Chapter 29 ; (continued)

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Chapter 29 (PART TWO)

Once I was a few blocks away I finally slowed my pace back down to a casual walk. Even though I was able to get my breathing back to normal my heart was still racing in my chest, I knew part of it was the thrill. Sometimes I missed those bad decisions, the rush that seemed to pulse through me while doing it seemed to tug at a part of me that I had put to bed awhile ago. I hated to admit how good it felt. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Alex's number.

"You good?" Alex answered, his voice a bit rushed. I let out a small laugh, "Yeah I'm good, everything go smoothly?" I asked, turning off the main road and heading down and back alley. "Yeah, we are good, we just got to the storage unit, unloading now. We should be good to go in a few minutes. Where do I need to pick you up?" He asked, as I navigated through the dark alley behind the businesses that lined this side of the road. "I'll meet you at the corner of 5th and Washington, sound good?" He agreed and quickly got off the phone. Everything blurred together after that, the next thing I know I am climbing into Alex's car and speeding off towards the storage until.

Once we got there, I stood in silence as my eyes scanned over the excessive amount of goods we had just acquired. "Fuck..." I mumbled, even more surprised than before as I was able to really see how much we had been able to take. This was going to give us a few obstacles but nothing we couldn't handle. Now we needed to set up some deliveries and get this product out as quickly as possible. They were going to be coming for us and we had to wash our hands of the evidence before they caught up to us. We started to divide the product up, part of the product was going to Roman as payment. He would funnel it though his guys and make a shit ton of profit. It was the least I could do because there is no way I could have pulled that off without his help. Even more so now that we would have to clear all of this product and quick.

We shut off our phones and got to work. Roman took the car we used to get rid of it, the last thing we needed was for a car to lead them right to us. It was about 8:00AM when we loaded up into cars and all headed out to spread the product from Paradise to Escondido. The more scattered the less likely anyone to find any of the product to trace back to us. Although it would be pretty obvious who did it, the lack of evidence would create some interesting obstacles for my father. There was a bit of joy break through, the joy of royally fucking him over. I was living for it right now, it was all I could think about, all I could focus on. It was about time he got what he deserved, and this was only step one.

I headed south, LA. There were so many plugs I could deliver to there that it was impossible to skip. Plus, I knew I could hit up a few future business associates while I was there. It was almost a six-hour drive, so by the time I arrived it was midafternoon. My deliveries went without a hitch and I was done with all my business handlings by dinner time.  By this point in time I had been up for thirty plus hours and my brain was fried. Knowing I needed food and coffee before I could start my trip back home, I found myself at a dive bar near the beach. Loading myself with as much coffee as my system could handle and mixing a burger in there may have not been the best choice for my stomach, but I would live. After I got refueled it was time to get back on the road and head home. We were all due for a meeting when we retuned, my mind was now set one work mode and that's all I could seem to think about now.

Once I got home everything turned into a blur, I met the guys at the storage unit and we sorted out the sells, the cash and began working the numbers. My body was running on adrenaline and that alone. My entire body was sleep deprived and high on the excitement that had taken place. It had been so long since I had experienced all of this and it was like my body was no fiending for more. My brain was spinning and left me asking myself why I had not stepped up my game sooner. Then like the damn broke inside my brain I realized that not only had I not spoke to Sam in a few days, but I also stood her up for her date. Guilt ripped at my chest as I fished my phone from my pocked. "Fuck!" I screamed when my call went straight to voice mail. Shit, shit, shit... I thought as I tried again, and the call went straight to voice mail. I had really done it this time, I let myself get so wrapped up in the job that I forgot about the most important thing in my life. This job was as bad as the drugs it involved, it managed to wrap itself so tightly around my being that I did not hold up other commitments I had. The guys all stood there staring at me as I had my little moment. My eyes glanced up and saw them all, eyes locked on me with a look of confusion on their faces. "You alright?" Alex asked, his eyes scanning the other guys before moving back to me. Without answering I handed out their cuts, shoved the rest in the duffle bag. "Come on." I said to Alex before tossing the bag over my shoulder and leaving the storage unit. Once we were out of the storage lot I stopped and turned to him. "I fucked up... have you talked to Lacy?" I asked, hoping that he had and was able to give Lacy and heads up, if she could explain it to Sam then maybe it wouldn't be so bad. "Uhh..nah man...not since the other night, why?" I didn't answer, instead I jumped in my car and peeled out of the lot.

As I sped towards the house, I couldn't fight off this feeling that something was wrong. The entire ride I alternated between calling Sam and lacy, both numbers went straight to voicemail each time. My heart was pounding so hard by the time I pulled up to the house I thought for sure I was going to have a heart attack. Sam's old truck was parked a long the road, but Lacys car was missing. I pulled the car right up into the front yard – all I could think about was walking in and finding the girls dead. I shook the thoughts from my head as I typed in the security number on the front doors lock. Nope, they are going to be fine. I tried to reassure myself as I barged into the house, running through each room as I yelled for the girls. "Sam! Lacy!" I screamed; my throat felt like it tightened a little more as I found each room empty.

The house was empty. I tried once more to dial each of the girl's numbers – panic ripped at my whole being as my ears were met with nothing but voice mails again. I was in a full-blown panic when Alex walked into the house. "What's wrong?" He asked, he could see it written all over me, but he must be in denial. "They aren't here."

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