(Chapter 43) The Last Wish

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"No matter how many struggles we face, remember that perseverance is the key to unlocking our greatest potential. Embrace each challenge as an opportunity for growth, and let your determination guide you towards success. It's not about avoiding obstacles but about rising above them with unwavering resilience. Never give up, for within every setback lies the seed of triumph." ~ Tadao Soragoi addressing to Takeo.

A full moon casts an eerie glow through the dense canopy, creating eerie shadows that dance among the trees. The air was heavy with an aura of mystery as Takeo dashed through the forest. His face was etched with worry, and his eyes dart left and right, searching for any sign of his mentor and comrade Tadao Soragoi.

Takeo's body was still not in its best shape as he felt that and panted.
"Soragoi-San! Where are you?"

Takeo's heart pounded in his chest as he navigated through the twisted paths, his footsteps echoing through the silence. The branches of the trees seem to reach out for him, their gnarled fingers scraped against his clothes. He quickened his pace,determination etched on his face.
"Soragoi-san, please be safe."

A sudden gust of wind rustled the leaves, making Takeo's heart skip a beat. He skids to a halt, his senses on high alert. He strained his ears, hoping to catch a familiar sound, but only silence greeted him. Fear creeped into his voice.
"Something is wrong. I can feel it. "

Takeo was desperately trying to find Tadao in that dark forest, but nothing good awaited him there. As the boy was rushing and searching, the Upper Moon One was not far away from him, although they were heading into opposite directions.

Little did he know that fate had something unexpected in store for him on this eerie night.

As Kokushibo sprinted through the night, his senses honed by centuries of training and battles, a flicker of movement caught his attention in his peripheral vision. He slowed his pace, his curiosity piqued. Turning his head, he saw a young boy running not far away from where he was, moving swiftly through the darkness. The boy's features were clear to him, and there was something about his silhouette too that struck a chord within Kokushibo's heart.
"Who is this child?
What is he doing here?"

Something about the boy's posture, the way he moved-it resonated with a distant memory, buried deep within Kokushibo's past. His mind raced, trying to make sense of the familiarity.
When he finally had the chance to take a good look at this boy who was Takeo.He noticed something that a few would notice.
A flame shaped mark in Takeo's forehead.

And then, like a bolt of lightning, it struck him with a jarring realization. The boy bore a striking resemblance to one of the few people Kokushibo had despised more than any other.
"How can this be possible?!"

He gritted his teeth, his grip on his sword tightening until his knuckles turned white.
"That child is one of his direct successors!"

Takeo, on the other hand, had his senses heightened. And in mere seconds, he managed to notice a dreadful presence near him. A dreadful person whose bloodlust what pointed towards him.
"What is this?!"

Takeo felt terribly shocked as he felt for the first time such a malevolent feeling towards him.
He did not know what in the world would somebody do to receive such hate.
In that moment, Kokushibo appeared right in front of him.

A tempest of anger swelled within Kokushibo's chest, threatening to consume him. His eyes blazed with a mixture of rage and grief as he stared at the boy.

Breath of Moon!"

With Tadao...
In the midst of that bloody battlefield, The Water Hashira stood tall, his body battered and broken from the relentless onslaught of his enemie. His uniform was torn, his once gleaming sword stained with the blood of his own dripping from his hand. Wounds covered his body, each one a testament to the fierce struggle he had endured.
"Is this truly the end for me?"

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