(Chapter 8) Our Master

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Takeo opened his eyes.
He was in a dark place.
"Where am I?"

Takeo was alone and he felt frightened and started walking through the darkness.
But he was not getting out of the darkness.
He started screaming in fear but no one heard him.
Suddenly a giant gate opened and light came from there.
Takeo started to approach the gate and someone appeared in front of him.
Takeo looked at him and he noticed that the person was his brother.
Takeo began to approach him.
"Aniki I missed you!"

Takeo was happy but later realized that he was not reaching out to his brother.
The more he walked the more it looked like Isamu was walking away from him and Takeo yelled.
"Aniki come here!"

Isamu started walking. He was heading to the gate.
Takeo was trying to stop him but Isamu was approaching the gate.
"Please Aniki! Don't leave me here......"
*Dream End*

Takeo woke up immediately and was scared.
Then he realized it was a nightmare.
It was still early in the morning when the others were asleep and he got up and went out into the yard.
He began to think about the nightmare he saw but was unable to find an answer.
Many questions remained in his mind which seemed to be stunning him.
He approached a bucket of water and washed his face.
He looked at his reflection in the water and was shocked.
His face was covered with some dark marks and he was scared.
He closed his eyes and when he saw his reflection again the marks were gone.
Takeo was shocked and he wanted to believe that this was just his imagination.
"What were those marks?
Did they have anything to do with the nightmare?"

Takeo started walking and he looked at his hands.
"What is happening to me?"

Takeo was lost in thought and he suddenly heard Shinjuro speak.
Takeo hid and saw that Shinjuro was near Ruka.
Shinjuro was upset and it was the first time Takeo had seen him in that condition.
"You have to be more careful!
I brought you the medicine you needed."

Ruka was calm and looked at him.
"I have said several times that these medicines can do nothing.

Shinjuro helped her.
"At least you should try it."

Ruka coughed and Shinjuro approached him worried.
"Are you okay?"

Ruka touched Shinjuro's page.
"You know where this will end.
There is no way out of this. "

Ruka smiled.
"I do not want you to be sad."

"You have to look ahead.
You know we are blessed with two wonderful children,they are our future!"

Shinjuro looked at her and stood speechless tears began to fall but he wiped them and tried to smile.
And later he hugged Ruka.

Takeo left there and now he understood what was happening there.
He approached a tree and tears began to fall.
Despite the fact that he had stayed in that house for a while, he had established a strong bond with that family and such news made him very sad.
He was crying and someone approached.

Takeo immediately wiped away the tears and saw that Kyojuro was there.
"Takeo you look sad.
What happened?"

Takeo looked at him.

Shinjuro approached and looked at them both.
"What are you two doing here?
Do you know how early it is? "

Takeo and Kyojuro apologized and left together.
They came with Iguro and went to the hill to train.
They started training and Shinjuro was very strict and sometimes aggressive but the boys continued training because they were very determined to do this.

*Time Skip One Month*
The boys had been trained every day and they had started learning the important things and how to fight.
During a training Shinjuro gathered the three boys.
"Take your swords."

Everyone took the wooden swords and was waiting for Shinjuro who looked at them.
"What are you waiting for ?!
Attack me now! "

The three boys were surprised and they ran to him.
The three they hit tried to hit him but Shinjuro avoided hits and throwed the three of them into the ground with ease.
He approached them and looked at them.
"What was the reason you lost?"

The three of them looked at him.
"We are weak! We had no chance against you!"

Shinjuro was angry.
"Stand up immediately!"

They stood up and Shinjuro shouted.
"Listen to me well now!
You said that you were weak but being weak is nothing to be ashamed of... Staying weak is!"

The three boys heard it and they were happy.
"Yes Master!"

They continued training and later they take a break to eat lunch.
Takeo and Iguro took the food and approached Kyojuro who was eating sweet potatoes.
"Delicious! Delicious!"

They sat next to him and were eating together.
Kyojuro looked at Iguro's snake.
"Cute Snake! Are you going to eat something?"

Kyojuro approached Kaburamru food but he hid behind Iguro.
"I think he's not happy to call him like that!"

Kyojuro patted the snake.
Shinjuro was walking and Kaburamaru hid and Kyojuro was surprised.
"Why were you scared?"

Iguro looked at Kyojuro.
"Master does not accept to bring him here but he can not stay away from me and so can't I."
Kyojuro left him.
"I see it now!"

Takeo was thinking about Shinjuro and the way he treats them and Ruka and he asked Kyojuro.

Kyojuro looked at Takeo.

Takeo asked.
"Is that always how Shinjuro-sama behaved?"

Kyojuro thought and looked at the sky.
"Now that I think about it, no.
He has always been a person who demanded the maximum from everyone but he has been gentler and more kind with us.
Times have passed and he has already changed."

Kyojuro looked at Takeo and smiled.
"But I believe he is the same inside!
He just has his own ways of showing love and devotion to us. "

Takeo listened and was happy.
Later they continued the training and now they understood their Master very well and gave their best in order for them to achieve their dreams.

This was chapter eight.
Takeo now is training hard to continue his journey.
A strange nightmare and marks on his face.What Takeo will find about this mystery?
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