Chapter IX

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Previously on Trikova:

"Well said. I can say I'm more impressed with you."


Y/N Pov


What the hell is up with this woman! I rolled my eyes.

I gulped nervously when she walked towards me, looking me up and down and stopped only inches away.

"You have a strong horse. And a beautiful one too." Anya looked towards my horse, patting her. I released the air I was holding in my lungs and calmed myself down.

She doesn't know me so don't let her get suspicious. I told myself.

Trying to have a conversation and knowing why she's here, I started with agreeing with her.
"She is."

My horse showed sign of affectionate and trust towards her and it suprised me. She barely allows FlouKru warriors to come near her but she didn't mind her.

Anya stopped and looked towards me, her eyes meeting mine. I was battling to keep myself calm but she was starting to make me nervous.

"You're a good warrior Trikova. A very skilled one. I was impressed with you when you fought the reapers..." She complemented and I was revealed that their was no sign of being suspicious. Maybe no one will ever be?

"If you like I can ask the Commander to allow you join her guards? I think that's where someone like you deserves to be." Anya continued.

I felt overwhelmed by her proposition. That was what I wanted all my life. To do something good and earn my place by a Commander- not to be one ofcourse. I don't see myself as a leader, just a warrior. It might be because I don't want to be a reason for others trouble. On the other hand, Luna wants me to lead after her but only if I want to.

Except I can't accept Anya's offer. That will put my identity and FlouKru at risk. They would be punished because of me if anyone finds out that they hid me. specially from the Commander and I can't allow that to happen. No one will be punish for me.

"I am very honored for your offer, but...I can't accept. I belong with the FlouKru warriors and I follow Turgut our warrior general. I am to obey him and my leader Luna." I answered with respect.

She nodded her head, grinning.

"Except you know one day they have to follow you." Anya replied, fixing my shawl around my neck and bowed her head, with her hand by her chest. I did the same and she walked away leaving me stunned.

Will is she wrong about that? I knew the answer very will but it was easier to push it out of my head for now.

Next day
Anya's Pov

We're continuing our way to Tondc and there's not much left.

"Did she accepted?" Heda asked.

I'm riding next to her in front.

"Like you predicted. No." I sighed.

Heda told me if she's been hiding for so long in FlouKru she wouldn't accept immediately. I need to earn her trust first.

"Are you even sure it's her?" Lexa suggested.

"She's at the same age and has the same features." I looked back, searching for the girl and found her riding at the end with FlouKru warriors.

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