Chapter 29

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Two weeks later

We had finalized all paper work and made plans on how to move. Sadly, James had been mentioned. The letter had been delivered to James already and the court meeting was today.

I had picked out one of my many official wears, some slacks and a shirt along with a black blazer. Giving one last look at myself through the mirror, I agreed with my reflection that I looked good enough for a quickie, not like that's what I expected. Turning around to leave, I looked at myself once more and agreed with my reflection that I had put on weight since I got home. Of course I would blame it on the fact that I ate away my anxiety, not that it worked though but a girl has to hope.

Getting up to leave, I immediately felt a bit queasy when I walked too fast towards my bag that I'd left in the parlour. Rushing to my bag a bit faster, I unzipped it and grabbed at the packet of veggie crackers I'd gotten so used to for a week now. Pushing off any form of negative thoughts, I left for the court.

On my way there, I kept going through all the facts. For the duration of court meetings I wouldn't be able to communicate with him. Hopefully with the fact that we were a drug law enforcement agency, we would get a really good lawyer. I really want his father to pay not only for the crimes against humanity and the drugs he had provided to addicts, but for the way he had messed up my relationship with his son.

I tried to not take this personal but it was. As much as I tried to exempt myself from the case, I was now a major witness of what could boost my whole career. I had kind of gotten used to giving a statement so I knew how to play around the questions that would be thrown at me.

As I stood at the door to the court, I tried to get myself in order. Other days I had walked into the court imitating some power walk I had only ever seen on the television or some health fanatics jogging down the road, today, though the doors of the court seemed to be too heavy to open by myself. I tried once more to get myself in order, trying to lock away every trace of emotion left in me, I stepped into the building with a stoic face, and you'd think I had come to say good riddance to a cheating partner.

Without any stress I made my way into the court room, quickly noticing Charles, a colleague at work who had always been much too stuck up for me. Finally the proceedings began and before I knew it they were calling James up. Only seeing James handcuffed although it was sort of a turn on in a kinky way, I couldn't bear to stomach the sight. I excused myself quietly and left to the bathroom, locking myself away and bawling my heart out.

I didn't want him in jail. Never!

I couldn't stomach the fact. The guy that was undoubtedly the father to my unborn children couldn't do time in jail, not even a day.

Suddenly the wave of nausea I had begun to welcome swept over me and I began to alternate between vomiting and splashing water on my face. Of course, I wouldn't dream of sitting on the toilet after the amount of barf I had thrown there.

I began to scatter through my bag, remembering that the pregnancy test Richey had insisted I carry around when I had started complaining of morning sickness although I had put it as nausea, like I was just tired after keeping late nights.

I decided to put an end to the annoying part of me that kept saying I was carrying James' child. I don't know who I was trying to prove wrong though but as I peed on the stick and waited for the result, all possible case scenarios popped into my head.

Case 1: I wasn't pregnant and James still went to jail.

Case 2: I wasn't pregnant and James didn't go to jail.

Case 3: I was pregnant and before I could tell James, he'd been sentenced to life imprisonment and when I tried to break the good news, he despises me and tells me I didn't fight for him so therefore I could suck his jailbird d**k.

Case 4: I was pregnant, he was sentenced to life and he still told me to bring the child over for visits.

Case 5: I wasn't pregnant, he did a few years, got out and we started trying for a child....

I peed on the stick and waited for the result. I didn't know when I had started murmuring a silent prayer but I did. I don't know if I prayed the stick would be positive or not but all I know is that when I looked at the stick, I knew it was God's way of telling me I was going to keep him this time.

You get it though, the scenarios were infinite and I would never know if I didn't go back and find out. As I stepped in though, I heard the verdict.

He had been sentenced to a year of rehabilitation for drug abuse.

I was lost. Where were the handcuffs, the press struggling to get in? Where was everything? I began to question Charles as to why he wasn't smiling as much as I had hoped.

"Well, where you I start from? (Swear) I don't know how we didn't realize that we were being played earlier (swear) the fool was only given a year rehab which he'll obviously travel out to do and come back looking hotter. Just look at his face" he said as he scowled at James who winked at me.

"Did he just do what I think he did? Great, the fool is hitting on you too" Charles said and I chuckled. He could be so adorable sometimes.

I'd seen a lot of movies to know it would go a lot better for the both of us if I told him the good news immediately. That is if he'd take it as good news. Even if he didn't take the news well, this baby is mine. If he wanted to just be a sperm donor then so be it.

Trying to focus on the good side of everything, I pushed the violent thought out of my head and focused on trying to get a moment alone with him, hoping I'd find the words to pass the message ever so subtly.

Scanning the faces of the officers, I thanked God that I was on a first name basis with them. After greeting them and asking them for a moment with James, they agreed but I could see the look of confusion and shock on their faces. I didn't really mind though. I'm not answerable to them.

"You see what I did there?" He cockily said, referring to how he was able to waive all the allegations.

"I'm not here to talk about how you belittled my work because right now I'm thankful my baby daddy isn't going to jail" I said and smiled.

"Did you really think Nigeria could lock me up?" he said and smiled.

I gave him a second to go through my sentence, waiting to see his reaction and it was worth the wait. His face shifted to one of pure joy and I finally saw the new James and I felt for him a little more.

"Are you serious? No jokes, no pranks. You're PREGNANT!" he said a bit too ecstatic as he shouted the last part in joy.

"Keep your voice down, OK. I just found out like 10 minutes ago"

"And you told me first"

"Duh, you're the dad. You deserve to know first"

"I can't leave my baby mama..."

"Wife" I pitched in, retrieving my hand from my back and pointing at his ring on my finger.

"Fiancée" he said and smiled.

"I'll allow it" I smiled back

"I was trying to say I can't allow my baby and my wife to stay alone in Nigeria. I'm going abroad to serve my rehab year and I want you to come with me. I have everything all mapped out and I'm leaving in a week's time. I'm not forcing you into doing anything but I don't ever want to be apart from you again"

"It's about time. I don't think Nigeria wants us to be here anymore. I'm coming with you for sure"


Long time, no read but I'll try to speed up the process now. the academic year has been stressful and i feel bad for not helping you ease up the stress with our very own #CB

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