson patted them both on the head. "Oh and boys perhaps you should think of sound proofing that room a bit."

John flushed and Sherlock looked bored. "Whatever for, Mrs. Hudson?"

Mrs. Hudson wrinkled her nose. "Well, the noise and carrying on. It was so loud I couldn't hear the telly."

Sherlock took a bite of baked potato and said with his mouth stuffed full. "Turn the volume up next time, or get ear phones."

Mrs. Hudson raised an eyebrow. "I did have ear phones on."

John laughed and with that sound Sherlock's world was complete.


A few hours later and Mycroft, Laura, Sherlock and John were all in a limo speeding towards their destination-Irene Alder.

The limo slowed and Sherlock looked out the window. Fog swirled around the vehicle as it inched its way forward like a ship coming into harbor. Harbor but not safe harbor. As they filed out of the limo Sherlock looked around him. He helped John disembark from one wheeled form of transportation to another-his wheelchair.

"Where the hell is she?" John asked aloud. When no one answered him he continued on. "At least she could do is show up on time. It's cold and damp."

Sherlock put a hand on John's tense shoulder, feeling the muscles relax as his fingers reached the tense areas. "She's not late, John. She's here."

John squinted and was about to snap back at Sherlock when a woman emerged from the mist. She wore a long black coat similar to Sherlock's. It appeared to be made of silk and John watched mesmerized as its soft folds ebbed and flowed through the night air currents. Irene moved closer, gave Sherlock a peck on the cheek and kneeled down on eye level with John. She traced his lips with her fingers. "I can see what you mean about him, Laura. He is a delicious tidbit. I prefer the company of women, but I could make an exception in your case. You're adorable." She then racked a nail along a sensitive spot on John's chest. "Oooh, very responsive. You are a lucky boy, Sherlock."

Mycroft sighed. "Can we just get down to business?"

Irene appeared to pout. "Mycroft you're such an old fuddy duddy. Laura wouldn't they all three make such wonderful pets? Sherlock and Mycroft could pull John around in a little cart. We could share them between us." She stood up and winked at John. "Let's go inside."

An old cement building stood in front of them, peeling paint ran down its walls like fossilized tears and John shivered. For it seemed as if the building shimmered in anticipation of their arrival. It's black carnivorous windows hungry for their presence.

"Sherlock, do you remember this place?" Irene asked.

Mycroft paled as he looked over at Sherlock. "Irene this is not acceptable."

Irene laughed. "Let's take a trip down memory lane."

Mycroft grabbed her arm. "We agreed to meet you but not in there."

Sherlock materialized beside Mycroft. "It's fine, Mycroft. All of that was ages ago."

"All of what?" John asked.

Sherlock looked down at John, his eyes boring into John's open expression. "I've been here before. This place was a mental hospital for children and adolescents. Perhaps, you've heard of it. The place was called The Thames Hospital for Children."

"Jesus," John whispered, "that place was a hell hole of abuse and sadistic experiments."

Sherlock leaned his head against John's and whispered, "Yes, it was." Then without another word he pushed John's chair in the direction of evil.

As the wheels from John's chair rolled over the gravel drive, Sherlock thought that the sound reminded him of the sound of bones being crushed. A soft snap, then shatter, broken-gone. John leaned his head back against Sherlock's thigh. Sherlock smiled as a familiar warmth spread throughout his body.

Once inside the place, Sherlock struggled to remain calm. Breathing exercises are fucking useless when all one can think of is pain and torture.

"Sherlock are you alright?" John asked.

"Just thinking that Depok Chakra is full crap is all," Sherlock replied playing with the small hairs on John's neck.

Irene was in her element. Sherlock looked pale and weak. "The place looks a little run down; don't you think?"

Before anyone could react Mycroft pulled a glock from his jacket and held it to Irene's temple. "Stop with the mind games, now!"

Irene made a clucking noise with her tongue as she smiled at Mycroft. "So, you do care for your little brother."

Mycroft fixed his blue eyes on Irene as he whispered through clenched teeth. "I've always been there for him and I always will. Now show us what you know about the key or I will splatter your brains against the back of the wall and let brother mine solve the mystery without your assistance."

Irene pouted as she pulled out her phone. "Spoiled sport."

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