(Chapter 28) The Purple Storm

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Arashi was breathing slowly as he was trying to minimize the pain all over his body.
He then looked at the unconscious Takeo and gritted his teeth.
"Im sorry Takeo!
It is all my fault!"

He felt guilty seeing Takeo in such a state.
He knew that Takeo kept fighting when he was unconscious.
"You protected me!
You knew the odds and still held your sword tight!"

He calmed himself and got in stance.
"It is my turn now to return the favor.
To do my duty!"

Jirokichi looked down on him.
"Don't push your luck anymore!
The outcome is clear!"

He raised his hands and the invisible army gathered around.
" Just like that stupid kid!
Thinking that they have a chance against me!"

The demon finded enjoyable their struggle.
"This is the foolishness of you humans.
You think that life is give and receive.
You give your all in fighting wanting to achieve victory and protecting everyone.
But what you receive in the end???

The thing is that even when you realise it ,you still continue to fight.
That should be called hope right?

And that's what I want to teach you guys.
That even the hope is a lie.

That kid was quite a fiercy one.
But in the end his resolve and hope were useless!"

Arashi listened to his spechv and was quite annoyed by it.
"You are right that we may know the outcome of a battle.
But that doesn't mean we should surrender.
We humans may be not perfect creatures but that is the catch.
We improve ourselves.

We continue to surpass our limits with all we got.
Putting our life on the line in a battle,
looking at the bottom,
those moments when we try to do more and more.
That is why we continue the millennial battle against you demons.
Takeo was a pure example of it."

The hands attacked Arashi who started to slash them.
(Takeo Fujimura!
He is no regular Demon Slayer and I noticed it from the beginning.
His resolve is as mighty as mine and his will to do more will make him stonger.
His potential is huge and I can tell it.
He has his own flaws as I noticed that he is not so confident of his own power but I think he will overcome that.
I can clearly see myself in him!)

Jirokichi looked at Arashi angrily.
If this is what your truly desire then so be it!"

The hands kept attacking Arashi who has gotten slower from his injuries all over his body but this didn't stop him.
"Breath of Thunder!
Fifth Form:Heat Lightning!"

He released a long ranged slash at Jirokichi who blocked it with his hand by crating a wall but this was enough fro Arashi who dashed through the hands and came near tte demon.
"Breath of Thunder!
Fourth Form: Distant Thunder!"

Jirokichi stepped back.
"The Vengeful Rise!"

Arashi's multi ranged attack was destroyed by the demon who teleported elsewhere but Arashi kept following.
Arashi was trying to attack the demon who just continued teleporting.
"I need to get faster!"

Arashi concentrated himself and began to move faster and faster.
He now managed to to attack the demon.
"His next location would be the place where I less aware of!"

His prediction was correct and he knew where the demon would appear.
Arashi cutted the demon's hand and he kept moving away.

The invisible army kept attacking Arashi but he knew that only going all out on attack would be successful against this demon.
The hands became sharper and one of the stabed Arashi on his back

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