Chapter 15 ; A deal you just couldn't refuse

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Christmas was over and now it was back to reality. Things had been a mess since the incident with my father and we were still trying to clean it up. As I drove down the dark empty road I began running a checklist through my head. We had already made contact with a few of my father’s soon to be ex-associates and we were currently ironing out a nice deal for them to switch their business over to me. Never in a million years had I planned on taking on my own business – it was never really something I wanted. This business had been my father’s deal not mine. This was different though, I wasn’t being fueled by money or power I was being fueled by revenge. After learning about what he had done to Sam when she was younger I couldn’t help but want to ruin him in every way possible. He was not the man I thought he was and I was determined to break him apart, piece by piece.

As I approached the old warehouse I flipped my headlights off; the last thing I needed right now would be someone calling the cops about suspicious activity out here. I pulled my car around the side of the building and parked it along the back wall where it was hidden from the main road. I was a lot different at work than I was with Sam. As I walked into that building it was like a switch was flipped and I was now the cold ruthless man I had always been before Sam entered my life. That part of me hadn’t been out to play in awhile and honestly it felt good. All eyes landed on me as I pushed open the double doors leading into the main area of the warehouse. A table was set up in the middle of the room and two men sat there. Their eyes burning holes in my body as I made my way over to them, taking the last seat at the table. “Dominic. Ricky.” My head tilted in a curt nod in their directions. “Mr. Maddox. Good to see you.” Dom spoke up. He was about my father’s age and his son Ricky a few years younger than me. “Well I am hoping this will be a good one.” I sit back in my seat, my eyes locking with his. Without looking away I held my hand up, motioning for one of my guys to bring me a drink.

“Well Mr. Maddox, I hope we can make a nice settlement for the both of us.” I nodded, taking the shot glass from one of my men and tossing the amber liquid into the back of my throat. “So, did you have a chance to look over the plush deal I sent to your office?” I keep my tone cool, there was one place I felt untouchable and this was here in the elaborate business that I was going to use to wipe my father off the map. A flicker of a smile crossed over Dom’s lips, “Yes and it seems a little too good. What’s the catch?” The corner of my lips curled into a bright smile as I looked the old man dead in the eyes. “Truth is, I am willing to make this pot extra sweet for you, all you have to do is cut my father off cold turkey.” I shrugged like it was a simple request, motioning for another drink. For the first time since I stepped into the room, Ricky spoke up. “That’s like signing our own death warrant.” I could see the flash of sudden regret in his eyes. Before I could get a word out his father shot his elbow into his sons’ ribs. “I am so sorry for his rude outburst.” The old man sputtered, sending the dreadful glare in his sons’ direction.

“No worries, Dom. I can understand his concerns. However, I am willing to help on that side of your worries. You see I am hoping that we come to a nice agreement this evening. I have another new business partner who just so happens to deals in arms trafficking. They will also be sporting a nice protection plan for my associates that honestly, I think is too good for you to pass up.”

The old man looked at his son for a moment before his eyes landed back on mine. “Well then Mr. Maddox, I don’t think we are going to have any problems working out a deal this evening.” I motioned for my men to bring over two more glasses as we began to work over details of our agreement.

I know this is a super short chapter but I am kind of working on three chapters at once. I hope to get another Chapter out by Thanksgiving!


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