Chapter 19: One More Time

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A/N: trigger warning: self-harm

When we get inside the trailer, Daryl locks the door. He turns around but looks at the ground when speaking, "I uhh, well I wasn't expecting things to go down so quickly."

"Daryl," I whisper his name, "whats wrong?"

He looks up at me with furrowed eyesbrows, "can we just.. can we be together. One more time like old times?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, not following.

He steps closer to me, and takes my hand and we sit on the bed. He rubs his neck and says, "I missed you. And I don't know what's gonna happen out there today."

I smirk at him, knowing what he's getting at now. Although I'm going to say yes, I ask him, "what about the "I don't want this to be the last time we do this" thing?" I ask playfully, using his words against him from all those months ago.

He quickly has a response though, "yea, and then I thought I was neva gonna see you again. It was hell without you here, Sadie-Mae. And if this could be the last time we spend together, I want it to be together."

I smile and nod, putting my hand on his cheek, "yea, I get that." I move my head closer to his and we start kissing. Since there's not a lot of time, Daryl soon stands, taking me with him. We both begin to undress and when we're down to our undergarments, Daryl directs me to sit back down. He goes to my ankle, running his fingers gets softly over them. I lay back on the bed, savoring the chilly sensation he's causing to run through my body. Every few inches he leans down to kiss where his finger traced, and he moves slowly up my legs. He gets to my thighs, and his hand pushes them apart. He starts to trace around, and it's then I remember my leg, "Daryl, I—"

I try to explain, but he cuts me off, kissing the recent cut softly before saying, "I'm sorry I didn't try more to get you back." He kisses it again, "I'm sorry you felt you had to do this again." He moves to the other leg, and I try to tell him the truth. That it wasn't in the Sanctuary I started cutting again, that it wasn't Negan's fault, "I'm sorry I didn't protect you." He says. But before I can explain, his lips move from my thigh to my core, and his tongue causes my body to shake, and his sucking brings my feet onto my toes, and everything I wanted to say is out of my head and I can only think about the pleasure he his giving me right now. When Daryl is satisfied with making me cum twice, he stands up and pulls his boxer briefs off. He lays on top of me and begins to kiss my neck. I open my legs wider for him and he pushes himself in. He starts off slow, and kisses me to match the pace. But soon enough, he pushes himself harder and deeper inside of me, making me cum again as he starts to release himself. When he's done, he falls to the side but swings himself onto his back. He pulls me over to him, and we're inches from one another's face, "I love you. Always remember that."

"I love you, too." I say back, laying my head on his shoulder for just a brief moment. The moment is gone too quickly and we both know we have to get up, get dressed and go.

Although Daryl and I are together for the mission, we stay a part as we walk. Him in the front, me on the side. We get to the first location, spotting the team Negan sent out setting up with the dead. We quickly take them out, easily with our weapons. They didn't see it coming. I do my best to make sure it's quick for the two I shot, going directly for the head. As we walk around to make sure they are all done, we find another map with a different plan on it. Rick explains to everyone, "they're lining up Saviors on the Old Mill Road. That's where Negan will be. We have to get to Negan before they figure out what happened here." He pulls out his radio and clocks over, "Maggie."

He waits and she responds, "I'm here."

He informs her, "it's time. It was a trap. So we're changing the plan."

Rick tells us, and Maggie through the walkie at the same time, "we go over the open field. Get to the high ground, start picking them off. Negan's line of defense will be long gone by the time he gets there."

Everyone nods and mumbles in agreement, and we change directions towards the open field. As we walk towards the top to get the high ground, Rosita spots it first, "Oh, Jesus." She comments.

I head Jerry echo out, "holy damn."

I look to where they are and see it, "what the.." I comment, shocked at how many dead are hearded together, I ask out, "you ever seen one that big?"

"No." Rick replies, "things are changing. Let's go."

I do my best to not look over at the heard of thousands and thousands of walkers just miles away from us and continue forward. Another 15 minutes go by when we hear car engines come to a stop. We all freeze, pulling our weapons to and aiming them in every direction. Negan's voice comes over the walkie, loud and confident, "well, damn, Rick, look at that. Pegged again. Pegged so very hard." He pauses, and I can hear Rick's angry breath pick up, "I ambushed your ambush with an even bigger ambush."

Rick respond on the walkie, "how about you step out and face us?!"

Negan boasts back, "oh, I am everywhere, Rick. Some more bullhorns, more walkies. Pick a direction to run. See how you do. Make it fun for all of us." He waits for a response, but he doesn't get one so he continues, as he usually does, "guess what else I did. I brought you some of your old friends. You remember your old buddy Eugene? Well, he is the person that made today possible. Same goes for Dwighty boy here. In case you were wondering, he didn't ream you on purpose. No, he is just a... a gutless nothin' that sucks at life, and now he gets to stand up here and watch you all die, and he's gonna live with that. Gabriel, well..." he cocks the gun so we can hear it, "he's got to go, too. We are cleaning house today, Rick. And then... there's you. It never had to be a fight. You just had to accept how things are. So... here we go. Congratulations, Rick." He clicks off, but only for a a few seconds. I can hear my own breath in my throat, wishing there was some other way to end this. But Negan starts to count, "three," and I know a lot of us, if not all of us, "two" are about to die, "one!"

His army shows themselves at the top of the hill. They go to shoot, but they all start yelling and dropping to the ground screaming. All of them, weapons dropped and on the ground. Rick yells, "Now!" And all of us push forward.

When I get to the top, I hear Maggie call out, "he's running!" I look around to see what's going on, and try and figure out what exactly happened. Eugene did something to the gun, or to the ammo, and he gave us our shot. I see Dwight, hunched and resting against a car and I lower my gun to go help him get free.

"You ok?" I ask him as I approach. He looks up, beaten and bloody but nods. I release his hands and help him up. We give each other a nod, and I help everyone else, who's collecting the saviors who are surrendering.

As I look around, and see everything covered. I make my way over the hill a little more and see Rick and Negan, standing. Although I want to help, I know I can't. Negan wants Rick dead. Rick wants Negan dead. I don't want either to die. So I stand there, waiting for the final conclusion of this battle. As I stand and wait, I can hear footsteps behind me. Before I go to turn, I see Rick move then Negan fall to his knees. I drop my head, take a deep breath and accept the ending. When I look up again, Rick is facing all of us, and yells out "save him!" Although I'm shocked to hear him say it, I run forward with Siddiq to help Negan. To save him.

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