Chapter XVIII

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Current day...
Clarke's Pov

I looked at Trikova and back at poor Bisson who confusingly looked between us as he gathered his thoughts and connected the messing pieces together.

"You!- you two!?" He suddenly realised and pointed to me and Trikova and she nodded for him.

He was shocked. So was I.
I didn't know that things would turn this way but I trust her with my life.

She's just different from others..

"When!?" He shockingly asked.

"It's a long story but we are running out of time so I'll save the details for later, okay?" She gave him a look and he seemed to understand the situation that we were in, so he nodded his head.

"Raven it's time." I informed my friend on the radio and shortly after we heard the sound of explosion coming from the dam.

"This is your chance Clarke! You have one minute and it starts now!" Raven spoke through the radio.

"Take cover!" I warned and we went back and shielded ourselves, waiting for officer Miller to finish the last touch with planting the bomb in the gates. He hurried back and I pressed the button but nothing happened.

"What is it?" Trikova asked, looking at me worried.

"I don't know, it's not working!" I panic, pressing the button multiple times.

"Screw it!" Lincoln spoke and draw a flaming arrow into his bow and released it, hitting it right into the hole that the bomb was planted and it exploded, making the door open.

"Now we attack!" Trikova shouted raising her sword and the FlouKru warriors cheered behind her and the war horn was once more sounded, sending a signal to the other group of our people hidden in the woods to march towards the tunnels where Octavia and some soldiers are.

We marched through the gates with Skaikru soldiers ahead to cover us with their guns.

I looked at Trikova and she gave me a reassuring nodd in return before the real battle started. That let me know that we will succeed.

The Skaikru soldiers started to shot fire when we came across the mountain men guards. Trikova stayed ahead of me, shielding me with her body. Once more surprising me with her actions.

I didn't know she cared this much about me!...

We kept moving forward as the soldiers succeeded to take out the guards until we reached the elevator.

"Lincoln we're up now! We'll go to the cage room and open the door for our army to march in from the tunnel." I ordered and Lincoln nodded.

Trikova, Lincoln and I left the army to go to the down levels while we go to let the others in.

Trikova kept staying ahead of me, making sure that I don't get hurt and it left me in shock to stare at her body move as she kept shielding herself in front of me. For a moment she looked back at me and made an eye contact but her eyes widened when she looked behind me.

She pushed me a side, pulling out her knife and threw it at a guard, hitting him in the throat before he got a chance to shoot.

She grabbed my hand to make me continue the way behind her as we made it to the cage room.

We walked in but I slowed down, letting Lincoln go ahead of us towards the door that led to the tunnels.

"Clarke?!" Trikova stopped to look at me if everything was okay.

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