Chapter 26 ; I wanna be yours ...

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Chapter 26 ; 

My heart was pounding, all I could hear was that pulsing sound in my ears. The pounding in my skull blocked out all the noises trapping me inside my own mind. The alcohol and adrenaline were still wreaking havoc on my system as I made my way up the steps to the Villa. It felt as if every nerve in my body was firing at the same time, everything felt as if I were lit on fire. My mind seemed to be firing off more than I could process because all I could think about was how I needed everything to stop. My eyes landed on my hands as I reached out to open the front door, my knuckles were covered in blood and you could already see the bruising underneath it. The thought hadn’t even come to me that I could possibly have some wounds of my own but that didn’t matter right now. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t remember anything from that fight – it was all black and empty. It was like a black hole had sucked all my memories away leaving me with this dreaded void. I let out a groan as I tugged on the door only to find that it was locked. As quickly as I could, I pulled my phone from my pocket and sent Sam a text message. The villa was made up of a few different suites, I had rented the whole building so she would have it all to herself. The staff would be there if needed but out of sight most of the time. The biggest appeal and right now my current worst enemy was the front door that would only open when released from the inside. God damn.

It seemed like I was on the doorsteps for the longest time

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It seemed like I was on the doorsteps for the longest time. As I waited, I tried my best to reign myself back in, to regain some type of reality but each time I tried it just seemed to slip through my fingers. This was it, I was losing my damn mind and there was nothing I could do to save myself this time. The soft click of the lock on the front door snapped me out of the darkness, pulling at the parts of me desperate to escape. The door slowly opened, and there in the doorway stood my savior, my hope, she was like a spark in this darkness that had consumed me.


Even though I had tried my best not to sulk around after Liam left that night, I couldn’t help but throw a mini pity party for myself. This man had me drowning in my emotions constantly. There was this need to have him crave me the same way I crave him. Just the thought of him gets my whole body shaking. I took a hot shower and tried my best to rid myself of the doubt that always seems to root itself in the pit of my stomach. My body instantly relaxed as I crawled into the plush bed with its layers of silky sheets. This must be what heaven felt like, I thought as I slipped off to sleep.

My peaceful sleep was short lived however, when a sound from the front door snapped me out of the quiet. It sounded as if someone were going to rip the doors off their hinges. Panic swelled in my throat as I pulled the blankets to my chin. “Calm down…” I whispered to myself, “Liam said no one can get in unless I let them in…” As my words trailed off the room fell silent around me. Then my phone lit up on the night stand, carefully I reached over and pulled my phone under the blanket with me. It was Liam, he was at the door. As quickly as I could I climbed out of the bed and slipped on the robe left hanging in the room and headed out of the room and straight for the front door. Carefully I pressed the unlock button on the keypad beside the door and gently pulled the large door open, but I was not prepared for what was laid out in front of me.

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