(Chapter 5) Former Flame Hashira

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Takei stood in front of the demon who was angry.
"Curse you!"

Takeo spent a lot of energy using his Breath Style, and he was breathing hard.
The demon managed to regenerate his arm.
"You will pay with your life what you did!"

The demon ran to Takeo, who was barely moving.
"My legs are hurting!"

Suddenly, the demon appeared after him.
"Die !!!"

Takeo sat down, avoiding the blow and stuck his sword at the demon's foot.
The demon shouted and kicked Takeo hard, who seemed to have broken his arm.
The demon approached and grabbed Takeo by the hair and lifted him.
"You shit! Even when you're dying, you haven't let go of your sword."
The demon threw Takeo away.

Meanwhile ...
All the farmers were shocked to see that Shinjuro was there.
A farmer asked.
"Was he the former Demon Slayer?"
Another answered.
"Yes, one of the strongest!"

Shinjuro was annoyed.
"Enough talk about me!
A child there is risking his life, and you stay and see in the meantime. "

Shinjuro looked at one of them wounded and thought.

He went to the demon.
"That's annoying! Even retired these demons don't leave me alone!"

Shinjuro went there and saw Takeo, who was lying on the ground.
"Is he dead?"

Suddenly, he saw Takeo move his hand, and he calmed down.
Takeo stuck his sword to the ground, and the demon looked at him.
"So you're leaving your sword?"

Takeo leaned on the sword to get up and looked at the demon.
My brother taught me that a great Samurai never let go of his sword."
The demon was irritated.
"I don't care about your stupid brother!"
Takeo lowered his head and looked silent.
"Take it back! My brother was like a hero to me!"
Takeo was angry. He stood up and looked as if for a moment, the pain had left him.
"Breath of the Dragon!"

At that moment, Shinjuro, who was watching, was surprised.
"That Breath Style ...."
He seems to have been reminded of some old memories.
"Is he the descendant of him?"

The demon was quick and approached Takeo, who avoided him.
Takeo looked around and ran in one breath.
The demon followed him, and he approached a corner.
The demon left.
"He has no way out now!"

Takeo approached the corner and jumped very high, surprising the demon and Shinjuro.
He stepped on a wall and gained momentum.
"Breath of the Dragon!"
Dragon's Roar! "

Takeo slashed the demon by splitting it in two.
Shinjuro could not believe it and approached slowly.
Takeo fell to the ground and looked at the shocked demon.
The demon was shocked and tried to unite his body.
He got to his feet and regenerated and began to approach Takeo with a laugh.
"Now you're more shocked than I was!"

Takeo was really shocked, and he couldn't move anymore.
The demon stood in front of him laughing.
Suddenly, Takeo saw someone approaching.
After the demon was Shinjuro.
He put his hand on the demon's shoulder.
"Fighting a kid?
I know you demons are creatures without pride, but that is beyond disgust!"

Shinjuro punched the demon in the face, throwing him away.
Takeo was surprised when he saw that.
He just punched that demon with his bare hands.
Who is he?"

Shinjuro approached Takeo.
"Give me your sword!"

Takeo gave him the sword, and Shinjuro ran to the demon.
"Breath of Flame!
First Form:Unknowing Fire!"

Shinjuro was too fast, and the flames were following his movements.
Takeo was amazed to see him.
"He could use Breath Style like me!"

Shinjuro approached the demon and cut off his head immediately with a single slash.

The demon began to burn, and Shinjuro approached Takeo.
"You have been badly injured!
Let me help you! "

Shinjuro, look at Takeo wounds.
"You're losing blood."

Takeo tried to get his bag.
"There are some bandages!"
Shinjuro took them and treated Takeo's wounds.
When he was done, he got to his feet.
"Maybe I have to call some Kakushi members to help."

He began to think.
"No, no! They would be late!"

Shinjuro approached Takeo and took him on his back.
Takeo was surprised.
"Where are we going?"

Shinjuro replied.
"In my house. There you will be healed!
And by the way, I am Shinjuro Rengoku.
What's your name?"

"My name is Takeo Fujimura."

"Nice to meet you! So what's a little kid like you doing at night and fighting demons?"

Takeo got angry.
"I'm not a little kid! I'm eleven years old!"

Shinjuro laughed.
"My mistake! Forgive me!"

Takeo lowered his head.
"As for your questions.
I am following the path of my brother because I promised him. "

Shinjuro was surprised.
"You mean to fight demons?"

Takeo nodded, and Shinjuro thought.
"Where is your brother now?"

Takeo got upset and spoke in a low voice.
"He-he ...."
Shinjuro understood and did not talk about it anymore.
"Did you abandon your family?"
Takeo answered.
"Of course not!But in order to continue my brother path, I needed to leave my family."
Shinjuro listened and began to think.

Then they arrive at Shinjuro's house.
He sent him to a room and laid him on a bed.
"Stay here until I call a doctor."
Shinjuro left, and Takeo stayed in bed and looked around.
The room was small, and there was an open window.
He looked out the window, and outside was a large tree that was blooming.
Near it, he saw three wooden swords.
Takeo was curious.
"Does any kid live here?"

Later, Shinjuro came with a doctor.
He treated Takeo and then talked to Shinjuro.
"I treated him, but it will take a few weeks for his wounds to heal."
Then the doctor left, and Shinjuro sat down next to Takeo.
"You heard it!"

Takeo nodded.
He was very curious to know more about Shinjuro.
"I saw you fighting.
Are you Samurai? "

Shinjuro smiled.
"Yes. I have served for Demon Slayer Corp for many years, and I was named Flame Hashira, one of the best swordsmen there."

Takeo was surprised and listened intently.
"You're really strong!"

Shinjuro laughed and then approached Takeo.
"Listen to me here, kid.
I ask you not to become Demon Slayer.
You are very young and you can't do it."

Takeo heard him.
"I am just sorry, but I can't.
My family has served for generations, and I want to continue that.
I know how to kill demons. "

Shinjuro was very serious.
"It's not just about killing the demons!
I have lost a lot of loved ones on this path.
How can a kid like you handle this?"

"That's my reason!
I want to protect them.
I will take any risk."

Shinjuro took a deep breath.
"Today's kids are really stubborn!"

Shinjuro got up.
"You will stay in my house until you recover.
You need to prepare yourself.
Takeo Fujimura. "

Takeo will now stay at Shinjuro Rengoku's house to be recovered.
In the next chapter Takeo will be introduced to new characters.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment.

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