Come Home to Baker Street

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“John, you did hear me didn’t you?” Sherlock asked again as he paced around the room once more.

John nodded and then looked down at the ground, “Sherlock, I can’t marry you. I mean how do you expect to keep up with your active lifestyle toting a cripple around?”

Sherlock stopped and looked at John as if he had spoken in Mandarin (No, that’s not right for Sherlock speaks all languages), in an unknown language. “John, not to worry I will ring Mrs. Hudson, my I mean our landlady, so that she can get me the name of a contractor that can make the flat accessible for …for you. I’ve got it all worked out, so not to worry.” Sherlock said as he clapped his hands together, refusing to accept defeat.

“Sherlock, I haven’t said yes yet,” John replied softly as he tried to track Sherlock’s movements.

Sherlock stopped and looked at John quizzically, “John, we both know you will say yes, so I am just saving us both some time.”

John laughed. “Sherlock, you are so arrogant, I should find it annoying, but somehow it suits you. Seriously, Sherlock, being caretaker for a partially paralyzed person is a lot of work, and I just don’t see how…” John’s voice trailed off for Sherlock was across the room in an instant, making John blink at the almost supernatural speed at which Sherlock ended up by his side. Sherlock stared at John’s thin lips obsessively for a few moments as he took in every detail, the way they rested, the top portion slightly over bottom ,the way John sucked the lower corner of his lip in just enough to detract  but not diminish its size.  Slowly, he leaned forward and kissed John lightly on the lips.

John closed his eyes, as he waited for the all-consuming kisses that Sherlock had bestowed upon him  while they were at sea, and was disappointed when there was only one gentle kiss. “Well, that was not like the kisses you gave me when we traveled last.” John said jokingly in an effort to hide the rejection he felt by such a platonic kiss.

Sherlock didn’t miss the underlying nuance of John’s tone so he leaned in closer, as his eyes bored into John’s. “John, if you think I don’t find you desirable, then you are sadly mistaken, for as we speak I find it difficult not to lose myself in…in…you. Well, I suppose it would be easier to show you, wouldn’t it?” Sherlock said as he gently tilted John’s face towards his letting his full lips linger on John’s cheek, then he inhaled  shakily, pressed his full lips against John’s, the kiss was gentle at first but increased in intensity when John’s mouth returned his passion. After a few moments Sherlock pulled away, wrestled out of his jacket, threw it to the ground and resumed his kiss with John. After a few moments of the most intense pleasure Sherlock had known he reluctantly pulled himself from John’s arms and stood up. “John,” he muttered hoarsely. “John, I’m in the middle of a case and I have an art show coming up, so I have to keep focused, but know this I want you to marry me and I want to spend the rest of our lives together. I’ve been waiting for you so long, so John marry me and come home to 221b Baker Street.” 

John was still recovering from Sherlock’s kiss as he struggled to breathe normally, “Yes, Sherlock I will marry you.”

Sherlock winked and then jauntily strutted around the room, “How does day after tomorrow sound?”

John’s head was still spinning from the turn of events that evening, “Sherlock, how could we possibly get a civil union ceremony performed so quickly?”

Sherlock stopped strutting and smiled at John, “I’m Sherlock Holmes, and everyone in this city owes me a favor.”

John laughed, “Even the Queen?”

“Especially the Queen,” Sherlock smirked.

“Sherlock,” John began softly, “Do you want to…to spend the night?”

Sherlock stopped and took a deep breath, “I will spend Christmas Eve with you, but John I am well I mean it’s just that I don’t...I mean I want to spend the night, but first things first, let’s get married.”

“Sherlock, are you telling me that you are old fashioned?” John asked.

Sherlock’s cheeks flushed as he stammered, “Yes, I think so…”

John held up a hand, “It’s okay Sherlock, all the other stuff will work itself out.”

Sherlock awkwardly backed out of the main room went into the kitchen and when he opened the small refrigerator he gasped for there was nothing in it. “John, your ice box is empty.”

Sherlock peeked around the corner and John looked down, “Sherlock, my land lady does the shopping for me and well I’ve already eaten so no need to worry.”

Sherlock strode across the room, stood next to John just as John’s stomach growled like a fierce beast. “John, don’t lie to me. When was the last time you ate?”

“Yesterday,” John whispered.

Sherlock looked lost for a moment and then he smiled, “Fine, we’ll order in. John, I’m going to take care of you, I’m going to take care of us both.”

John looked up into Sherlock’s eyes, his hero, the love of his life and though Sherlock gazed at him in adoration, he also looked afraid for Sherlock had never had to care for another person and though the idea intrigued him it also scared him, for what if the worst happened? What if he became bored? What if he failed?

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