Chapter 12 ; "I'm going to rip your balls off .."

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Chapter 12 ; "I'm going to rip your balls off and shove them down your throat!"

“You saved me.” My lips burned like molten lava as they moved rhythmically against his. Everything I had said I meant with all of my heart. I know we were locked away in our perfect little bubble right now and things would go back to normal soon, but I wanted to enjoy each moment like it was my last. The last couple of days had been heaven on earth. When I had decided to come back with Liam the fear that I had was overwhelming. It was like he could see my worry and instead of just throwing me back into the reality we were in he has nursed me back to life. It was easy to see that I hadn’t been in the best place mentally or emotionally when he had found me, but he was taking his time with me. He was putting me back together.

My fingers ran slowly over his strong jaw and I leaned back, my eyes slowly taking in every feature of his stunning face. “This should be illegal you know…” I whispered, my hands cupping his stubbled jaw in my hands. “Oh? What’s that?” His deep voice seemed to rumble from deep in his chest. “You. You should be illegal…” I nipped softly at my bottom lip before continuing. “There is no way it is fair for someone to look so damn attractive. It’s not fair for the rest of the world you know.” He let out a loud chuckle as he pulled me to him, his lips attacking mine with an unbelievable force. I savored the taste of his mouth on mine, it was intoxicating and would leave me begging for more – it always did. Our hands began roaming each other’s body, as he pulled me flush against his body. My mouth fell open to let out a soft moan when our bodies smashed together but the soft sound was drowned out by an obnoxious banging on the bedroom door. I nearly leapt out of my skin, my body trembling as I looked from the door back to Liam. He frowned, kissing my lips softly as he tried his best to calm me. “Baby…it’s fine…” He whispered, his hands cupping both of my cheeks. Suddenly the banging erupted from the door again but this time it was followed by an angry voice. “Liam Joseph Maddox, I swear to god if you brought my sweet best friend home and didn’t tell me I am going to rip your balls off and shove them down your throat!!!” Liam started to chuckle as the banging continued. There was instant relief in my chest when I heard Lacy’s voice screaming from the other side of the closed door. “LIAM! I swear to god, I know you are in there and I am not leaving until you answer me!” Liam pecked my lips once more before he pulled himself away, my body instantly missing his warmth. He made his way across the room, leaning against the door frame before he cracked the door just enough to peek outside. “Yes, Lacy. How can I help you today?” I could hear the comedic undertone to his voice as he spoke to her. The door wasn’t opened enough for me to get a glimpse of her, but I can picture her in my head, stomping her foot and giving him a threatening glare. “Did you bring Sam back and not tell me?” She hissed as she tried to push open the door, Liam effortlessly held the door in place and rolled his eyes at her.

“Listen, Lace. I am a little busy right now. Can we talk about whatever you’re rambling about later?” Lacy gasped loudly and I could hear her anger growing. “Oh. My. God. Liam… Do you have some bitch in there? Are you cheating on Sam? I swear to god I am going to fucking kill you!” She hissed as she now tried using force to push the door open. I couldn’t help myself anymore, I climbed off the bed and made my way over to the door – pulling it open enough for me to peek out. “No, he isn’t cheating on me.” I laughed, letting my cheek rest against the edge of the door. I did not expect Lacy’s reaction when she saw me, instead of her bubbly self, Lacy burst into tears. Liam must have been a little surprised by her reaction as well because he let go of the door and stepped back giving us a little more space. My heart broke when I saw the tears rolling down her cheeks. “Lacy…” I whispered, pulling the door open so that she was standing in front of me now. She didn’t speak but instead launched herself at me, her arms clinging to me as if I would just disappear. The tears had turned into a full-blown sob now. “I’m so sorry…” I whispered, I hadn’t realized anyone cared for me when I left, especially not this much. My eyes darted to Liam and he gave me a comforting nod before he quietly headed to the bathroom and shut the door – I assume trying to give us some privacy. “You scared me!” She finally spoke up, her voice full of emotion as she pulled back slightly. “Sam, you cannot go through hard times alone. You have us. All of us. That’s what we are here for.” She smiled a sad smile before hugging me close again. There was an odd mix of sadness and love in this hug and I needed it more than I could have imagined. Lacy finally broke the hug and took a step back, her hands brushing the tears from her eyes. “Liam you brought me a damn Christmas miracle!” She squealed as she gave me a bright smile.  

The bathroom door opened, and Liam joined us once again but this time he was fully dressed in a pair of jeans and a hoodie.“I guess I have been pretty selfish keeping her locked away with me but what do you expect, the second you found out you came over and started cock blocking me.” He laughed as he tucked his wallet into his back pocket. I could feel my cheeks burn at his comment but for two reasons – one embarrassment and the other excitement. Where was he going? I knew our little hide out wasn’t going to last forever but I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that the time to go back to the real world had arrived. He must have read my mind because he pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly. “I have some stuff I need to work on and since Lacy seems to have missed you quite a bit I am sure you all would enjoy some girl time.” He gave me a soft kiss before turning and heading towards the door. He stopped for a moment and ruffled up Lacy’s hair. “Lacy, you keep my girl safe, got it? No wild shit while I am gone.” He turned around, giving me a wink and a smile before he headed down the stairs.

We both stood there in silence for a few moments before Lacy finally spoke up, “I am really happy you are back, we all are.” My heart felt like it was melting in my chest, I don’t think I had ever felt so much love before. I was slightly overwhelmed with it all, but I could feel the warmth of it all creeping under my skin. This is what it was like to have people care. “I’m really happy I am back too.” I nodded, it was true, leaving had been one of the worst decisions I had ever made. My words seemed to make Lacy relax some as she sat down on the edge of the bed. “What happened? Like…why did you leave? I want you to know you can always lean on me Sammy bear.” She smiled sweetly at me as I took a seat beside her. “I royally e-ffed up.” I mumbled as I let out a puff of air. “So much happened and I was so scared… so I just ran.” I shrugged my shoulders as I thought back to that day. Lacy draped her arm around my shoulders, pulling me tightly to her side. “We all mess up sometimes, but know I always have your back.” I let my head rest against her shoulder, it had been so long since I had a friend that I wanted to enjoy it for just a few moments.

“Sooo I am getting ready to go do some Christmas shopping, would you want to come with me?” She shot me a huge grin as she threw her hands into praying position and started whispering, “Please, please, pllllleaaaseee.” I giggled, nodding in agreement. I had a little bit of money saved up from working at the bar and if I was going to be here I needed to think of something I could do for them for Christmas. I hopped in the shower and tried to think of what to get Lacy and Liam. What do you get people when your poor? I tried not to work myself up as I threw on a pair of leggings and one of Liam’s hoodies. There was no point in doing my hair, so I bunched it up into a messy bun on top of my head and headed out of the bathroom. I would come up with something, I just needed to look around, I thought as I slipped on my chucks and headed down to meet Lacy.

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