Chapter 28; mind games

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Chapter 28; mind games

Once classes had started it was like we woke up in an alternate universe. All the drama seemed to disappear, and now we were all back on campus and attending classes like normal students. It was as if the last couple weeks had never happened. Our conversations had turned from dark topics to lighthearted discussions about classes and assignments we had due. When it came to my relationship, Liam and I were better than ever. After that night we had shared, it was like everything had fallen into place. He was more open with me and didn’t shy away from any feelings or thoughts he had. After so long, I was finally able to bust down those walls he had built up around himself, it was like a light flickered on and there was a whole new level of trust there. To add to that we officially couldn’t keep our hands off of each other and I couldn’t be happier. This is the type of feeling I had craved my entire life.  My life had always felt like a ship on treacherous waters but now I was overwhelmed with this warming euphoria. I never want this feeling to end – ever.

I sat in the concourse between the English buildings and let me senses drown in all the chatter around me. My mind was so calm lately and I couldn’t help but let myself immersed with the day to day normalcy that now surrounded my life. I couldn’t seem to get enough of it all and would catch myself people watching almost every day. The warm buttery taste of my hazelnut coffee swirled around my taste buds only adding to the calmness that wrapped around me as I imagined what all these people were talking about. I could get used to this feeling, I thought as I took another sip of my coffee as my eyes scanned across the sea of students that were now flooding the small cove. Some classes must have just ended because the flow of people seemed to multiply by a ton in just a few seconds. My heart sputters for a moment then feels like it stops entirely when my eyes land on a familiar face; Mr. Maddox. A chill erupts down my spine as I he gives me a distinct head nod and smile. My heart jerks to life, now racing to an uncomfortable speed.

“Hey Sammy Bear!” Lacy’s voice snapped my attention away from the face that had been haunting my dreams for years. My eyes darted back to the crowd, frantically searching over the faces in the swarms of people flooding the concourse. There was no sign of him though. “You okay?” Sam asked, her gaze following mine into the throngs of people. My eyes snapped back to Lacy as I forced a smile onto my lips. “Yeah... I uh… just people watching…” My words sputtered out of my mouth before taking a slow sip from my cup. I took those few seconds to try and calm my heart and get my head on straight. It had to be my mind playing tricks on me, I tried to convince myself. Her eyes scanned over for a moment, as if contemplating on what I said was true or not but she must have been content with my answer because she took a seat and began chattering away. Liam’s father would never come out here, Liam would kill him if he found him lurking around campus. It had to be all in my head; I told myself again. I took a slow breath as I tried to focus on what Lacy was going on about, but no matter how much I had tried to give her my attention, I couldn’t help but continue to scan the faces of those passing by.

“…I don’t understand how he gets anything done with her loudmouth beside him twenty-four seven…” Lacy chattered on, I had no clue what she was talking about, but I couldn’t help but laugh. After a few minutes of listening more closely, I was able to piece it all together - she was talking about some guy in her lit class and his obnoxious girlfriend. Lacy loved the everyday drama that she was able to burrow her way into since we were back to class. Between classes she would often find me and fill me in on the latest gossip she had heard that day. I wonder if part of her used it a coping mechanism, a way to escape everything she had been dealing with. Even after all that had happened, she still was able to keep her usual happy esthetic, but I often wondered how she was handling everything. There were definitely times where I wanted to ask her about it all but then there was the fear that I could rustle up feelings she didn’t want to deal with. I loved her dearly and just hoped she knew I was always here if she needed anything.

“Are you listening to me?” Lacy snapped her fingers in front of my face, causing a grin to creep over my lips. “I just love you so much.” I giggled, resting my chin in my palm as I beamed at her. Her frustrated look faded away to a soppy smile. “Awe, I love you more.”

“You trying to steal my girl?” Liam’s rough voice called, out as he rested his arm across my shoulders. I took a moment to enjoy the warm fresh yet masculine smell that was Liam Maddox. He always smelled like a mix of coffee and a distinct woodsy smell – and it did me in every time. Just his smell alone seemed to coat my entire body in calmness. “Yep, she is officially mine. Be jealous!” Lacy yelled, locking her arm around my neck and tugging me out of his arms. She placed a zealous kiss to my cheek as she cuddled against me. “This would more appealing if you weren’t like my sister Lace.” His nose scrunched up in distaste. I rolled my eyes as I cuddled up to my best friend, these moments were the ones I lived for. I am so thankful for these people who refused to give up on me. “Don’t be jealous Liam, I can share.” Lacy wiggled her brows as she held me tightly. “Oh god…” I laughed as Liam pouted a little. “I had her first Lace.” He argued, as he reached out, tugging on my arm. “Technically…” Lacy argued, “She was my friend first, so I win…” My cheeks burned as I grinned ear to ear as they bantered back and forth. These were my people, the people that have broken down all the walls I had built and filled my life with so much love. Even with all of the terrible things we had encountered I couldn’t be more blessed to be able to feel the way they make me feel.

I was completely lost in thoughts filled with complete and utter joy when once again Lacy snapped me out of my thoughts as she jerked me up by my arm. “Say good-bye to lover boy, we are going to be late to class if we don’t get going.” She beamed, shoving me over towards him. I couldn’t fight the grin that took over my face as he wrapped me up tightly, cradling my body to his. “Do you really have to go?” He whispered as he buried his face into the crook of my neck. My legs seemed to turn to jelly as my arms latched onto him for support. Damn you Liam, I thought, trying my best to push back any wild thoughts that took over my brain. “Yes…I have to go to class…” I mumbled softly, more to myself than Liam. Prying myself away from him was always a difficult task, I honestly never understood girls who acted like saying goodbye to their significant other was so hard until I met Liam. He let out a soft sigh, his warm breath caressed my skin sending chills up and down my spine. “really?” He asked, his lips brushing against my neck as he spoke. “Yep…” I groaned pulling myself back enough to press a soft kiss to his silly little pout. His pout instantly disappeared, now replaced with a stunning smile that made me melt. “Fine but you think you could save a little time for me this week? Maybe, dare I say, we go on an actual date?” My heart swelled; we hadn’t been on a date in so long. “I think I can pencil you in.” I joked as I collected my bag and tossed my empty cup into a near by trash bin.

“Barf…get a room you two...” Lacy imitated a barfing sound as she gathered up her things. “Shut your trap.” I laughed, as I reached out and looped my arm with hers. “Don’t be jealous.” I teased her. I gave Liam a wave before we turned around and headed towards our class.

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