Chapter 16 ; Auld Lang Syne

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Chapter 16 –  Auld Lang Syne

New years Eve has snuck up on us and it wouldn’t be like the guys not to throw a party that would rein supreme over all parties held on campus this evening. Everything felt so heavy lately part of me was excited for things to go back to normal but there was still a part of me that struggled with normal activities. As I came down the stairs to join the party I couldn’t help but feel slightly overwhelmed. We had kept things pretty low key since I had returned with Liam, so the extreme change seemed to shock my system. No one but Liam’s close friends knew the whole story of what had happened, but I couldn’t help but feel like all eyes were on me – like they all knew what I had done. The music sent booming vibrations through my whole body which only seemed to irritate my anxiety. My stomach started to do flip flops as I made my way through the crowd of people to find Lacy or Liam. “Get yourself together!” I whispered to myself as I made my way into the kitchen. Lacy and Alex were standing by the bar, both had shots in hand. Silently, I watched as they tossed the liquor into the back of their throats – their faces scrunching up as they swallowed the burning liquid.

“Sammy-poo!” Lacy called out, she must have been doing shots for awhile because by the sound of her voice she was about one shot from being wasted. Before I could say a word, she threw her arms around me, tugging my body into a tight embrace. “I am so glad you are here.” She cooed, resting her cheek against mine. I couldn’t help but laugh as I hugged her back. “I’m happy I am here too!” I nearly screamed over the loud music as Lacy drunkenly swayed our bodies to the music.

I decided to stick to water for the evening. With my track record with alcohol in the past I figured I would play it safe tonight. As the night went on Lacy got even more drunk and we spent our time dancing in the corner of the kitchen. Finally, it was like all the drama of the past few weeks melted away and it was like nothing had happened. Just a normal girl dancing with her best friend on New Years. I hadn’t seen Liam yet since the party had started but I knew that he sometimes had to deal with stuff and keeping myself busy kept me from dwelling on what he was doing. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Liam, because I did – and I am working on totally accepting all of the extra’s that come along with being with someone like him. It was a struggle, but he was worth it. “You ladies look like you are having too much fun.” Alex interrupted our dance session by throwing his arm around Lacy’s shoulders. “You aren’t going to leave me for your little friend, are you?” He mumbled against her ear. “I don’t know Alex, shes got some moves and look at that assssssss.” Lacy pulled away from him landing a hard smack to my behind. I burst out laughing as Alex tossed Lacy over his shoulder and hauled her off, Lacy hysterically laughing the whole time. Those two are a mess but they were perfect for each other.

I pushed open the back door and stepped out into the chilly evening air. The patio was scattered with people here and there, but it was quiet for the most part. The cold air filled my lungs as I took a seat in one of the metal lawn chairs. The metal felt like ice against my heated skin and the chill was welcoming. My body started to relax, and I couldn’t help but to close my eyes and take a moment to thank god or whoever for helping me find my way back to Liam. Things between us weren’t perfect but when I am with him I felt safe and that is all I could ask for. Finally, the world was falling back into place and my thoughts began to drift back to the thoughts of what a life with Liam would be like. My body stiffened when I felt two strong arms wrap around my shoulders, but my body quickly relaxed when the familiar scent wrapped around me – Liam.

