Chapter 3: Stand off

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Negan hollers out, "well, shit. I'm sorry. I was in a meeting. I see you got your little mudflaps with you." I can see Rick hiding behind one but no one else yet. Negan speaks up again, "so I'm not exactly feelin' a reason for us to try throwin' lead at each other. I care about my people." He boasts loudly, wanting everyone there to fight to hear him. "I don't want to just march them into the line of fire because I want to play 'my dick is bigger than yours.' It is. We both know it." He gives me a quick wink then returns back to calling out, "but I'm also comfortable enough to accept the fact if it wasn't. I'm certainly not gonna let my people die over that shit. Like you're about to." He takes two steps to his right and asks, "so, Rick, what the hell can I do for you?"

"Dwight." Rick peaks from his hiding spot and points up to Dwight. He goes on, "your name's Simon. You're Gavin. I see Sadie-Mae" I drop my head, praying he knows I'm not up here willingly or in any kind of power, "and you?" He asks the other female on the ledge with us.

"Regina." She spits back.

Eugene "Rick, I'd feel remiss if—"

But rick interrupts him, "No. I know who you are. Listen, you six. The Saviors inside. All of you have a chance to survive here. To survive this. You all can live if you surrender. Can't guarantee it any time but now."

"Rick!" I call his name, but Negan puts his hand up to stop me from moving to say something. Simon raises his gun to point at me and I back down, lowering my head and stepping back.

"So they surrender... and you and your little piss patrol doesn't kill them. That sounds like a good deal!" He sarcastically hollers and smiles, "what about me, Rick?"

Rick is cold in his response, "I told you. Twice. You know what's going to happen."

Negan answers, "I do. I do know what's gonna happen." He paces the small area as he reloads, turning his chest toward Rick again, "you don't. You have no idea the shit that's about to go down. Let me ask you something, Rick. Do you think you have the numbers for this fight?" Rick doesn't respond, and Negan knows now to pull his card, "you don't. Simon?" Simon waves Gregory out and onto the ledge. He stands there, trying to look confident. I can tell he's scared as shit. Negan asks Gregory, "what do you have to say to Rick and the piss patrol, Gregory?"

"The Hilltop stands with Negan and the Saviors. Any resident of the Hilltop who takes up arms or who supports this ultimatum against the Sanctuary or any of the Saviors, for that matter -- they will no longer be welcome in the colony" he tries to sound tough, and firm. I look out though, and no one is moving.

"And?" Negan pushes.

"Their families will be thrown out and will be left to fend for themselves." He adds on, but still no one from the hill top leaves.

"And?" Negan is getting impatient, this isn't what he wanted.

I try not to smile as Gregory tries harder to get his former followers to listen, "go home now. Or you won't have a home to go back to."

Negan yells, "you heard the man. Go back to separating wheat and shit or whatever the hell it is you people do."

Another few seconds go by when Rick calls back, "doesn't look like anyone's goin', does it?"

Gregory tries again, "Hilltop stands with -

But Jesus' voice commands itself over his, "the Hilltop stands with Maggie!"

Simon turns to Gregory, annoyed, "I feel... like I invested a lot in you," he is pushing himself closer to him, making him step backward, "and I am very, very disappointed." He pushes his chest and Gregory falls backwards down some steps.

There's an explosion a few miles away and my gut tells me that's where Daryl is. Although my heart sinks that he's not here for me, I know it's part of the bigger plan. Negan shouts, "sounds like shit is goin' down, Rick."

"You're gonna have to make up your minds." Rick calls out.

Gavin, who Rick named for me tries to slow things down by commenting "maybe we can take a time-out here --"

But Negan isn't having any of it, "no. This has to happen now. This is the only way."

No one moves. No one agrees. So Rick says, "you're gonna make me count." He chuckles, "Okay. Okay. I'm counting."

He gets down to 6 before starting to shoot. I quickly head back inside, shocked and worried about what the hell the actual plan is or was and what I can do to help.

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