(Chapter 16) The First Mission

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It was late in the noon and the sun was falling down.
Takeo had traveled all the way to the direction his crow gave.
Takeo now had wore the Demon Slayer uniform and he wore his dark blue haori on it.
The night has just started, a perfect time for the demons to come out of their hideout.

Takeo watched the temple his crow told him about and it was full of bones and it was covered with a bad smell.
Takeo made steps forward as he watched the haunted temple.
"A sacred place like this once.
Now a forbidden place full of terror and bloodshed!
They will pay for this!"

Suddenly Takeo heard a girl screaming inside the temple.
Without a second thought he entered the temple and it was full of darkness.
Searching for the girl voice Takeo felt someone moving around.
"Of course!
My reckless move is giving him the advantage!"

The demon heard him and started to laugh while lurking in the darkness.
"A newbie for me?
They are really in crisis as the words says?"

Takeo turned on the way the demon voice came.
The demon moves were silent and the darkness was covering him.
Suddenly the demon approached Takeo from behind and tried to attack him.
"You better die sooner!"

Takeo moved a step forward and rotates himself watching the face of the demon.
His reflexes made him dodge the attack and he was ready to counter.
"Breath of The Dragon!
First Form: Dragon's Roar!"

Takeo cutted of the demons hand who underestimated the boy power.

By the shock the demon made steps behind and jumped off in the darkness.
Takeo ran to follow the demon.
"You cant run away now!"

"Breath of The Dragon!
Fourth Form:The Flying Dragon!"

Takeo managed to leave a big slash on the demon body.
"How could he saw me in such a darkness?!"

Before realizing Takeo stood in front the wounded demon.
It was that moment that the demon saw Takeo's glowing blue eyes.
That moment the demon realised that the advantage he had in darkness was useless.
Takeo could see clearly as on day even on the darkness.
The demon ran off and left Takeo alone.
Takeo started searching for him but there were no sign of him.
Takeo started hearing voices again and this time they came from above.
He started running on the upper floor.
The view was terrible.
The place was full of dead corpses and blood.
The fear started to fill Takeo's mind.

Most of the corpses were common people.
The corpses led to a big old door covered in blood and full of scratches.
The scream came from that door and Takeo destroyed it with his sword.
The place was filled with uniforms of the Demon Slayers.
They were all worn by the Demon Slayer that were sent before to this place and now they all are dead.
It was terrible for Takeo to look at how many had fallen there.
On the other hand Takeo saw a girl whom her hand were stuck on the wall and she was screaming in fear.
Takeo immediately freed her from the wall but the shocked girl was only muttering words and this made Takeo worry.
"Are you alright?"

The girl pointed her finger while all her body was shaking.
Takeo looked at the place she pointed and he saw the demon who was eating a human while regenerating his wounds.
Takeo got pissed off by the demon and aimed at him.
"Breath of the Dragon...!"

Before Takeo could complete this form the demon got up with no sign of fear.
"Blood Demon Art:Manipulative Territory!"

Suddenly the ground started to shake and Takeo looked at the demon who was smirking.
Before the boys could even realise a massive of bricks hitted him for the side and he collided on the wall greatly damaged.
Takeo tried to get up.
"Blood demon art?
This demon is no joke!"

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