Chapter 29: Blood Promises

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It only takes a little less then an hour to drive the hilltop from Alexandria. When we are a few miles out, Rick directs Michonne to radio in, "let them know you are coming in with Sadie and she needs to see Siddiq immediately. Ask them to have Enid there as well."

I grab Negan's hand through the pain and do my best to not scream. After the intense pain subsides briefly, I huff to Rick, "what about you?" Breathing threw the lingering pain that doesn't go away.

"If they see Negan with me, they'll take their shot at him." He looks back at Negan through the mirror.

He smirks up at him and says, "im just here to make sure Sadie's ok."

"You're coming back to Alexandria with me.. tonight." He snarls harshly back.

Maggie radios back and asks what's going on, but Michonne just says, "she needs his medical attention. Stat."

"Uhh, guys.. I think there's another problem." Negan says, and I look to him with worried eyes, he mutters to me as Michonne looks back to see what he is referring too, "you're bleeding. A lot."

"I can't carry her by myself." Michonne whispers to Rick.

Negan tries, "let me carry her in. I'll place her down, you uncuff me, cuff me to a wall or whatever, take me back. But let's not waste time Sadie and this baby don't have trying to figure what to do with the big old bag guy who's actually  just helping here."

Rick mumbles, "shit. Fine." The doors to the hilltop start to open as they drive in swiftly.

"What happened?" Maggie comes over to the truck as we park. She stops at the door when she sees Negan and pulls out her weapon, "what is he doing here."

"Maggie, please." I plead through labored breaths."

"Let us get her inside and I'll explain everything." Rick pleads, staying in the driver seat.

"No." She insists, "why did you bring him here?"

Michonne got out of the car and whispered something to her. I arch and yelp through another contraction and her eyes adjust. They look between negan and myself before stepping aside and lowering her gun, keeping her finger on the trigger.

"Where?" Negan asks in a huff as he slides out of the truck. Rick points and directs him to where he wants him to take me and he jogs the best he can to the door. Once inside, Siddiq takes over and starts giving out orders. He directs Rick to get more towels, Enid to undress me and check my dilation and Michonne to shut all the blinds. Negan just stands next to me, still handcuffed and holding my hand.

"Siddiq!" Enid calls out in a shaky voice a few minutes later, "I feel a head."

"This is happening now. Move." He directs her, and takes a seat below the stirrups. "Sadie, I'm going to need you to push. There's no stopping this. You've lost a lot of blood we have to move now."

I push thorough some tears but nod, trying to adjust myself to get into a better position to push. "Get Negan out of here." I hear Rick order to someone.

"Push." Saddiq tells me, and I squeeze negan's hand as hard as I can and yell through a push "ahhhhhh."

Siddiq says, "ok, hold on, 10 seconds then push."

Negan starts to count slowly "1. 2.." and no one moves to remove the handcuffs and take him away, "push" he directs when he gets to 10.

Siddiq shakes his head, "there's a lot of blood."

I swallow hard, and whisper up to Negan, "I need you to tell Daryl I love him."

"You can do that when this is all over." He squeezes my hand softly, "just get ready to push again." He waits for a signal and squeezes my hand, "push."

I do what he says and push with everything I have, "when he comes to see you, tell him I loved him. Tell him I'm sorry." I say after through my labored breathing. He looks down towards the doctor then back up at me and nods.

Siddiq directs again, "one more push, on three. One. Two. Three." I push as hard as I can, until I hear Saddiq say, "take the baby"

"Tell him?" I ask Negan to promise me.

He nods and assures me, "I'll tell him." My eyes shut and I black out.

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