An Affair to Remember

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Sherlock waited, and waited and waited. The surgery is taking way too long. I wonder if something went wrong. John...

John opened his eyes. He was lying down. Lights flew past him. I'm being wheeled out of surgery. Did it go well? Will I be able to walk?

"Doctor Watson, can you hear me? The surgery went fine."

John smiled and closed his eyes.

Sherlock was so pent up with nervous energy that all he could do was pace. A crying baby caught his attention and he stopped, glared at it, then resumed his pacing.

"Is there a Sherlock Holmes here?"

Sherlock flew over to the woman's side, wondering where Laura was. He stood before the woman, then licked his lips. "I'm Sherlock Holmes."

The woman nodded. "The surgery went very well, Mister Holmes. You can go in and see him now, but he is still a bit groggy. Follow me please."

Sherlock ground his teeth. Why is she walking so slow? I've seen garden snails move faster. Move woman, move. Okay, so I haven't seen a garden snail move faster.

When she stopped, Sherlock almost ran into her. "He's in here, but you can only stay a few minutes."

Sherlock opened his mouth to berate her, telling her he would leave when he pleased, but then he stopped and much to his surprise said, "Thank you." John Watson, you are making me soft, taking off my edge. Then he entered the room where John lay and smiled. John returned his smile and if someone would have asked him at that very moment what heavenly body the earth revolved around, he would have to answer, John, John Hamish Watson.

Two Weeks Later

Sherlock looked down at John while he wheeled him out of the hospital to the curb, where their cab waited. He helped him out of the wheel chair and into the cab with one swift move, kicking the wheel chair out of the way.

"Sherlock, you just put that wheel chair in the path of an oncoming auto."

Sherlock leaned over and made sure John was comfortable before he answered. "Who cares? We are finally free of that thing."

John looked out the window at the chaos the careening wheel chair had caused. "You mean I'm finally free of the thing."

Sherlock took his hand, commanding attention. "No, John, I mean we."

Sherlock's beauty took John's breath away every time, but never so much as when he showed his emotional side. "Of course, what happens to you happens to me. It's just the two of us against the world."

"Okay, it's just the two of you against the world. Where to?" the cabbie growled.

Sherlock leaned forward, still holding John's hand and said, "221B Baker Street and make it quick."

John smiled, then frowned. "What do you think Laura is going to do with the cipher?" he whispered.

Sherlock shrugged. "Who cares? Maybe she'll sell it to the Russians, or maybe she'll keep it."

"Sherlock, how can you take this so lightly?"

Sherlock smirked. "Because I am already on a case."

"Oh really, you chose a case without me?"

Sherlock's eyes fixated on John. "No, you are my next case John Watson. Once you are finished with physical therapy we are going to take another cruise and do you know what we're going to do?"

John flushed. "I've got a general idea."

Sherlock scooted closer, putting his hand in the waistband of John's trousers. "Oh, yes my dear Doctor, we are going to do plenty of that but we are also going to dance. We will take the dance floor by storm, you and I."

John nodded. "And umm, you'll let me lead?"

"Hell, no, I'm the better dancer. It will look much better if I lead."

"Are you saying I'm a lousy dancer?"

"No, but you're not as good as I am."

John laughed, a sound that Sherlock was sure would travel through the universe on an infinite wave. John, my love, my life, my sun, my affair to remember forever.

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