Chapter 15

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I laid down staring at the ceiling in Richy's room as we talked about this whole situation with The Lock. Somehow we both knew we'd have to part soon and the whole room was heavy with sadness as we reminisced on the past times.

He kept reminding me of the first time we tried the monkey bars, how he'd always been the one to push me while I used the swings in the playground at home. He reminded me of how we used to sneak out of the house to make mud pies. How our first taste of alcohol from the local bar made us almost swear off drinking. All those memories that I would have to hold when I move.

I feel it in my bones that I'd soon have to leave. I haven't had time to create memories with James but by God he had etched his name on my heart, mind and brain. For once my whole being was in an agreement on the fact that it really doesn't take months for you to know that you love someone. I mean after all we love our mothers at first sight but when it comes to that one person you're to give your heart to, you become weary. Man had spoilt the holy sacredness of love, using the word without thought but when it is genuine, I feel you're whole being has to agree on that one solid ground.

"Ruby, James is here for you", Brylee shouted from the living room.

I stood up from the bed and tried to straighten the little creases on my yellow sundress I put on as I stepped out of Richy's room. Trying to clear my head of all the sad thoughts, I put on that fake smile I started to master years ago.

" You don't have to be fake happy around me. You can sulk", he said trying to encourage me to tell him what's up.

"I'm not sulking", I said refusing to feel what I knew was.

"Your baby eyes say different"

"Lies", I said pouting.

" Your adorable when you lie baby. Hey Bry, can I take Ruby out for the day? She'll be back on time", He held my eyes as he spoke to Bry.

"Sure. Why not?", Bry said waving us off while she typed away on her laptop.

He walked up to me, his eyes never leaving mine as he slowly laced our fingers together. We have held hands a lot but this was different especially when he had looked at me with so much intensity.

They say the eyes are the gateway to your soul, well that saying has never been more right. As he stared into my eyes and I his, his eyes held so much adoration but at the same time so much pain. Like he already knew we were on a countdown in this relationship.

Friday makes us a month and its been a beautiful ride and now its about to be cut short because of a gang we both know nothing about. Its really disheartening that fate has to play a horrible joke on me. I look at him and see the same love I have for him, radiating in his eyes when he looks at me and soon we'll have to move on and act like we never gave each other the best times together.

This leaves me wondering if, just if we ever meet up, will we be able to rekindle our flame? Will we have found a love stronger than what we share in the embrace of another? Will we still be drawn apart by life or will we be able to fight and make it in one piece?

As I got downstairs, I was expecting to see an Uber or Bolt as usual so when I only saw Bry's car and a bike, I cocked my eyebrow up in curiosity as I saw him approach the bike.

"You own a bike?", I said in shock.

" Yeah", he said like it wasn't a big deal.

"This is a big deal. I don't think you know that? I'll ask again, you have a bike?!", I said, my face giving off the excitement I felt.

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