Chapter 13

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I woke up earlier than Ruby and tucked her in nicely. I made to leave after telling Richy I was going and leaving him with enough info to handle his best friend in case she still wakes up cranky. Conversations with Richy are always spontaneous because when he's not trying to hit on me, he's giving me annoying answers to serious questions. He's a good guy though.

The driver avoided all the major roads to not get into traffic. By the time I got home, mum was setting the table for dinner and Pearl, my sister didn't wait to be called down today and was actually helping to set the table too.

"Pear, how you doing?", I said giving her a bear hug and smiling at her back knowing what was coming next.

" Mum... Jamie won't stop calling me that", she whined.

"And how's my favorite girl", I said laughing and pointing at my mum.

"You seem happy. Did she say yes yet", she laughed, acknowledging my greeting.

" She didn't say no. I mean she said yes a week ago but...", I said.

"You just had to make it official. We know, we know. Gosh you're such a sap", she said interrupting me.

" So when is my son bringing an actual girl home", mum said.

"You know I can't guarantee that", I said sadly.

"Well at least I hope she'll be better than Aimee", Pearl said and we all laughed like it was the funniest thing since stand up comedy.

"I told you guys I never liked Aimee", I whined.

" You guys did seem all clingy", Pearl insisted.

"You guys know father was all about the deal", I said trying to wave off the topic of Aimee with the main elephant in the room.

"You did make it all happen", Pearl said spitefully.

"You have to stop referring you're your father formally", mum tried to correct me.

"Make what happen", My father's voice boomed signifying his presence.

"Nothing honey", my mum squeaked as she fidgeted.

" You know how I hate secrets", my father aid in a warning tone.

"Its really nothing Sir", I said to end the discussion.

" Well let's eat", he said nodding at me, knowing better than to start a fight in front of my mother.

We all sat down to eat. Normally I wouldn't be bothered to have a family dinner but when your father is a control freak like mine, you just have to stay on his good side and knowing who he is to the world instils more fear in you. We all eat in awkward silence afraid to let anything we say be used against us.

"So James, how is your year going?", my father said with an inner meaning attached.

" Good", I said not looking up at his face.

In my father's games, I resort to near silence. A regular father won't ask about my year. A regular father would ask about school or how the holidays were going but my father is dysfunctional. Mum can't say anything because she's somehow blinded to just how rotten her husband is and I try to shield Pearl because I can't have her caught in the crossfire of it all. I'd rather take a bullet for her.

Later after dinner which only had that question and answer conversation as the only conversation a close knit newsworthy family like us had, I retired to my room to avoid further conversations and even altercations with anyone. My mum and Pearl respected my privacy because they were used to my sour moods around my father ever since Jack.

Of course my father wouldn't be the devil's right hand if he didn't annoy me further so it was no surprise when the intercom beeped and I heard his voice all the way from the study telling me to be there immediately.

I don't know what more he found out about me as he always keeps tabs on me. That's why the only real friends I have are Micah and Brylee until Ruby and Richy joined the clique.

As I walked to his study, my mind relays all the events from the time he left on 'Business' till now. I laid low as he wanted, hung around he house,.no shady friends. The only thing I did was break it off with Aimee. That's how I knew where he was going to hit and began to put on layers as I knocked on the door to step in and be met with those cruel, guarded eyes. Eyes as guarded as mine.

"You called", I said.

The sooner this starts, the sooner it ends.

" What's this I heard about you breaking it off with Aimee", he said just as I suspected.

"It is what it is", I replied coolly.

" And when did I authorize you to do so", he replied sternly.

"I don't think its your call anymore", I said looking him in the eyes.

His eyes looked at me like I was the funniest thing Basketmouth ever said as he laughed at my expense for minutes before sobering up.

" My son thinks he calls the shots", he said with a hint of humor.

"If only mum knew..."

"Silence! Knew what? The words you could open your trap and say would mean nothing once I tell my darling wife you're lying. Do I really need for remind you what happened to Jack when he tried"

"Do not mention Jack to me", I said closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Is my son traumatized? I can do a lot worse to you and I know you knot that", he said menacingly.

I just hummed in reply.

" That's not why I called you here though. My sources tell me of a 5ft5 chocolate tan, pink full lipped beauty you have wrapped around your finger. Remind me of her name again"

"There's no one like that", I sneered at him.

" Ruby Blues, ah Ruby. Your old man still got some game. All I want you to do now is keep up with that arm candy"

"You mean it pops", I said suspiciously.

" I give you the go ahead and I get my father title back"

"Why are you doing this? What's in it for you?"

"Can't you just accept that your old man wants the best for you"

"I find that very suspicious"

"Well then consider it... A favour"

"Are we done here"

"You can leave"

I didn't even bother to say a thanks as I stepped out of his office banging the door out of frustration. What exactly could my father want from my relationship. Of course I knew I was drawing him in by using the car to go visit her on many occasions but I really didn't think he'd be so happy about this. My father never gives anything without having strings attached to it. I learnt that from Jack.

That's the 13th chapter. Who do you think Jack is? Bet you thought the story ends in Aimee fighting to get James but the plot is much more bigger and we're just climbing up to the climax now.

How bad do you think James father is? Why doesn't the mother know? What do you think about this chapter? You've read these questions will you leave a comment 😏? Don't forget to vote too. The story's getting hot now!


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