Chapter 29 ; into action

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Chapter 29 ;

“Okay so the shipment comes in at 1:00AM, we need to be set up before that. It takes about ten minutes for them to unload the lot, stack it in the warehouse. They don’t usually stick around more than a few minutes after they are finished unloading…” Alex explained as he looked over his notes in front of him. I twirled the lollipop stick between my fingers, letting its sweet flavor coat over my tongue as I thought over all of the information, he had given me. “How many guys do we have for this job?” I asked, my trust issues had caused some issues, we were now looking for new people to hire in. A sold connection of mine had one of his guys, Roman, driving up from Tijuana to give us a hand. Alex flipped the page of his notes and turned it around so that I could see it. “You, me, Roman and Miles.” I took a deep breath and nodded; I knew this was going to be tough with only a few guys I could trust. If we were going to keep this going, we were going to need to bring in some new guys. For right now this would have to do. I took a seat next to Alex and we began looking over the map and laying out all the details. We were going to sweep into the warehouse the second it was cleared, load the merchandise into the truck and get out. We would have limited time to clear everything out so we would need all the muscle we could have. “Since you are still recovering, I’m going to need you to be our lookout.” I hated to make Alex be the lookout, he was my main ally, but the truth was, he hadn’t gotten all his strength back since he was injured, and I would need the muscle to load the truck. Disappointment crossed over his face, but he nodded and jotted down the instructions.

By the time Miles and Roman arrived, Alex and I had everything lined up. We had our detailed plans as well as the equipment lined up and ready to go. “You sure you’re ready for this?” Miles asked, knowing that this was about to cause world war III right on top of us all. “Ready as I’ll ever be. Are you ready for this?” I asked, my eyes darting to each of my guys. They all nodded in unison. “You know I got you. Your dad has had this comin’.” Miles nodded as he loaded his gun and shoved it into its holster attached to his back. We all gathered our guns and any equipment we needed and headed out to the unmarked black SUV parked behind the house.

The ride was silent, my mind slowly rolled through our plan and played out the different types of situations that could occur and how we could handle each one properly. Nerves weren’t something I dealt with very often but right now I felt the unfamiliar pang in my chest. There was so much on the line now. Before, all I had to care about was myself and I didn’t give two shits about anything else, but I have other people I need to take care of now. Like these guys – Alex, Roman, and Miles, they were all putting their lives on the line for me. This isn’t something to be taken lightly, we are going into dangerous waters here. Then there was Lacy, her brother betrayed her and left her alone in the aftermath of his hate for me. Above all though was Sam. She was my entire world and I knew that stepping out of this car could possibly put her in danger. I felt so guilty knowing that and still going through with the plan. What else could I do though? This was my livelihood, my life, it was all that I knew. At this point, I just had to be sure I made it out of there alive to make sure I could protect her. He ruined her. Now, I was going to destroy him.

An eerie feeling washed over me as Miles shut off the headlights as we stopped just down the block from the road that would lead us to the warehouse. My eyes were locked in the direction we would soon be headed. Roman nodded and climbed out of the car and headed into the wooded area along the road. He was our lookout. He would hide out and keep us updated on what was going on at the warehouse and give us the heads up when they were headed out.

It didn’t seem like very long after Roman left that we received the message that they were on the way out. Miles pulled the SUV off the road and we all ducked down and waited. The seconds seemed to take hours to pass, finally the headlights from the cars lit up the road as they pulled onto the main drive and headed away from the warehouse. It was go time.

Once the cars were out of view, our plan kicked into action as Miles pulled our SUV onto the drive and now, we were racing against the clock. Seconds later our car came to an abrupt stop and we launched ourselves out of the car. We were like machines at this point, programed to follow through with specific orders. Alex began picking the lock as Roman joined us from the wooded area. The door flung open and we rushed inside. Roman headed straight for the garage style door and opened it as the rest of us began hauling the goods to the SUV. There was more product than I had imagined, it looked like good ol’ dad had upped his game. Seeing all of this product just flipped the switch in my brain. There were no more nerves, no fear, the only thing I could think of was the job at hand.

“Liam, I don’t think we can get it all…” Alex mumbled as he jammed another load into the back of the SUV. My eyes scanned over the last bit of product and back at the SUV. “Load my seat full.” I told them and grabbed another load. The guys didn’t move, I tossed the load into the seat and looked back at them. “Now.” I ordered and they snapped into action and finished stacking as much product into my seat that could fit.

“Okay that’s good. Load up and get out.” I ordered as I looked at my watch again. We were behind schedule and I feared that if they didn’t get out now, we would end up getting caught. Alex gave me a once over but decided against arguing and the guys loaded up and pulled out. Once they were out of site, I pulled the garage door down and started off towards the wooded area. Moments after I ducked into the cover provided by the overgrown trees, I noticed a set of headlights headed back down the gravel drive. I quickly texted the guys and told them to hightail it, that they were on the property.

As soon as I hit send, I shoved my phone into my pocket and darted through the dark. My heart was pounding as I did my best to navigate through the dark overgrown area. Pure adrenaline rushed through my body as I tried to put as much distance between me and the warehouse.

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