Chapter Twenty:

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"C'mon just trust me!" Harry repeated for the billionth time in the last five minutes, his smile nearly filling up his face.

Scarlett shook her head frantically, "No! You'll let me fall!"

A little girl snickered as she skated by and Harry laughed before turning his attention back to Scarlett, one of his eyebrows raised in question, "When have I ever dropped you?"

Scarlett mumbled under her breath, "Never."

His cold hand found hers and he leaned in a bit closer, "Trust me."

Without much remaining choice, Scarlett took his hand tentatively, still afraid of hitting the hard, frozen ice below.

"You better not let me fall..." She complained as he pulled her out from the corner gently and causing her to have a mini panic attack.

"Wouldn't dream of it sweetheart. Stop fighting me and relax!" He squeezed her hand gently.

Her feet were spreading farther in the opposite directions and she whined, "I can't! Harry I can't!"

Harry laughed again as her grip on his arm tightened and her feet frantically tried to balance, "Scarlett yes you can. Just calm down, relax, and trust me okay? You'll be fine I promise!"

"No, no, no I can't! Harry stop!"

Her increased panic only made it worse for her and more amusing for him as she clung to him desperately.

"Sweetheart, it's just like rollerblading. You can do it." Harry encouraged her in a sweet tone.

That seemed to only make it worse, "I've never done that before!"

He was laughing lightly at her with a huge dimpled grin, "Scarlett just stop and I'll teach you."

Scarlett pouted, "I told you this was a bad idea."

His hand found hers again, after prying them off of course, and he repeated himself, "Trust me."

Their eyes locked for what felt like hours, "Just watch what I do and I'll hold your hand when you try so you won't fall, okay?"

Scarlett nodded and remained still as he pulled away to demonstrate. If she moved she probably would have fallen flat on her bum in seconds. It didn't look too hard but she was terrible at this kind of thing so she was preparing for the worst.

Harry returned and flashed her another smile, "Your turn! Whenever you're ready." He squeezed her hand and she took a deep breath.

"You promise you won't let me fall?"

People were staring and, mostly, speeding by in fast movements that worried her even more.

Harry chuckled lowly, "Yes Scarlett, I promise."

Scarlett gripped his hand tighter as she attempted to copy his actions, wobbling very unstably and nearly pulling him down into the ice with her.

It wasn't long before she gave up and the moment that she did  he spoke in her ear rather smugly, "See, I told you I wouldn't let you fall now didn't I?"

Scarlett failed at holding back her smile and smacked his arm with her free hand, "Shut up!"

Harry smiled and leaned in to kiss her, his warm breath fanning her face, "I love yooouuu!"

I wish I wasn't slowly dying.

"I love you too!"

A wicked grin spread across his features suddenly, "Harry what are you-"

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