Chapter 27 ; Save me from myself

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he following contains sexual situations. Mature scene.

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Chapter 27 ; Save me from myself

"You won't. Don't be afraid. I'll keep you safe." Her words warmed me from the inside. All the anxiety that had been swarming through my body slowly started to dissipate. My mind was now overwhelmed with a mixture of shock and relief as she pushed me backwards. My back sank into the comforter as my body fell against it, the slight free fall with no way of catching myself was almost the exact feeling I felt when I was around Sam. I could never quite catch myself when I fell for her, but when I fell instantly her comfort embraced me.

My eyes fell shut and I could feel her warm breath radiate over my chest. Her lips barely brushing against my skin. The sound of white noise mixed with the sound of my own pulse beating in my ears was all I could hear. Her fingers gripped my wrists, pinning them to the bed over my head. She released my wrists, only to slowly lift my shirt off, leaving it tangled around the tie at my wrists. I opened my eyes to see her straddling me, her face so close to mine. Her lips only a breath away. Her hands slid along my arms as her eyes stayed locked on mine. I was completely under her spell. It was like a dream, I was frozen and drinking in all she was. Spellbound, I watched her, she moved slowly but knowingly as she removed my t-shirt she was wearing from her body and tossed it to the floor beside the bed. As soon as she spoke the white noise and thumping was gone. "You're safe with me." She hummed softly, her nails scraping across my chest. My hands flung forward to try to grab onto her, but she instantly pushed them back down to the bed. "Play nice...and I might let you touch." She whispered with a grin. My heart felt as though it was about to pound its way through my ribcage. The outrageous need to touch her was now overwhelming me. The look on her face just confirmed that she could see my uncontrollable need for her. Her hands found their way back to my chest, the soft skin on the pad of her fingers tracing over the tattoos etched into my skin. "You're so perfect." She whispered again, her eyes slowly moving to meet mine. "every...inch..." Her voice was intoxicating me as her nails dug into the flesh of my stomach.

A deep groan released itself from somewhere deep in my chest. This feeling was better than any drug I had ever tried. Her hips bucked forward, rolling back slowly. She was getting me high off her touch, my mind was completely consumed in everything about her. The way her hips glided her body against mine, the feeling of her nails digging into my skin, the soft sounds that were now pouring from her perfect lips as she began building this friction between us. Her fingers traced slowly over the button on my jeans before popping it open. She slipped herself off my hips as she attempted to tug my jeans down over the massive erection she had created. She did it with ease, carefully removing them and adding them to the mess on the floor. She didn't hesitate, repeating the same routine with my boxers before tossing them into the pile. She leaned down, my eyes following her every move, her lips turned up in a smirk before placing a soft kiss to my exposed hip. A shiver radiated down my spine, my hands jerked, attempting to break free from their tie. Then I felt her teeth scrape across the same spot she had previously kissed and I lost all control.

In one swift movement I popped open the tie and flung the t-shirt she had left tangled at my wrists to the floor, her eyes shot up to meet mine just as I grabbed her body and flipped us over onto the bed. My body hovered overtop of her as we stared back at each other. She caught me by surprise when she reached up with both of her small hands, placing them around my throat. She gave my throat a light squeeze as she guided me back onto my back. I was stunned. My mind was racing with all the things I wanted to do to her, but all those thoughts were put on pause because it seemed as though she had some plans of her own. She was in control. "Lay. Down." She directed as she climbed back on top of me. Nothing but those tiny black scraps of material she refers to as panties left to separate us. The grip on my neck loosened slightly but she didn't let go. Instead, she used her grip to help balance herself as she continued her slow, and delightful attack on me. She moved her hips dangerously slow as she used the friction to please herself.

Her eyes met mine once again, there was a flash of her sweet caring side but then like a flip of a switch they darkened as she released a soft moan from her lips. My eyes scanned up and down her body as she worked her hips at a perfect rhythm. "Sam.." I started to talk but she shook her head slightly, her fingers gripping at my throat. "You've been depriving me." She whispered, soft gasps filling the silence between her words. She was so close. She was right. I was depriving us both. I wanted to be the cause of all her pleasure, and I had let too much get in the way of us being together. "Let me make it up to you..." I gasped slightly as she gave my throat another light squeeze. A smirk curled across my lips; she was getting off on controlling me. This was new territory for me, I was always the more dominant and controlling one in the bedroom. But here we are, and my sweet angel has discovered something about herself and the image before me was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen. Before I could think the words slipped past my lips, "Use me." Her eyes softened slightly, now locked back on mine. She quickened her hips, her fingers tightening around my throat as she came from the sheer friction of our bodies. Her thighs gripped my sides as she slowed her movements, enjoying the waves rolling through her. I watched in awe as she finally came to a stop, a smile curling over her lips as she released her hands from my throat. " use me..." She whispered, a darkness playing in her eyes.


My body still shook as I released my hold on his throat. The power of that moment gave me a high I had never experienced. Liam gave me that power, he gave me everything I ever wanted and even more so, the things I didn't know I even needed. He shared his power with me and now I wanted him to take me and to own me. I wanted him to prove to every fragment of my soul that I belonged to him and only him. "Now... you use me..." I whispered, almost pleading for him to control these demons that wrestled inside of me. His movements were slow and calculated, like he couldn't register my request. He gripped at my hips; his eyes still locked on mine as if they were trying to read me. "Use me." I spoke again, my words coated in need. "Make me yours. Show me I belong to you." I begged, my words leaving me breathless.

It was like I had flipped a switch in his head, within seconds he had flipped me onto the bed, jerking my panties off and tossing them to the floor. He quickly flipped me onto my belly, his hands set fire to every inch of me that he touched. "You're mine. Always have and always will be." He whispered; his mouth pressed to my ear as he pressed himself against my core. My eyes fluttered slightly as I relished in his touch. "Promise?" I forced the word out his answer was a simple thrust of his hips. I gasped loudly as he slammed into me, my eyes rolling into the back of my head as he took complete control of my entire body. My fingers latched onto to the silky sheets, gripping them tightly as the room around me was filled with the sounds of our pleasure. "Always mine." He grunted, his hand slipped down my side and in between my body and the bed. His fingers instantly finding my sweet spot. My mind whirled with emotion and pure ecstasy as he drug me effortlessly to my edge. Within seconds I was uncontrollably screaming his name, my body quaking underneath him. "Always. Always." I panted as the pressure began to build in the depth of my core once again. This time as he pushed me over the edge, he joined me, his hips slamming against me over and over. Our moans grew louder until we both seemed to explode. "Fuck..." He hissed, his hand sliding back to grip my waist as he came to a slow stop.

He cradled me to his body, holding me like I was precious glass. It was a complete 180 from how he was handling me just moments ago. I was overwhelmed, my body buzzing, and I felt so alive. I knew this man had changed me, but I never thought someone could revive me. "I love you." I whispered, turning my head and planting a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you more." He smiled, then nuzzled his face into the nape of my neck. It was like everything fell into place.

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