Chapter 24 ; breakfast & butthead

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Chapter 24 ;

Sam looks up at me with her eyes full of worry, I know she wants this to go well and for her sake I hope it does. I lean down and place a soft kiss to her forehead before taking her hand in mine. It didn't matter how many times I held her hand, she still gave me the most incredible feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Come on, baby, let's do this." I whisper, her body slowly started moving down the hallway. This whole thing was hilarious to me, but I knew how important it was for her and anything that was important to her, in turn, was important to me. Sam pulled me into the kitchen where we were greeted by her grandma. She was a short round lady with a kind face, I couldn't help but feel a warmth around her as she looked up and smiled. "Well come on in you two, this food isn't going to eat itself." She spoke cheerfully as she took her seat at the table. There was a sweetness there, I could tell just by how she looked at Sam that there was a lot of love between the two of them.

Sam nervously took a seat next to her grandmother and I took the seat across the table from them. My eyes met Sam's and I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for her, the anxious look on her face was evident. I gave her a small smile before turning my attention to her grandmother. "This smells amazing, thank you for having me." I was nervous too but only because I wanted it to go well for Sam - I could care less what anyone else thought of me but now they would judge her based on their thoughts of me. The thought of someone judging Sam because of our relationship made my stomach sour slightly.

Breakfast was quiet, there was a little bit of small talk here and there, but the silence would take over the room again. My eyes stayed locked on Sam, I couldn't help but smile to myself as I watched how she would pick over her plate or how she would close her eyes and savor certain bites of food. I was so memorized by her that I didn't notice them talking to me, or the fact that I had been staring at her for way too long with this goofy ass smile plastered on my face. "Liam?" Sam spoke up, waving her hand in front of my face to get my attention. "Hm?" I jolted in my chair, almost knocking over my glass of milk. Her grandma laughed softly as she watched the both of us interact. "Gran wanted to know what time we needed to leave today..." I scooped another bite into my mouth to allow me a few seconds to think. We hadn't really talked about going back today but I am glad she had figured it out without me having to push her. I swallowed down the bite, my eyes moving between the two of them. "Probably the sooner the better, if we wait too long traffic will be shi-, I mean bad..." Sam let out a soft giggle at my terrible save but she didn't skip a beat. "Gram, thank you for everything this weekend. I hate to leave already but with class starting back up Monday I really need to get myself ready." They continued to talk about prepping for classes and what classes she had this semester. Her gram would smile, ask questions but never once did she say anything negative to Sam, everything she said just seemed to overflow with positivity.

After breakfast was over, Sam and I cleared the table and I helped her wash the dishes. Her grandma had tried to tell her no, but she just shooed her away from the kitchen and we got to work. We didn't talk much, we just cleaned in silence, giving each other looks ever so often. After we were finished, I told Sam I was going to go and fill the gas tank up and then I would be back to pick her up, trying my best to give her a little more time with her grandma before I rushed her away.


After giving Liam a kiss and sending him out the door I made my way to the living room where my Gran was sitting in her chair. "Hey..." I smiled, sitting on the couch across from her. My heart was racing uncontrollably as I waited to hear her thoughts on Liam. "I hate to see you leave so quick, but I am glad we got to spend a little time together. Promise me something, kiddo..." I nodded slowly unable to speak. "Next holiday you all will come visit me? It was awfully dreary during the holidays without visitors. Plus, I had to eat all those sweets by myself...and good lord it was a bad idea." She joked, rubbing her hand over her stomach. A giggled burst from my mouth and I was unable to hide the beaming smile on my face. "He makes you happy, doesn't he?" Gran asked, though the tone in her voice told me she already knew the answer to that question. "There are no words." Liam made me more than happy and I honestly wasn't sure where to begin to put the way he makes me feel into words.

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