(Chapter 12) The Final Selection

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Takeo and Kyojuro enter the mountain and they look at each other.
"We must seperate now!"

They nodded and wished each other luck.
Takeo wanted to help others so he took the most dangerous path.
He set out for the west side of the mountain where the sun arrives late.
Takeo started to run and to look around.The place looked strange because it was too quiet.
Takeo stopped and looked for anything suspicious.
Suddenly a demon jumped above him and he started screaming manically.
Takeo blocked him with the flat side of his sword and pushed him away.

The demon starts laughing.
"Finally my meal came!"

Takeo kept his distance and aimed his sword at the demon.
The demon ran towards him and Takeo concentrated.
"Breath of the Dragon!
First Form: Dragon Roar! "

Takeo targeted the head of the demon who dodged and one of his arms was slashed by Takeo. The demon stopped and waited for his arm to regenerate. But Takeo approached him immediately and the demon started running.
"Damn it! He is a tough one!"

The demon started running fast.
"You're not gonna run away!"

Takeo stopped chasing him and thought fast.
"Breath of The Dragon!
Fourth Form: The Flying Dragon!"

Takeo released a big slash on the air that reaches the demon in an rapid way and it took time for the demon to notice that his left leg was sliced.
Takeo ran and came out in front of the demon quickly.
The demon tried to get away but now it was in vain.
Takeo began to take a deep breath.
"Breath of the Dragon!
First Form: Dragon Roar! "

The demon tried to react but Takeo managed to kill him.
After that Takeo stood without speaking for a few seconds.
He looked at the demon who was being dust and at his sword and rejoiced that he now managed to kill a demon.
Now he was determined and confident that he could survive.
After that fight Takeo started controlling the mountain for other people and he instructed them all by sending them to the east of the mountain.
Along the way he managed to kill some demons which were not a big obstacle for him.

Takeo spent four days doing the same thing and he finally managed to guide all the people.
During the day he slept but lack of food was a big minus for him and this made him get tired faster.
Takeo began to think that this test was probably simpler than he had imagined.
On the fourth day he was asleep so that he was ready to face the long night when suddenly he heard someone screaming.
Takeo woke up immediately even though it was day he was afraid something was going on.
He followed the noise and approached slowly.
There were two boys lying on the ground who looked beaten while another one was kicking them mercilessly.
That guy was almost as tall as Takeo and he was wearing a black robe which managed to cover his body and face and why Takeo managed to see his gray hair and a few parts of his face.
He was kicking the boys and did not seem to care how much they were begging him to stop.
"You are both weaklings that have no right to even say a word to me.
Useless people that only want to hide behind others and that are just a burden for the humanity.
I am surprised that how you managed to get the courage to enter this mountain but I will not be surprised when I will not see your ugly faces on seventh day.
Just who do you think you guys are?
Why are you here?
Do you know what is the duty of a Demon Slayer or not?"

The boys were standing silent and he kept hitting and Takeo could no longer contain himself as he watched him.

The boy looked at Takeo who was angry and seemed not to be surprised.
Takeo came out in front of him and defended the two boys.
"You have no right to hit anyone on this mountain.
If you talk so much about weak people then if you are strong why are you dealing with them?
I can not allow this injustice to happen!
Weak people need to be protected and not insulted or attacked. You need to go and find an opponent equal to yourself!"

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