(Chapter 27) The Cursed One

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Takeo's POV...

A small word with a meaning of course.
But for me isn't like that.
I feel like this word has become more associated with me since I was very young.
I feel like I am not a normal guy.
But the thing is that I don't know if I have more or less than others.
It is like I don't know who am I myself.
There are times when I act wildly and times were I act calmly.
I tried to do my best with the things I have but I end up failing or relying on others in the end.
Does this mean that I am just a burden?

My brother would done incredible things in my stead.
I am nowhere near his mightiness.
I am hopeless.
Back in my village I heard many people whisper around saying that I may be a cursed child but my parents and my brother were always there to help me and encourage me.

I want to brush it off but deeply I know that something is not normal.
I dont know what is this curse is capable of doing and it feels like it was devouring me.
And it might affect the people near me too.
I can't do anything about it and yet it will be my fault if something happens.
I don't want this!
I hate this!

POV Ends...

Takeo was in a desperate condition being held by Jirokichi who was mocking him.
Then Takeo became quiet.
Marks in shape of flames with navy blue color came from the left side of his forehead down his cheek.
Jirokichi could feel that an immense rage was born within the boy and he got in guard.
Takeo grabbed tightly his sword like it was the last thing he got.
Suddenly the hand that was grabbing Takeo was destroyed.
Jirokichi was surprised.
He destroyed it?
Did he draw his sword that fast?"

Before he had second thought Takeo was right in front of his face.
Jirokichi saw the emotionless expression on his face and it felt like his eyes saw through his very soul.
Takeo looked and him and said only one thing in a cold voice.

Jirokichi felt that standing near Takeo was dangerous now.
Takeo attacked the demon in immense speed but he managed to teleport himself away.
Takeo's attack was powerful that it leaves a huge crater on the ground.
Jirokichi was shocked now.
(What is going on here?
A different aura has surrounded this guy!
But his power.
It is his own.
Was he holding back till now?
Against me a high ranked demon?)

Jirokichi understood the situation and smirked.
"You are a messed up kind of a human!"

The invisible hands attacked Takeo who got in stance.
He took a deep breath and looked around him seeing every inch of the area.
Tha hands attacked but for him it was like they got slower.
He destroyed every single hand like it was nothing.
Jirokichi added more power to them.
"So you can even read hundred of attacks at once."

Jirokichi got in air.
"Lets spice things up then!
Sinfulness-The Curse Above The Land!"

A giant hand covered the sky and was ready to destroying anything it touched.
Takeo looked at it and jumped on air.
"Breath of The Dragon!
Fourth Form:The Flying Dragon!"

Takeo swung his sword with all his power releasing a powerful slash who managed to destroy the giant hand up on the sky with a huge explosion.

Jirokichi didn't let him rest for single second because he knew that wrong moves would be fatal now against Takeo.
"The rage that is driving you is on another level!
The tension!"

The demon attacked Takeo with all his invisible hands but they seemed to be useless because every single one was cut down by Takeo's immense speed on swinging his sword.

Jirokichi smirked and tried to provocate Takeo.
He created a hand that was aiming right at Arashi who was still unconscious on ground.

Takeo noticed it at when right in time to protect Arashi but another hand caught him off guard this time and punched him hard enough that he went far away crashing inside a house.
"In the moment you show the slightest bit of another emotion beside your rage it makes you weak!"

Takeo was trying to get up and other Demon Slayers who were protecting the residents in the order of Arashi noticed him.
"Hey! Are you alright?!"

One of them tried to help him but Takeo immediately got up by himself.
The Slayers could feel his rage and stepped backwards.
His body and face was covered on stains of blood and he looked at them.
"It- It is a MONSTER!!!"

They ran away in fear and Jirokichi released long ranged attack with his army in the direction of Takeo.
"How you will respond this while protecting the residents?"

Takeo took a deep breath and was ready.
"Breath of The Dragon!
Second Form:The Hurricane Dragon!"

The attack came and Takeo showed no hesitation and destroyed the whole house countering the attack.
This got Jirokichi speechless and Tackle ran from afar with his techniques on destroying the hands that came on his way.
He then jumped in order to gain enough momentum to land a powerful strike directly at the demon.
"I know!
That face, that look filled with hatred!
You are reminding me of a certain bastard I know!
Could he be a relative of yours?
Either Way he is on our side!"

Takeo landed his powerful attack but Jirokichi teleported away.
The ground started to shake and the dust got up covering the area.
Jirokichi made sure to get his distance.
"I acknowledge the fact that I undoubtedly underestimated you guys."

Jirokichi put his left hand on the right side of his chest and he was ready to reveal a new technique.
"I didn't want to use this but you left me no other choice."

Taleo was dealing with the hands inside dust when he noticed that the demon was ready for something.

Jirokichi was ready until Takeo's sword came thrown from the dust by Takeo and stabbed his hand and went throught his chest.
Jirokichi was shocked.
He predicted it.
Could it be that he was seeing through me all this time?)

Takeo dodged the hands and in no time grabbed his sword who was stuck in the demon's body.
Concentrating all his power on his grip of the sword he started cutting through the demons body from right side of his chest up to the left side of his neck.

Jirokichi got some feeling that he didn't experience for ages.

He felt fear!
This got him angry.

He hardened his flesh in order to stop Takeo who was cutting through his body.
(He got me off guard with that first strike and now I can't use my invisible army against him.
On top of that, the kind of Breath this guy uses make my body crumble in immense pain.)

The demon raised his hand even though he was hesitating.
He was ready to punch Takeo when he felt that the boy stopped cutting through his body.
(Was my flesh too solid to cut?)

He then looked at the boy who started to shake.
All of Takeo's body started to shake in pain and suddenly he fainted in front of the demon.
Jirokichi got surprised and he removed the sword and regenerated himself completely.
"Huh? Are you joking around?"

The demon bursted laughing.
"Don't tell me?
Your body reached its limits!
No wonder why you can't handle that power for a long amount of time."

The demon looked at the boy mercilessly.
"I think it's time to rest!"

The demon launched his invisible army to kill the defenseless boy.

"Breath of Thunder!
First Form:Thunderclap and Flash!"

Arashi appeared out of nowhere and destroyed the army and took Takeo away.
"Did you forget me?

The Dragon showed its fangs.
The Thunder strikes again.

Taisho Secrets & Rumours:
*What Muzan think about Jirokichi: He is a bastard, but nonetheless he know how to do his job.

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