(Chapter 44) A New Sunrise

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The sun began to set over the picturesque landscape, casting a warm glow upon a quiet village. The narrow streets were lined with traditional wooden houses, their paper lanterns gently swaying in the evening breeze. People in sombre attire silently, former and current Demon Slayers, Kakushi, Hashira and many others made their way towards a small temple nestled in the heart of a village.
The air was heavy with grief, as news had spread about the passing of The Water Hashira who had valiantly protected the people.

Among the mourners walked Takeo.
Clad in a dark kimono, his face bore a stoic expression, concealing the anguish within.
Although he did not know Tadao for long their bond ran deep.

However, he had made a solemn promise to himself since his brother died to never shed a tear, believing that tears would be a sign of weakness and would dishonour their memory.

As Takeo approached the temple, he could hear the soft murmurs of grief and whispered condolences. The scent of incense hung in the air, mingling with the delicate cherry blossoms that lined the temple grounds. Inside, a solemn atmosphere enveloped the room, where the Tadao's body lay adorned with white lilies.
Takeo's heart weighed heavily as he gazed upon Tadao's peaceful face. Memories of their rigorous training sessions and moments of guidance flooded his mind. He clenched his fists, determined to remain resolute in his promise, though his eyes betrayed the anguish he felt.

The funeral procession began, led by the Hashiras, Kagaya and the highest-ranked swordsmen of the Corps. Hiroshi fell in line behind them, his footsteps steady and measured.

As the procession made its way through the village, the mournful wails of a shamisen filled the air. The haunting melody resonated with Takeo's conflicted emotions, the music serving as a melancholic reminder of both loss and unwavering loyalty.

Finally, the procession arrived at the temple's serene garden, where a solemn ceremony would mark the Tadao's departure from the earthly realm. The mourners gathered around, offering their prayers and bidding farewell to a man who had sacrificed everything for their safety.

As the ceremony reached its poignant conclusion, Takeo's resolve held firm. With every ounce of his being, he honoured his promise and refused to let tears fall. The world around him blurred, as though the weight of his suppressed emotions formed a veil over his vision.
In that moment, Takeo realized that strength came not from stifling grief, but from embracing it and finding solace in the memories that remained. He vowed to honour Tadao's legacy by continuing to protect those in need, wielding his sword with unwavering resolve.

With a final bow of respect, Takeo bid farewell to his beloved master.

In the days following the funeral, Takeo found himself grappling with a mixture of sorrow and determination. He continued to train diligently, pouring his heart and soul into it, as he believed it was the best way to honour Tadao's memory. Little did he know that an unexpected visitor was about to arrive.
One misty morning, Takeo was practising his swordsmanship in a secluded training ground on the outskirts of the village. The rhythmic sound of his wooden sword slicing through the air echoed in the silence. As he executed a precise strike, he sensed a presence behind him.
Takeo turned swiftly, finding himself face-to-face with a dignified figure. It was none other than Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the head of the Demon Slayer Corps. Kagaya, dressed in an exquisite kimono adorned with the emblem of his lineage, regarded Takeo with a mix of sadness and respect.

"Takeo," he spoke softly, his voice carrying the weight of loss. "I have come to deliver something of great importance to you."

Takeo, surprised yet honoured by Kagaya's presence, bowed deeply in reverence. "My lord, I am humbled by your visit. What could you have for me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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