(Chapter 21) The Kinoe Prodigy

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* Flashback *

Isamu was sparring with Takeo in their yard.
Isamu was overwhelming the confused Takeo who did not expect this kind of fight with his brother.
Takeo was tired and suddenly he sat on the ground.
"Enough Aniki!
I surrender!"

Isamu laughed and approached him.
"You are done already?!"

Takeo laid on the ground.
"What did you expect from me?
I am still learning basics of swordsmanship and you already are showing me no mercy!"

Isamu gave him a bowl of fresh water.
"The tougher the training is, the more you can achieve by but you know that."

While Takeo was drinking Isamu tried to hit him with his woden sword but Takeo blocked him him with the bowl.
"See now?
You don't even let me drink in peace!"

Isamu was surprised.
"You act so normal while having those high sense of reflexes Takeo!"

"I don't know !"

Takeo got up and grabbed his sword.
"Sometimes my body moves instinctively on its own on certain occasions and I can't tell why it does that on such a accurate way."

The young Takeo got scared.
Do you think I am possessed by something?"

Isamu got worried about his brother but tried to cheer him up.
" That is not true!
It is in our blood by being descendants of great swordsmen.
You are blessed with those skills Takeo!"

Takeo was relieved and Isamu got in stance.
"Shall we continue now?"

Takeo was ready!
"Bring it on!"

*Flashback ends*

Takeo was standing in front of an unknown person who seemed to know him well.
The person smirked and got in stance.
"Breath of Water..."

Without continuing the word he attacked Takeo in the glimpse of a eye.
This caught Takeo by surprise, but his body moved on his own and he managed to draw part of his sword to block it.
By mere seconds the two of them were close to each other.
They share the same surprised look.
The person stood back and the silence covered the place until the person started laughing.
"I guess they really knew why you should have such a nickname!"

Takeo got serious.
"Stop messing around!
What is your intention?"

The guy got confused.
Hold on there!
That was just a greeting!"

Takeo still didn't believe him as he approached.
"You may have heard about me or not.
I it is not that I care much."

He stretched his hand to Takeo and smiled.
"I am a fellow Demon Slayer.
My name is Arashi Murasaki."

Takeo looked at his hands and it seemed that he didnt have any suspicious mark on them
He then looked at him in the eye.
(He does not seem like a bad guy.)

Takeo gave his hand.
"Takeo Fujimura.
That was sure a malevolent way of greeting!"

Arashi shake hands with him.
"Don't give me the cold stare!
I hope we get along well."

Takeo got surprised.
"Get along?"

"Yes! We are on the same mission!"

Arashi's crow showed up there.

"Demon Attack!
Demon Attack!
Head west immediately!"

Arashi became serious.
"We should get there fast!"

Takeo noded and they ran at the direction.
They were running at the same speed.
Arashi looked back if Takeo was following him and smirked.

Suddenly he speed up and left Takeo far away.
Takeo became annoyed but continued to follow him.

What is the deal with this guy!?
Total Concentration Breathing!"

Takeo increased the amount of breathing and he catch up to Arashi in no time.

Arashi was surprised when he saw him again.
"Don't tell me!
Total Concentration Breathing?
That is a massive achievement by a newbie!
What rank are you in Fujimura guy?"

"Nothing is impossible when you are trained by a great master.
I am Kanoto rank right now!"

Arashi was surprised.
"That is some rapid growth!
But be aware because I am your senior.
I am Kinoe rank."

Takeo looked at him.
"That explain your capabilities!"

"How is old man Shinjuro?"

Takeo got surprised.
"Not very good unfortunately.
Wait What!?
How did you know that I already know him?"

Arashi smiled.
"You used the same phrase that someone who was trained from him use too!"

Takeo looked at him with curiosity and knew that he have much to know about Arashi.

Arashi jumped in a building and Takeo followed.
"Well then!
As your senior it is my duty to give you some tips about this mission."

Takeo noded and was ready to hear him as they ran.
"Number one: People safety is our priority.
Never start a fight without making sure everyone is safe.
Number two: Hide your sword when guards patrols.
The Government hasn't acknowledged our Corp yet so you might get yourself in trouble."

Arashi jumped off the building and entered a house.
"Number three!"

Suddenly a demon showed up from above and Takeo drawed his sword.
Arashi was completely ignoring the demon and was looking at Takeo with a smile.

The demon attacked and he dodged it like it was nothing while still ignoring him.
"Analyse the are you are in and never let your guard down!"

The head of the demon was cutted off in glimpse of an eye by him making it look like it was severed on its own.

The demon and Takeo shared the same shock.
(This guy is insane!)

"Let's go!
We have a demon to kill!"

It wasn't him?"

They got out of the house and they heard a scream.

They went there and Arashi immediately protected the guys who was being attacked by another demon.
"Fujimura guy!
This guys are wounded!
I will stay here, you go after the demon!"

Takeo noded and followed the demon who was trying to escape.

The demon was fast so Takeo speed up to catch him.
Takeo got near the demon who was shocked when he saw him.
"Breath of The Dragon!
Third Form: Dragon Claws!"

Takeo cutted down the demon but later he turned into smoke.
"Damn it!
That was a trap!"

Takeo looked around and noticed the real demon running away.
"The real one is too fast I should try another way before he hides.
"Breath of The Dragon!
Fourth Form: The Flying Dragon!"

The slash was going near the demon faster and managed to cut his arms but he still kept running.

Takeo then continue running too but he noticed someone near him.
"Breath of the Thunder!
First Form: Thunderclap and Flash!"

The person outran Takeo in an instant and went right in front of the demon making it like he was teleported.
The demon was greatly shocked when he saw him and Takeo looked at him there.

Arashi smiled as he saw the demon.
"Be shocked by the Thunder!"

Arashi cutted off the demon's head in a instant and cleaned his sword.
"This mission has just begun Takeo Fujimura!
We gonna head to Kyoto!"

It seems that Takeo has joined a big mission.
With Arashi by his side will they fulfill their duty.
Arashi Murasaki has made his entrance how much impact will he make in the story?

Taisho Secrets & Rumors:
*Arashi is called a prodigy in the Demon Slayer Corp since he climbed up in the rank of Kinoe in only six month.
*He knows about Shinjuro since his own father and Shinjuro were great friends and Shinjuro often visited him when he was still a Hashira.

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