Chapter Nine ; Interruptions

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Chapter Nine ; Interruptions

The sound she made as I fed her was now constantly replaying in my head like a broken record, the way she carefully opened her lips for each heaping fork full. God, there are a list of other things I’d love to see her do with her mouth. I could feel my cock twitch in my pants and I knew I needed to stop thinking about these things before I lost all control. Still, saying it and doing it were two completely different things. Her sweet natural scent flooded my nostrils as I buried my face into her hair. Fuck, I could say here forever, just me and her. Even with the darkness swirling around in the pit of my stomach she gave me a little light. Right as I was about to make a move there was a loud pounding on the front door. I frowned, looking down at her. “Expecting someone?” Her brows scrunched together slightly as she shook her head. I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a flash of anger in the pit of my stomach, had he come looking for her? If he had, I swear to god I would kill him. Reluctantly, I pulled myself away from her and moved towards the door, without a second thought I jerked the apartment door open. There about to knock on the door again stood Sam’s boss from the bar. I raised my brow, eyeing him up and down before leaning against the doorframe. “Can I help you?” I barked, what the hell was this guy doing at Sam’s house?

“I..Um… Is Samara here? I need to speak with her.” I couldn’t hide the smirk anymore as I listened to this idiot stumble over his words. “She is but she’s busy.” I said bluntly. The man then weaved back and forth as if trying to see past me into the apartment. My patience was starting to wear thin with this asshole. Who did he think he was? “Liam, who’s at the door?” I felt the soft touch of her hands on my back as she leaned around me to see out the door. “Joe?” She asked, a confused look on her face, “What are you doing here?” She placed her hand firmly on my back, as if she could sense how angry I currently was. Her palm rubbing small circles over my back had an overwhelming calming effect, but as soon as the bastard opened his mouth again I could feel the anger starting to build in my chest again. “Can I speak to you in private?” His voice boomed through the room and I had to stifle a laugh, what was this guy playing at? I glanced down at Sam, her face still twisted in confusion. I was so thankful that she had slipped on a pair of sweat pants before this asshole saw her. “Um… sure?” She glanced up at me, patting my back gently. “I’ll be right back.” She flashes me her perfectly sweet smile before stepping into the hall way and pushing me gently back into the apartment before she shut the door. Part of me wanted to eaves drop on their conversation but that wasn’t me, I wasn’t the type of guy that did that shit. Plus, I trusted her. Then again, I didn’t trust him. Before I could decide on my action plan the door opened again and she stepped back into the apartment. “I have to work a double shift today, the girl from this morning called off.” She frowns slightly but tries to hide it. She stands their awkwardly in front of me, her fingers twisting together as she looked at the floor. “What’s wrong?” I lean in, pulling her into my arms. Having her wrapped up in my arms, her body pressed to mine, felt like heaven – it felt like home.

“I just had hoped to spend more time with you…but I have to get ready now.” She started to pull away, but I stopped her, tightening my arms around her. “You need to tell him.” She looked up at me, her eye brows scrunched together, “Tell him what?” I leaned in and placed a chaste kiss to her lips, “That this is your last shifts, that you’re leaving.” I watched as she gulped, her throat bobbing slightly. “Liam… I’m not sure…” Her voice trailed off as she looked down at the floor again. “Sam, I told you I need you to come home. We can work out the details when we get there but I can’t let you stay here.” She nodded slightly as she pulled back away from me. “Okay… I will tell him.”

I sat back on the bed and watched her rush around the room to get ready. She was so beautiful even when she was flustered. The way the sun made her dark hair sparkle, the hint of a smile that would play across her soft lips when she would catch me staring at her; all of it was perfect. She stopped, her hands resting on her hips as she looked over at me, “What?!” She yelled, a hint of amusement to her voice. “What,what?” I replied, resting my hands behind my head. She rolled her eyes and finished getting dressed. “So… Will I see you later or?” I let out a deep chuckle as I climbed off the bed and made my way to her. “Later? Honey I just got you back. You think I’d let you sneak off again?” Her lips drooped slightly into a frown. My heart ached seeing her go from happy to whatever this was. “Hey, I am just playing with you…” I pulled her back to my chest, enjoying the feeling of her body pressed to mine. “I just meant I am going to walk you to work and then I will come by tonight before you get off. I’d stay all day but that might make me a stalker.” I grinned as she playfully smacked my chest. “Oh, shut up!” She laughed, pulling away from me and sliding on her shoes. “Okay, let’s go.”

After dropping Sam off at work and enjoying a short make out session in the alley out back I headed back over to the hotel. When I arrived at the room Alex was seated on the edge of the couch in the midst of a heated conversation. I can only assume it was Lacy and that was confirmed when Alex finally spoke up over the loud screaming on the other end of the line. “LISTEN, LIAM IS BACK! I WILL. CALL. YOU. BACK. LATER. I LOVE YOU.” And then he hung up the phone and let it drop to the floor. “Damn, she will be the death of me one of these days…” He mumbled, talking a drink of his coffee that was sitting on the table in front of him. “So, did you talk her into coming back? I don’t want to sound like a dick, but we can’t stay gone for too long before it might throw up some red flags.” I knew he was right, but it didn’t mean I had to like it. “Yea, she’s letting her boss know tonight, I figure we can head out in the morning. I can send someone up to get her things. Honestly, there isn’t much to get but I think the stuff she has is important to her.”

“Well if you have that under control I think I might rent a car and head home now. Lacy is having one of her fits and I’d like to get down there and calm her down before Sam gets down there.” Alex mumbled, glancing back at his phone before sighing. “Yeah that’s no problem. I might have you to take Sam’s car back though. I’d rather spend the drive with her instead of you anyways.” I grinned as I look over at him. “HA.HA. You’re so funny.” He huffed and got up and began packing his things.

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