His chin rested against my shoulder; his nose nuzzling against my cheek. “What are you doing out here? It’s a little cold to be sitting out here, don’t you think?” His deep voice sent chills down my spine. “Come on let’s go inside.” It was like my body followed his words like a trance because before I knew what was happening I was standing up and his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. He walked us inside the house and began to make his rounds – his arms still locked protectively around my waist. After he seemed like he was content he grabbed two beers and tugged me over to the empty armchair in the living room. He pulled me into his lap and offered me one of the bottles. “Here.” I shook my head, gently pushing it away with my hand. “No thanks, I think tonight I am going to stay sober.” His eyes darkened slightly as he eyed the two drinks. “Sam, I promise I won’t let anything happen to you again…” I smiled as I cuddled up to his chest, taking a deep breath and inhaled his warm scent. “I know that.” I simply replied, placing a soft kiss to his mouth. The sweet soft kiss just opened pandoras box – the kisses got deeper and more intense as his hands slowly slipped up the back of my shirt. I quickly pulled back, my eyes darting around the room like we had just been caught doing something dirty. “Liam!” A deep chuckle seemed to rumble from somewhere deep in his chest as his hands locked themselves back on my hips – holding me in place as if I would try to escape. “What? No one cares. We could f*** right here and no one would bat an eye at us.” My eyes felt like they were about to pop from my skull as my hand slammed down over his mouth. His eyes crinkled at the edge as a laugh burst through my fingers. He reached up and pulled my hand away from his mouth and leaned in so that his lips just grazed my skin. “Or we could slip off somewhere private...” Before I could say another word, he scooped me up in his arms and hauled me into the small laundry room. He shut the door behind him, his eyes locked on me like I was his pray. My whole body was on fire just from his gaze. How is it possible for someone to be so attractive, I thought as I took a step back from him. “Nope, don’t even think about it. We are not hooking up in the laundry room.” I scrunched up my nose as I looked around at the stacks of dirty clothes. This had to be one of the grossest places in this house to attempt to hook up in. “Oh, come on… I am sure I could kick on the dryer and we could have a little fun.” He wiggled his brows at me as he took a step forward. “No…Liam.” I tried my best not to crack a smile as I took another step back – my body bumping against the washing machine. He moved against me, sandwiching my body between his rock-hard stomach and the washing machine. “Come on…” he paused as if trying not to laugh, “We can bang in the new year…” He glanced at his watch. It was fifteen minutes until midnight and the glint in his eye had my legs quivering with excitement.

Suddenly, the air was filled with the pop, pop, pop of gunfire. My heart seized up and it felt as if the blood dried up in my veins. I felt Liam’s muscles tense under my palms before he pulled away from me. Another loud shot rang out as Liam grabbed my body and lifted me over the back of the washing machine – tucking me away between the cold metal machine and the wall. “Get down…stay down. Do not come out.” He his voice was hard and demanding and I nodded. Liam turned and headed towards the door. I launched my small frame out of its hiding place, “Liam, where the hell do you think you are going?” My shoes slid against the wall as I tried to climb my way out to stop him. The continued sounds of gunfire rang out as Liam tried to force me back into my hiding spot. “Sam, stop! Get back.” My fingertips dug into his shirt, pulling at him as he tried to get to the door. “No! I let you get shot once and I am not going to let it happen again. Liam don’t do this!” I could feel the hot tears pooling in my eyes as I fought to keep ahold of him. His features softened but only for a moment before he pushed me back into the small space. Before I could launch myself back at him he was locking the door, so no one could get in easily, and shutting it behind him; leaving me alone in the small laundry room. The tears broke free, rolling down my cheeks as I scratched and clawed my way out from behind the washing machine and headed straight for the door. I froze in my spot as I heard more gun fire.

Thump, thump, thump. It was like all the sound had been sucked out of the room leaving me with the pounding of my heart in my chest. My shaking hands fought with the knob, finally I was able to pull the door open only to be met with the panicked swarm of party guests tried escape. Even though my heart was racing it felt like everything else was in slow motion. I pushed my way against the frantic crowd, racing towards the terrible sound. When I rounded the corner, I saw Trenton standing on one side of the living room pointing a gun at his sister. Lacy was sobbing hysterically as she huddled on the floor next to Alex’s motionless body. My whole body froze as I noticed the other bodies scattered across the living room and dining room. Then suddenly Trenton urned, pointing his gun directly at me. “Pay back is a bitch.” His voice filled the room, I tightly closed my eyes as I braced myself for the shot.


The two shots rang out in a deafening manor, leaving my ear humming. I opened my eyes to check my body for shots but instead was met with the sight of Trenton on the ground covered in blood. The world around me began to churn and I turned around and stood face to face with Liam. His expression was blank and his face held a cold dark expression that sent chills straight to my soul.

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