Chapter 33; black out

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My thoughts began to get away with me as I drove the road to what might be my death. I wasn't sure if my father would kill me but I knew at the end of the day he would always choose himself. My chest felt heavy, what if I was too late? What if he had killed Sam? I clinched my jaw at the thought, my heart seemed to break in my chest as images of horror flashed in my head. The pain slowly turned to anger, leaving me drowning in hatred. My mind seemed to still as I pulled over about a mile from the house. There Alex was already parked waiting for me to arrive just as I had asked.

Alex rolled his window down and handed a black bag over to me. "There's yours. Let's get this over with." I nodded, taking the bag and pulling my Beretta out of the bag. I checked to make sure it was loaded before I hit the gas, my car lurched onto the road and headed straight for the house. I glanced in the mirror and Alex was only a second or so behind me. We would need to be fast, because they would be expecting us. All I could hope is that he didn't expect us so soon.

Our cars came to a stop in the gravel drive way. I didn't even turn off the car, I launched myself out of the seat and stormed my way down the path to the house with Alex in toe. Without a single thought, I kicked open the front door with such force it broke the hardware right off the wall. If I hadn't been so focused then I would have been pretty impressed with myself. Alex slid in behind me, keeping his eyes on our surroundings. That's when we heard a door at the end of the hallway slam shut. We could hear voices, maybe two or three. We  readied our guns as we moved smoothly down the hallway towards the room. I pressed my ear to the door and could hear soft cries, "Shut the fuck up...." one of the voices called out.

I held up three fingers to Alex, slowly counting down before I lifted my foot and kicked at the door. This time it took a few kicks but I managed to take it down. We entered the room and my heart skipped a beat.  Lacy was tied down to a wooden chair across the room and two of my fathers men stood there. "Liam, you need to take this up with your father..." one of the men started to say but before I could get a word out their was a loud bang behind me. Alex had shot the man who had spoke. He fell to the ground grabbing at his thigh. "Shut the fuck up!"  Alex yelled and I laughed, my gun now aimed at the other man. "You aimed a little low there." I joked as I glanced at the man now screaming on the floor. Alex ran across the room and began to untie Lacy as I kept my gun aimed at the other man. "Speaking of my father...where is he? And where is Sam?" The laughter had disappeared from my voice now and there was only a bitterness left behind. The man didn't speak, but instead pointed towards the back of the house. I didn't give it another though, I aimed and shot the man between the eyes. There was no mercy this time, there was no thought about it. I had one goal and one goal only and I had my eyes set on it.

While Alex helped Lacy out of her chair, I headed towards the back of the house, my feet moving quietly as possible across the old wooden flooring. I could hear Alex and Lacy head back out the front door leaving only me left for the time being. My focus now directed to finding Sam and getting rid of any threat left to her.

"I need more men here now....NO! I didn't anticipate him finding out where we were. I thought I had plenty of time..." His voice cut like a knife through the thick air that seemed to surround me. I followed the sound of his voice, navigating my way through the hallway to the door that lead to  his old office. "I'll get rid of him and you can get rid of the girl." That was all I needed to hear. I pushed the door open and now I was face to face with my father. "Liam. How nice to see you... What do I owe the pleasure?" His voice turned instantly fake - as if he were greeting his worst enemy. Before a word could escape my mouth my father pulled a gun out from under the desk, now pointing it directly at me. "It really is a shame..." He continued as he slowly stood up, his aim still locked on me as he moved around the desk. "You let your judgement become so clouded when it comes to her and she is pure garbage. You know, you really need to have higher standards."

My blood boiled in my veins as I followed every move he made. "Really? She is garbage? I think you are a bit confused, father. " An evil grin curled over his lips as he leaned back against his desk, as if getting comfortable. "Oh I know she isn't good enough for you. She wasn't even good enough for you when I had her and now? Now she's nothing but used up trash." He scoffed, enjoying every second of this. "When you had her?" I asked, gripping my gun tightly in my hand. "Oh she didn't tell you? You see that is how her parents used to pay for their fix - sold their own daughter out. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a little fun when she would scream and try to get away."

Everything seemed to go black, as if ink began seeping in from the edges of my vision until there was nothing left but darkness. I'm not sure how long I had blacked out for but a shot rang out around me and when my vision came back all I could see was blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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