(Chapter 40) A Threat Incoming

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The sun had risen, and the battle had just ended.

The night was gone, and so were the few demons who managed to escape from the three boys who protected the village.
Or at least the people of that village who were now almost destroyed by the fire and the demons attacks.

The people left the Wisteria trees and went to look around the village for survivors, and so was Kyojuro, who helped them.

Kyojuro was looking in the ruins of the houses, and then he saw Masachika rushing toward him with a concerned face.

Kyojuro looked at him and smiled.
"Masachika, I'm glad that you are fine."

Masachika stopped running and took and breathed, collecting himself.
"I'm glad that you're fine too, but Takeo is nowhere to be found!"

Kyojuro looked at shocked.
"No way!
He must be around somewhere! "

Kyojuro immediately rushed to the side of the village where Takeo was.
"Now that I recall it, I did hear some big explosion coming from here, but I had my hands full at that time and couldn't come here."

Masachika was following him.
"You were farther than me from Takeo, but except that explosion, I was feeling a strong pressure coming from here also.
The kind of pressure who was being controlled by something at will.
Like a predator who threatened anyone who came near him.
It felt so strong that my assumption would be that a very strong demon appeared at Takeo's side."

Kyojuro was more concerned now and started searching around for his best friend.
He and Masachika looked everywhere and suddenly a man from the village started shouting that he found someone.
The boys rushed to him and saw a house that was completely destroyed as if something large landed upon it.
They helped the man and removed the ruins until they finally found Takeo lying unconscious beside some shattered blue flowers.
He was all beaten up, and the palms of his hands were bleeding.
His sword was destroyed to pieces because it couldn't handle the overwhelming power of the forbidden forms of Dragon Breathing.
The boy was alive and seemed to have entered a deep slumber because of the big exhaustion.

His friends were glad that he was alive and took great care of him.

After Kagaya Ubuyashiki heard of this, he immediately requested that Takeo should be sent to his mansion to be cured.
After two days , Takeo's body was all fine except his swollen hands, but he hadn't woke up from his slumber since that day.

Kyojuro and the other stopped to see him whenever they had time, but the condition of Takeo didn't change.
But someone who visited him every day was Tadao.
Seeing what happened that night, Tadao felt himself guilty that he hadn't been there.
"I myself can't describe Takeo's condition.
All I can say is that he may have entered a state of coma."

Tadao was upset, and he clenched his hands and looked down.
"I'm sorry, this is all my fault!
I again failed to protect someone who looked up to me and had faith in me.

This is how I am.
A failure, don't you think so, too?"

Kagaya looked at him bowing.
"The sun today is pretty beautiful, don't you think it is too?"

Kagaya looked at the beautiful scenery of his yard.
"Let me ask you something, Tadao Soragoi."

Tadao raised his head and looked outside, too.
"How many people have been able to feel the magnificent sunshine again because of you?"

Tadao knew what Kagaya wanted to say, but he didn't interrupt him.
"You sacrificed too much, but you also saved many more innocent people.
You've met my father.
Masashi Ubuyashiki.
He always said to me this:
Don't view the people who are part of this organisation as assets, but rather as a blessing."

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