Chapter XXI

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It's the next day morning, and the weather looks cloudy. A good day to enjoy riding your horse through the woods.

I'm already outside with Turgut, Bisson, and Dugan waiting for everyone who's coming to with us to get ready.

I felt steps getting closer from behind and turned around to see Octavia, Lincoln, and Bellamy with a few others with them that I assumed were their friends, but I didn't know them yet.

"Trikova this is Murphy, Monty, Harper and Jasper, our friends who'll be joining us too." Bellamy introduced and the four smiled at me.

" Bellamy introduced and the four smiled at me

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"We would be happy to have you. It's nice to knowing you." I spoke genuinely and returned the smile as I reached out my hand. They looked at each other for a second but happily stepped forward to shake my arm.

At the same time, I saw Raven appearing from their behind and they noticed me looking that way and turned around.

"Raven? I'm glad you changed your mind." Bellamy immediately went to hug her.

They hugged Raven, happy to see her deciding to join. I was too. She did the right thing for herself.

"If everyone is ready then we should get moving?" Abby suggested, making us look towards her.

"If everyone is ready then we should get moving?" Abby suggested, making us look towards her

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I nodded my head, approving and the rest of the people who were coming did too.

Me and others started to mount our horses and led them towards the gate. Most of Skaikru people got into the moving machine they call rover that they got from the Mount Weather. Only Octavia and some of their guards were on the horses.

As soon as we were outside, I stopped to look back at them.

"It's wiser to go as fast as we can from here on, until we get close to FlouKru territory, if we want to avoid any danger." I suggested.

"I agree. The other grounders might attack us on the way." Turgut continued.

I looked towards the rover, catching Abby's eyes, signalling her with my head before I covered up my face with my shawl. I nudged my horse to move and speed up with others following behind.

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