19. Not a Tommy Blue

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Getting ready for this date Trina set me up on has had my head spinning in circles. I'm pretty sure my entire closet is on the floor, and the funny thing is, I don't even really care what I wear. I'm not in the mindset to impress some guy that Trina felt was attractive enough to get me back in the game. With a sigh, I grab the closest dress and throw it on before twisting my hair back in its usual braid.

I feel like some hopeless project. Like she saw this opportunity to relive her glory days through my eyes and seized it without my permission. I mean, I'm not completely mad. Do I want to be going out with a guy I don't know a single thing about? No. Am I slightly interested in seeing if I can develop a connection with another man again? Yes.

My thoughts quickly shift to Tommy. They've been doing that a lot lately. Walking with him, talking with him, has become something more lately. It's more than just a good talk with a friend. I look forward to his advice, comfort, the way he listens even when I'm not talking. Somehow, he's become the only person I actually want to share everything with. Even the dark corners of my past.

Mia appears behind me now, her eyes glancing at the clothes scattered across the floor.

"What happened, Mommy?" she asks, eyes wide.

I smile before walking over and scooping her up. "I had a little trouble finding what I needed."

"You have a lot of cleaning to do," she says, scanning the floor one more time before looking back at me.

I laugh at her words, knowing I've given the same ones to her. "I sure do. Are you ready to go to Uncle Trey's?"

"Yes! I have my packpack and my animal, and I'm so excited! Auntie Lacy said we could paint the floor!"

My heart warms at her pure excitement. Not to mention my favorite word change of calling a backpack a packpack. The whole Auntie Lacy thing is a newer development too. One that Mia asked about. With both Trevor and Lacy's consent, it's now an official thing.

"Paint the floor, huh?" I ask with a whimsical smile.

"Yep! She said she has a very special project and we get to paint the floor outside."

Sounds like a Lacy idea. I can only imagine the delightful mess they are about to create. I reach down to grab Mia's overnight bag by the door. My parents are out for the night, leaving me without a car. I glance to the driveway where Lacy and Trevor are now pulling up.

"Well, that sounds like you're about to have a lot more fun tonight than me," I reply, stepping out the front door.

"I am," she smiles before wiggling out of my arms and jumping to the ground. She takes off toward the car just in time for my brother to swing it open. He bends down, scooping her up into his arms.

"Hey, kiddo. You ready to spend the night?"

"Uh huh!"

I smile when I feel my phone vibrate. I reach into my pocket, pulling it out to see Trina's name displayed.

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