Chapter 23

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"Babe, you've been asleep for way too long. What are you dreaming of", a sweet voice that always rang in my subconscious called out from what seemed like the other room.

" Anything to get away from Charles. Its your turn to change him anyway", I said to myself, fearing that if I opened my eyes, I'd have to do it.

The fact that I'm mentioning a Charles made me open my eyes wide, everywhere looked so familiar. It couldn't be my one bedroom apartment. As much as I'd spent money setting it up to keep my heavy heart at bay, this was way too big. Every detail was so much more emphasized in this king sized room.

From the red flowery patterned curtains that flowed down from the roof to the floor to the ash beddings and the duvet made to look like a large dollar bill, it all seemed too familiar to me. It felt so homey. The door decorated to the tee with little stars most left blank on the back but surely as I stepped put of the room the first three stars had a heart on it. Just like James and I had planned.

Curious to know who's voice made my breath hitch enough to live with him in what was an exact replica of the house James and I had built up in our minds, I began to walk around. Slowly going from room to room in a long corridor, every hung painting had art that couldn't be seen in any museum, more priceless than the work of Picasso to me. They had DIY paintings and art works at every interval that separated a door, just like James had agreed to.

Seeing all the paintings somehow made me get a little more guarded. Who did I expect to see in this world that seemed too real. Who would be comfortable enough to agree to the decor that was too personal. Part of me hoped that James would be the one at the end of the hall because the outline of a man sure as hell looked like him.

I thought I'd tiptoe towards him. That way if it wasn't him, I'd act less down than I would if I just tried to call the attention of the man standing there, cradling what looked like a baby of three months. It was a lovely sight that pulled at my heart's strings.

"You know my body senses your so called ninja moves?", The man said as he turned to look at me.

Everything stopped and I couldn't take the suspense. Eyes closed, I said a tiny prayer to God. Praying that the rock hard outlined back with muscles flexing a bit voluntarily, and the same mane of black hair would be the same man I dedicated my life to.

"I know you don't want the baby to see you but it doesn't help when you close your eyes", he said chuckling as I opened my eyes.

It couldn't be. After all my prayers, it was James. Looking the best I've ever seen him. He didn't have his usual ticked away jaw clenching look, he looked absolutely at home with this beautiful baby in his arms.

A bit overwhelmed with happiness, I covered the little distance between us, smashing our lips together, wanting to engrave this memory in my heart. The little baby kept gesturing for me to carry him with his hands.

Laughing, I took him in my hands and twirled, raising him to feel the current of breeze at the top just knowing he'd like it. He smiled the best smile with all his gum out on full display. If knowing that this beautiful man who rested his jaw on my head, wrapping his arms around my waist, was the man of my dreams, didn't make my day. Then seeing this gummed smile from the spawn of this man certainly did.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Rolling over, I swiped off the alarm on the iPhone I'd been given for this mission. For some reason, my head hadn't wrapped around the fact that it was morning. So when I still dosed off, my back up alarm rang at the perfect time.

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