Chapter Eight ; Revelations

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Chapter Eight ; Revelations

I stood there, my jaw nearly dragging the floor. Had those really been the words that came out of his mouth or had I just imagined it? He had turned his focus back to his phone leaving me swirling in confusion. Just eat before I fuck you on this counter. I was a little shocked at how turned on those words made me. Don’t get me wrong, I am a woman and even though I was a virgin before Liam I had my own fantasies but damn never had anything gotten me so excited as those few words coming from his mouth. The fact that they came from his mouth is what made it so exciting; Liam could probably turn any woman on by saying hello. I bit down on my bottom lip as he peered back up from his phone, his eyes meeting with mine again; there deep in his eyes was a flash of darkness that I had witnessed in the alley and in the shower. Just a glimmer of a side of Liam he kept hidden from me.

He reached across the table and pulled the plastic fork from my hand and began to cut up the pancakes on the plate. He was quiet as he focused on the plate in front of him. I was dying to know what he was thinking, what the darkness lurking behind those beautiful green eyes of his held. “Eat.” He stated again, more firmly than before as he lifted the fork stacked with pancake to my mouth. I didn’t argue, I opened my mouth wide, letting him push the sweet buttery goodness past my lips. The instant the food hit my tongue and involuntary moan of delight left my lips. Over the last few weeks I had barely eaten, and my tongue was more than delighted to have something delicious back in my mouth. A playful smile crept over the corner of his lips as he reloaded the fork and held it to my mouth. “Open.” He hummed softly, again I did was I was told and opened my mouth, taking another huge bite of food into my mouth. He continued to feed me, only speaking when he would tell me to open my mouth. After a few rounds I had the pattern down and he no longer needed to tell me.

I wriggled around in my seat, it was crazy but him feeding me, the way he was looking at me was almost erotic. Oh god, I am losing my mind. All of these lonely, sad, sleep deprived nights have finally sent me over the edge. I’ve been so lonely that eating turns me on. “What are you thinking about?” He asked, snapping me out of my self-analysis, “Wha… huh?” I stumbled, taking the excuse of taking a sip of coffee as I tried to gather my thoughts.  “I said, what are you thinking about?” He eyed me carefully as I peered up from under my lashes. Fuck, he is beautiful. The way his lips turn upwards in just the smallest smirk, the way his eyes just seem to burn holes through you when he looks at you. How the hell did I get so lucky? I thought, my eyes now trained on him.

“Just… this breakfast is delicious. Thank you.” I nodded, quickly taking another sip of the warm coffee. He slowly stalked around the counter, with each step he took I could feel my heart rate accelerate. Before I could register it, he had me strategically sandwiched between himself and small kitchen counter. The past few weeks away from Liam had only managed to amplify all my feeling I had for this man. I loved him so deeply it hurt and now I had him back and the effect he was having on me was indescribable. His hand gently ran through my hair, cupping the side of my head in his hand. “I can’t wait to get you back home with me…” His deep voice purred against my ear, sending shocks of pleasure down my spine. Then his words sank in and hit me like a ton of bricks, “Home? Like back to Sacramento?” My words sputtered out of my mouth like I had zero control over my speech. The grin on his face slowly faded as he pressed his body firmly against mine, as if he were afraid I might make a run for it. “Yes, home. You need to come back home with me.” He stated, as if it were common sense. “Liam, I don’t think I can do that… to go back there… I have nothing to go back for.” I frowned, thinking about how much Lacy and Liam’s friends probably hated me for what I had done. That crazy girl that lost her mind and had Liam shot. I gulped hard at the lump hardening in my throat. “You have me, school, your friends?” He questioned as he looked at me confused. “Everyone probably hates me…” I whispered, my eyes dropping to the floor. The thoughts of what all his friends had probably said about me made me want to vomit.

“Why would anyone hate you? You are probably the least hate-able person I know. Besides, everyone was worried about you, not just me. I just may be the only one who was worried enough to track you down.” My eyes moved back up to meet his, pleading with him silently. “I can’t go back there. He is there.” He wasn’t exactly there but he knew where I was when I was there. I know the way he treated me back when I was a child and I knew he hadn’t become lenient with age. He could easily have me killed for that little stunt I pulled and if I go back I might be giving him that chance. The more I thought about what might happen the more panic that began to rise in my chest.  Before I could spiral out of control I felt his arms wrap tightly around me. God, his muscles were even larger than before, how is this even possible? God, Sam, get your mind out of the gutter, I thought to myself as I buried my face in his neck.

“When I promised that I was going to take care of you I meant it. I wont let anyone ever hurt you like that again.” His voice was deep yet soft;  I could hear so much truth in his words. I took a deep breath and nodded my head. I cannot believe I am going back there but the way I feel in his arms is something I don’t think I can give up again. The past few weeks were torture and he was my savior. I let myself sink into his arms, letting my senses become overwhelmed with all that was Liam. His warm skin, strong arms, the way he smelled sweet and masculine all at the same time. He leaves me in a dream like state, my mind swirling with the images of him on top of me. “What are you thinking about?” His deep voice scratched softly as I felt him bury his face in my hair. “Oh… nothing… “, I respond just over a whisper.  Before I can finish my thought his mouth attacks mine, the sweet taste of him washing over me. The extreme difference between yesterday morning and this morning aren’t lost to me, I now know there is no way I can let him go now. I am so in love with this man that I wont survive without him.

Here is a short update. I am struggling a little with trying to keep the book from being too dirty. Is it possible for a book to be too dirty for you? Let me know!

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