Chapter Thirty-Seven

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uh hey guys...

you hurried down the stairs, the persistent knocking on the door had woken you from what was quite possibly the best nap of your life. "what the fuck do y- oh no."

Lindsay stood on the other side of the door, tapping her foot impatiently. "wait!"

you felt Lion brush up against your foot, growling up at her.


"is that a Lion?!" she screeched. "i, uh, didnt know you and Steven were still together."

you blinked. "did you hear that we had broken up?"

"no, but no one usually stays with you this long. so i was gonna offer my condolences to him. and my services if he wanted."

you groaned. "get the fuck out of here lindsay, no one wants your AIDs."

you heard the chime of the warp pad, and Steven entered the house. "did you just say AIDs?" he joined you at the door, looping an arm around your waist. "oh, Lindsay. makes sense."

"hey!" she whined. "i'm leaving, but Steven, if you ever want to upgrade... call me."

"i would rather stab myself." he smiled.

Steven twirled you around, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "i missed you. you should come to work with me."

"i don't want to watch you write things down all day." you shuffled into the kitchen while steven clung to you like a child. "let me go, i can't move my arms."

Steven shook his head. "i missed you."

"i missed you too, but i'm reeeally hungry."

"you can snack on this di-"

"STEVEN!" you jumped away from him, watching him burst into laughter.

he opened the cabinet above the microwave. "i'm kidding! i'll make some nachos."

you pushed yourself up onto the counter, swinging your legs back and forth. "do you want to watch Shameless?"

"what about Demon Slayer? we only have one episode left!" Steven put the chips and cheese in the microwave.

"but... Carl Gallagher." you insisted.

"but... Inosuke." Steven countered.

you groaned. "you make a convincing argument. but if i go too long without seeing ian and mickey i might die." Lion rested his head on your knee, looking up at you. "which show should we watch, Lion?" you asked, cupping his head the best you could in your hands.

he blinked and his paw up on your foot.

you whooped. "Lion says we watch Shameless!"

Steven feigned a look of heartbreak. "Lion, how could you?" when Lion padded away he scooted over to you, placing his hands on the counter on each side of you. "please..."

you rested your hands on his shoulders. "you're cute, but no."

Steven leaned in, placing a chaste kiss on your lips. one of his hands cupped the back of your neck, and you arched into it. before you could move your hands up to his hair, he pulled back abruptly.

"hey!" you tried to pull him back in, furrowing your brows when he moved away completely.

he smiled smugly. "so... Demon Slayer?"

"oh my stars, fine! just don't leave me hanging again." you grabbed his hand, pulling him towards you.

steven grinned, wrapping his arms around your middle. "yay!"


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