(Chapter 31) A Swordsman

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It has started to become darker, and the sun now was gone.
Takeo was walking near a town patrolling around even though he was not on a mission.

He got his sword ready.
"I need to be prepared for anything. Demons can be anywhere."

It didn't take too much, and he finally sensed a demon near.
Takeo ran and followed it and then he found him near some houses.

The demon looked at him and became irritated.
You guys are the most annoying thing for us!"

The demon attacked Takeo, who parried his attack and was ready to counter it.
But when he was ready to move, his body stopped moving, and he started to feel major pain.
(What is happening?
My body won't move!)

The demon noticed this and was ready to kill him, but suddenly someone appeared.
"Breath of the Serpent!
Fourth Form: Twin-Headed Reptile."

In front of Takeo appeared Iguro, who released a horizontal slash who slashed through the demon.

He killed the demon and then helped Takeo immediately.
"Are you okay?"

Takeo nodes and was happy seeing his old friend again.
Kaburamaru slithered in Takeo's shoulder and started to tickle him.

"You are not the reckless type of guy, but after everything you been through, I understand you.
My condolences!"

Iguro hugged him, and then Takeo spoke.
"I am glad to see you doing well.
I think that I was unable to move back then because I didn't follow Dr.Hisoka's orders."

Iguro showed a bit of annoyance when he heard that name.
"That old man!?
I don't like him at all!"

Takeo looked at him and tried to tease.
"Maybe you just hate doctors in overall."

Iguro became embarrassed.
I solely hate him!
S-so d-don't tease me!!!"

The boys shared a laugh together and talked about their adventure until the sun rises.

Later on, they walked around the town, and then Kaburamaru slithered down to the ground and tried to tell something.

Iguro understood him and placed his ear on the ground in order to hear better.

"There is tunnel underground!
And something is moving faster than a human being!"

Takeo looked around.
"It's a demon!
Where does that tunnel go?"

Iguro told him the direction, and Takeo went to the nearest house that way.
A man screams, and Takeo destroyed the door in order to enter there faster.
The demon saw Takeo and ran away.

Takeo took care of the people and followed the demon.
Iguro, on the other hand, was following where the tunnel went, and he suddenly saw a man harassing a kid.
He hid himself and listened to what they were talking about.

"Come on, brat!
Just a little bit of blood!
Let's see if you are worthy or not."

The man grabbed his hand and wanted to scare it.
Iguro noticed that on the back of his right hand was tattoo with 'Devil' kanji written.
(That kanji!!!
Takeo mentioned it before.
These guys work for the demons!)

Iguro went to save the kid.
"Stop right there, you scum!"

The man was shocked.
"A Demon Slayer?"

With Takeo...
The demon was running and destroying everything that came in front of him, making it hard for Takeo to fight.
While his Breath Style can do a lot of damage, it can also destroy everything around.
An old man went out of his house to see what was happening, and he saw Takeo running.
The sun was rising, so the demon got no choice but to hide himself now.
Takeo predicted that.
"He is trying to go back to the tunnel."

The boy took a shortcut and went to the tunnel entrance he saw while was running.
The demon went right there and was shocked to see Takeo already there.
The boy wasted no time and cutted the demon's head off.

After that, he looked around and noticed Iguro, who was following someone.
He followed them and easily noticed that the man Iguro was following was from Akumanote.

That moment, Takeo became irritated and grasped immediately that man.

The man was shocked and looked at Takeo.
"What the?!"

Iguro looked at him.
"You will not run away now."

Iguro tied him.
"What should we do with him, Takeo?"

The man looked at Takeo.
Do you mean that kid who killed Daisuke?"

He began to laugh.
"The Vicious Slayer!
The real deal!"

Takeo stood quiet, but Iguro didn't want to hear him anymore.
"Shut up or -"

"Or what?
You are letting him kill me, too?!"

The man smirked as he looked at Iguro.

He started to scream, and people began to gather around them.
The old man from before pointed at Takeo.
"He is the same guy I saw destroying our houses at night!"

People began to talk and whisper with each other.
Iguro couldn't believe what was happening, and suddenly, someone threw a rock at Takeo.
"Leave him alone, you monster."

After that, everyone threw rock at Takeo, and the man he was grasping ran away.

Iguro then stood for Takeo.
He saved all of you guys.
That man is obviously lying!"

Iguro was trying to change their mind, and Takeo went near him and touched his shoulder.
"Iguro, don't tire yourself!
The only thing that matters is that they are all safe and my mission is completed."

Iguro didn't quite understand him.
"But they-"

Takeo kindly smiled, knowing that his friend wanted the best for him.

Iguro then calmed himself and understood it.

Later that day, they were walking together, and Takeo's crow appeared.
*Craw* "Iguro Obanai and Takeo Fujimura.
Head to Tokyo!
It is in the Water Hashira's region, but he has been busy with many high ranked missions, so you guys should go there too.
This order comes directly from our Oyakata-sama!" *Craw*

Takeo and Iguro were surprised.
"Tokyo is a place where many demons dwell at night.
If Oyakata-sama relies on us, this mission's success is a must."

The boys were all excited, and Takeo was ready.
The Water Hashira!
He is someone who I can rely my training on in order to become stronger.)

Next Destination:Tokyo!

Takeo is ready to meet the Water Hashira also considered as the strongest swordsman within the Demon Slayer Corp.

Taisho Secrets & Rumors:
*As soon as Iguro entered the Group he left speechless many people by his exceptional swordsmanship.
*Realising how weak was the majority of the Demon Slayers and how most of the were treating Takeo he grew irritated by them showing no respect for them.
*Facing the harsh way of this world he was a serious person from when he was a little.

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