Chapter 22

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What the....?", the voice I knew too well said, holding back a curse.

Oh, no, no, no. This can't be happening. Part of me knew I needed closure from the spectacular relationship I'd had with the one and only James Llock, who was this irritated at being ran into.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking. I dunno something had flown into my eye and I needed to get water or something. I hope I didn't stain your shirt. Oh my God, you're not going to throw me off the ship right. I can't lose my job on the ship...", I rambled off.

I'd already began questioning myself. Why would I rant out like I was the real Jade Freeman? To me, it goes a bit farther than not wanting my head served for a late night snack. I don't know why I felt the need for this gorgeous specimen who I'm trying to bring to book, to accept me?

He wasn't meant to be on board but I had my suspicions about meeting him. Why else would he release the boat that he cherishes? He couldn't just have wanted to let the crew take it out for a spin? This is like one of his most, if not his most prized possession. I know that as an agent, I have to have enough information on my client but this particular one was as a result of my incessant check ups on him, emphasis on the check up, I'm a grown woman, a 27 years old woman, stalking is for teenagers. I just make sure to find out the happenings in his life, at least 4 times a day. I have my self dignity. I mean unless Instagram decides to start releasing the names of people who view his profile and for some unknown reason, he checks that. Then I have nothing to hang on to. Let's hope Mr. Zuckerberg never thinks of this.

I knew at some point I'd meet him. Call me a fool but I had the hope that he'd be making himself ready to reconcile with me. I know I'd seen him with so many girls over the years and obviously he's still alive so he's following his father's orders but what if he enjoys doing it now.

I mean its been 10 years since I last saw him, face to face I mean. Its been barely a day since I stalked him on Instagram but that doesn't count. So I shouldn't be able to predict him right. He'll be so different. A lot of things have happened since we last talked and he had to go through all that alone.

"Hello....", his voice said drawing back from the great beyond that is my mind.

"I zoned off again, didn't I?", I said obviously mortified.

"Yes, you did. I just asked if you're OK?", he said, lifting his eyebrows up.

James Llock, that I had been informed about is so hardened that he doesn't care about what happens even to his most trusted men.

" Yes. Thanks. I didn't ruin your shirt did I? I'd offer to wash it for you but I don't even know my way around laundry unless you brought your personal dry cleaner. Of course you do, you're James Llock. Did I say how much of an honour to be breathing the same air with you. I mean when I got this job, I was like Ima get you to sign all my clothes but I had to go and ruin your private cruise...", I rambled off this time purposefully to try get on his good side since I'd seen a little hole to wiggle through into his good side.

It would probably make my work easier if I'd get some of the invoice of the orders from some popular drug dispensers, that is if they do write invoices. I mean everything is so digital now. I should probably get his phone or laptop instead.

"You're the cook, right", He said with what looked like the shadow of a smile on his face.

" Oh yes sir. Should I call you Sir? I don't know but well. Jade Freeman at your service Sir. Oh no. You didn't like the meal. I know beef isn't my strong point but I promise to wow your pants off with breakfast", I said smirking inside because I know the rambling might be the way into his heart or at least the safe side of the maze that is James.

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