Chapter 31 ; Heartless

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Chapter 31;

Everything after the moment I realized she was gone turned into a blur. My body seemed to move in autopilot. Even though my heart was breaking in my chest there was no stopping the auto drive

my mind had switched on. My only fear at this point would be that I was too late. There is no way I could forgive myself if I let that happen. My father was heartless, he cared about money and his business over everything. I had always thought he was just driven but in the past year his true colors are now brighter than ever. The signs were there all along I am sure but denial can be a funny thing. He had crafted this character and did such a great job convincing me it was real. How stupid could I possibly be...? My tires squealed to a stop in front of my parent's home – pulling me from my thoughts. I didn't hesitate, or turn off the car, my feet hit the pavement at an unrecognizable pace. I barged into the house, screaming for my father. My mom appeared in the hallway, a confused and worried expression etched into her sweet face. I don't think she truly knew how evil and vial her husband was – she was such an angel. The only thing I can assume is that she too was in denial about the monster in our lives.

"Where is he!?" I hissed, her face dipped into a look I could only describe as disappointment. "I don't know, sweetheart, what is going on?" She begged as she cautiously moved towards me. She was slow and careful as if I were a wild animal that might hurt her. Honestly, if she's been married to my father she probably fears men. "He took her. Swear to me you don't know where he is!" My tone was dark and seemed to echo through the empty house like something evil.

It looks as though her heart shattered. "He didn't..." Her words were pleading but the look on her face – she knew the answer. "Mom, where is he?" I asked again, trying to control the anger that was churning in my stomach. She shook her head quickly. "I don't know...he left yesterday and said he was going away on business... I haven't heard from him... Liam you have to get to her before it is too late. Your father ..." Her words seemed to crumble under the weight of her thoughts. She was right, I had to hurry. Before she could say another word, I ran down the hallway towards my father's office. If there was any chance of me finding where he had taken her it would be in there.

Without any kind of hesitation, I began to tear apart his office. I started by going through the papers on top of his desk before I dove into the drawers, dumping all their contents onto the floor. There was no time to spare so I didn't care if I made it known that I had ransacked his office. If anything, I wanted him to know I was coming for him. There would be no mercy.

My eyes scanned over each paper, looking for hints or any kind of clue as to where she would be. A calm rushed through my body as I tried to pull open the last drawer and it wouldn't budge. "There she is..." I mumbled as I flipped the heavy desk onto its front and ripped the drawer from the desk. The wood splintered and popped as I yanked it free from the small lock. I dumped the contents onto the floor and fell to my knees as I flipped through a folder that had fallen to the carpet. In the folder were pictures of Sam and I, notes scribbled on pieces of paper, lists of our daily habits and places we would go and times. My stomach felt sick, he had been keeping tabs on us for awhile now. I flipped towards the back of the packet of papers and found notes about the night they took her. I skimmed over the page, my stomach burning with anger.

All of the details of how they planned on taking her and Lacy were now laid out in front of me. They took them from the library. Scooped them both up in the night like they wouldn't be missed. I quickly dialed Alex's phone as I grabbed the stack of papers and headed out the door. "Anything?" Alex franticly asked as soon as he picked up. I know he was just as worried as I was about the girls. "Yea...he took them last night.... Snatched them from the library parking lot." I tried my best to keep myself calm and collected but the closer I got to finding them the angrier I felt. They must be terrified, I can't even fathom what he is doing to them, which only made me want to move even faster.

I tossed the stack of papers onto the hood of my car, "He had been keeping tabs on all of us for awhile now..." I mumbled, skimming over the pages to try to find out where they were holding them. A photo instantly caught my eye, our first home. We had lived there when I was a kid, but honestly, I didn't even know my dad still owned the place. It was about thirty minutes outside of the city. Really, it was in the middle of nowhere, and I can see why he would keep it. It was the perfect place to do god knows what. "Got it, Alex." I hung up and sent him the address and instructions on what to do if he got there before me. We couldn't go in without some kind of plan because he would destroy us if we let our emotions get the better of us. No, we had to go in heartless if we planned on getting out alive and that's just what I planned on doing.

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