Only a Fool Argues with His Doctor

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"The woman," Sherlock whispered as he stared past John and Mycroft.

"Well, who is she?" John asked, trying not to sound like a jealous cat.

Mycroft chuckled at their discomfiture. "Irene Alder is the woman who beat Sherlock."

Sherlock's lips trembled as he glared at Mycroft. "The past is the past, brother dear. What does she want?"

Mycroft smiled, his lips drawing into a thin straight line. "She wants you, Sherlock." He paused a moment for emphasis and then continued on. "She wants you on the case, Sherlock."

Sherlock avoided John's concerned glance. He then put his fingers together and took a deep breath. "So, where does Laura fit into all this?"

Laura took a long drag on her cigarette before she answered, "We were"

"Partners?" Sherlock asked.

Laura fixed her gaze on Sherlock as she answered, "Yes, in every sense of the word."

Sherlock thought for a moment, then took another deep breath and nodded. "Ah, I see. So, it's revenge she's after?"

Laura smiled. "Sherlock, you are so transparent. Irene and I were never exclusive. Our tastes are too varied. After all, haven't I told you a million times how scrumptious John is?"

Mycroft rolled his eyes. "Oh, for God's sake stop this whatever it is."

Laura chuckled as she made a pouting downward motion with her lips. "Oh, poor little Mycroft, are you feeling ignored?"

Mycroft's face turned scarlet. "Stop this instant or I will jettison you over the ocean."

Laura sighed. "Oh, well fine. Irene wanted my help to find this key. We still have an open relationship so I agreed. When things became difficult, Irene suggested that I solicit the great Sherlock Holmes for assistance. Which through a few meticulously timed events is exactly what I did."

Sherlock leaned forward in his seat. "What exactly do you mean by a few meticulously timed events?"

Laura smiled. "All in good time, my pet. Irene as you know is very persuasive. She needs protection and has decided to buy it at my expense." Laura looked pensive for a moment or two and then patted Sherlock on the knee. "Don't you worry my pet. As soon as the key is turned over to Irene my secret will be safe and then I will operate on John. "She then got up and walked across the plane to where John sat. Laura gave Sherlock a pointed look and then kissed John. She devoured his lower lip and then released it with a wet plopping sound.

"Oh, Sherlock are you sure you won't share? He's so delicious. I could eat him up in one sitting," Laura said as she jostled John's hair.

The muscles tightened in Sherlock's neck as he got up and grabbed Laura's arm. "Leave my husband alone."

Laura giggled as she looked over her shoulder at Mycroft. "Oh, he's so cute when he's protecting his mate. Isn't he big brother?"

Mycroft took in a deep breath as he ignored Laura and Sherlock's hateful looks at one another. He then got up making his way over to the cockpit of the plane. "There's an extra bonus in this for you if you make to London as quickly as possible. Break every FAA rule if you have to, just get us there," Mycroft snapped out loud enough for all the occupants of the plane to hear.

John fought to remain awake but soon gave up as the slight hum from the jet's engines and the opiate from his pain killers lulled him to sleep. He awoke to the light brush of Sherlock's fingers across his brow.

"John, wake up we've landed," Sherlock whispered as he looked around to make sure the others weren't looking. Then he smiled at John, bent down low and licked the dollop of drool alongside of his husband's cheek.

John blushed. "I'm starting to drool like an old poodle."

Sherlock had eyes for no one else as he looked into the face of the marvelous human being which sat before him. "John, I love the taste of you. I am fraught with anticipation at the thought of having you to myself back at Baker Street."

As they disembarked, Sherlock spotted a limo that hovered on the fringes of the private landing strip like an ocean predator. Mycroft went down to meet the black, long sleek vehicle while Sherlock wheeled John over where it sat waiting to whisk its inhabitants into its cavernous interior.

As the limo navigated its way through London traffic, they each made plans as to where they would stay.

"Why don't we all stay at my flat?" Laura offered.

"Mine is safer so we shall stay there," Mycroft said as he poured himself a scotch.

Sherlock sighed. "John will be much more comfortable at Baker Street so we shall be staying there."

A wicked look passed across Mycroft's features. "Well, I guess we could all bunk in with you and John at Baker Street."

Sherlock's eyes narrowed as he stared at Mycroft. "Baker Street is not set up for guests. Besides it will be much too noisy."

Mycroft not to be undone picked up Sherlock's verbal gauntlet. "Oh, really in what way?"

"In every conceivable way," Sherlock replied as his lips turned up in a victorious smile.

John couldn't hide a giggle as he looked away from Mycroft out the window. The rest of the drive remained shrouded in silence.

Once John and Sherlock were alone in the flat Sherlock sighed. "Well, alone at last. Shall I draw a bath for you? I'm sure you must be exhausted after our flight."

John watched Sherlock pace for a moment or two and then said, "No, I'm not really that tired."

Sherlock paused and peered into John's eyes. "Liar," he said as he ran his hand along John's cheek.

John caught Sherlock's hand in his own. "There is something else I am craving, even more than rest. In fact, I..."

Mrs. Hudson came breezing into the room and squealed when she set eyes upon Sherlock and John. "Oh, my boys are home would you like some tea and biscuits?"

"Sure, that would be lovely," John said as he smirked at Sherlock's outraged expression.

Sherlock could hear Mrs. Hudson clattering around in the kitchen. He followed her and put a gentle restraining hand on her arm. "No, tea, no biscuits," Sherlock said as he took the empty tea kettle out of her hand.

"But Sherlock, surely John and you are..."

"Mrs. Hudson, get out," Sherlock hissed. When he noticed the hurt expression on her face Sherlock cursed his own bluntness. "Mrs. Hudson, you are a treasure but John and I want to be alone."

Mrs. Hudson smiled and patted Sherlock on the arm. "Of course you do sweetie."

After they were alone, Sherlock became shy and flustered. "Well, let me get the ramp running for the chair and..."

"Sherlock, just carry me upstairs," John said as he stared at Sherlock beneath hooded lids.

Sherlock swallowed. "But I thought you didn't like to be carried. That it made you feel..."

"Sherlock, take me to bed," John ordered, his voice low, his eyes dilated.

Sherlock flushed as he whispered, "Oh course, for only a fool argues with his Doctor."

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